

中文摘要 第一梯次土壤分析結果異常之測點,可能污染源及其應因對策,彙整如表4.2-7所示,其中北竿鄉塘崎村軍魂發電廠旁軍方油庫、東引鄉樂華村北澳油庫及中柳村崇廉營區加油站等測點之測值,雖未超出土壤污染管制標準值,但仍建議 貴局將北竿鄉塘崎村軍魂發電廠旁軍方油庫及東引鄉樂華村北澳油庫列入第二梯次之調查對象中,以釐清土壤污染之控制成效。另針對東引鄉中柳村崇廉營區加油站部分,則建議 貴局亦列入第二梯次之調查對象,以確認污染程度。 仁愛村電池山下游新設標準監測井之淺測土壤測點,其可能污染源為上風處約200公尺之電池山場址,由於目前該場址 經貴局要求,過去已進行植生復育整治工法配合人工撿拾污染源方式改善受污染之土壤,惟目前該場址仍見許多廢電池,,且無任何防護措施(如不透水布對土壤層之覆蓋等方式),故該場址對鄰近之敏感受體仍具一定程度之危害性,因此,建議 貴局可依據土污法施行細則第八條,持續要求該場址之負責單位,立即進行土壤污染改善作業,以確保鄰近居民之健康安全。 另針對南竿鄉清水村建設局之畜牧場、南竿鄉復興村20據點鄰近太平洋養雞場及北竿鄉午沙村港旁農田等三處測點,鋅含量均超出食用作物農地污染監測基準值,建議 貴局應持續進行該三處之監測,並進一步針對同性質場址,納入第二梯次之污染源調查對象。 二口地下水標準監測井及四口地下水簡易井於民國98年12月11日至14日進行設置,另地下水標準監測井設置基本規格。監測井設置過程,本計畫均會由水文地質師或具監測井設置豐富經驗之工程師於現場監督,並填寫「現場監工要事記錄表」以確實執行各項監測井設置之品保品管作業;此外,於鑽孔過程中,將持續收集機具鑽出之土壤鑽屑,依序擺放於現場,以便觀察比較土壤性質之變化,並確實填寫地質柱狀圖於記錄表中。藉由連續土樣採樣結果,由水文地質師或現場工程研判可能之地下水位(地表下深度),以設計適當之鑽孔深度、開篩長度與井篩設置區間範圍。 設置完成後,以RTK儀器量測井位座標及絕對高程值,此外亦利用所得數據以美國環保署線上場址參數估算網站,估算地下水之水位梯度及流向,詳細數據如表4.3-8所示。監測井資料如地下水位紀錄表、土壤取樣紀錄表、監測井構造紀錄表及現場監工要事紀錄表。 地下水部份 (1)高污染潛勢區水井中,南竿鄉福沃村福沃港(新設簡易井/ZWS-12)之導電度值達47,900μmho/cm(一般海水之導電度約在40,000至60,000μmho/cm之間)、總溶解固體濃度達32,000 mg/L(>35,000 mg/L即可視為海水)及氯鹽濃度達17,100 mg/L(一般以500 mg/L判斷指標為海水入侵之重要指標)等情況,研判應與用地屬海埔新生地構築,可能受海水之漲退潮影響所致。 (2)一般地下水之溶氧值通常< 3 mg/L,但若< 2 mg/L時,同時pH值<7時,監測井體將易產生腐蝕現象。於地下水之調查結果中,具有此情況之水井者,包括北竿掩埋場山坡監測井、南竿焚化場(編號ZWS-02監測井)、午沙村軍魂發電廠旁抽水井及北澳油庫內之場置性水井等四口,故建議 貴局未來是否採井中攝影或井體維護方式,以確認井體是否已產生腐蝕現象。 (3)98年度之監測井地下水調查結果,西莒靶場(編號ZWS-05監測井)之氨氮高於地下水污染監測基準,研判除了應與監測井旁即為公共廁所之化糞池或地下管線洩漏有關,亦與地下水之低溶氧環境下易形成氨氮有關。此外,高污染潛勢區水井之仁愛村聯合保修廠(新設簡易井/ZWS-10)之氨氮值亦超出地下水污染監測基準值,研判應與井位旁即為週遭特性有關(軍方公廁、北海坑道遊憩區)。 (4)雖連江縣地下水之揮發性有機物含量均符合法規標準,但仍存有微量之揮發性有機物存於地下水體中(如氯仿、萘、三氯乙烯、1,2-二氯乙烷及TPH-d等),其可能來源與對人體造成之危害性,另對於含有揮發性有機物水井之可能污染來源及建議管制方式。其中針對水體含有揮發性有機物之水井,建議納為持續監測之名單並釐清可能之污染源,而揮發性有機物接近飲用水水源水質標準之水井,則應要求鄰近居民,勿將此井水做為飲用水使用。
中文關鍵字 土壤、油庫、農地、地下水


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 3080 千元
專案開始日期 2009/09/01 專案結束日期 2010/08/31 專案主持人 林金德
主辦單位 連江縣政府環境保護局(停用) 承辦人 陳瑋鴻 執行單位 亞新工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98年 定稿(全).pdf 18MB
英文摘要 The possible source and countermeasures for pollution at the investigation points which are found to be abnormal according to the first soil analysis are summarized in table 4.2-7; in these points, the values detected at the military fuel depot near Junhun Power Generation Plant, Tangqi Village, Beigang Township, Beiao Fuel Depot, Lehua Village, Dongying Township and the gas station near Conglian Camp, Zhongliu Village do not exceed regulatory standards but it is suggested you include the said military fuel depot and Beiao Fuel Depot in the second investigation to clarify the effect of soil pollution control. It is also suggested that the gas station near the Conglian Camp, Zhongliu village, DOngying Township be included in the second investigation to confirm the extent of pollution. The source for the pollution at the shallow soil investigation point setup in standard monitoring well at the downstream of Dianchi Mount, Renai Village might be the site on the mountain about 200 m in the upper wind direction; at this site, the polluted soil has been improved by means of plantation rehabilitation method and manual elimination of pollution source according to your requirement but there are many wasted batteries which are not disposed of by any protective measures (such as covering the soil with impervious cloth), so the site might pose a certain degree of risk to the sensitive recipients near the village; thus it is suggested you may continuously require the entity in charge of this site immediately reduce the soil pollution in accordance with article 8 of the Rules For Implementing The Soil And Water Act to ensure the health and safety of nearby residents. The zinc concentration at the three investigation points including the husbandry site, construction bureau, Qingshui Village, Nangan Township, the Pacific Poultry Farm near the 20th unit, Fuxing Village, Nangang Township and the farmland near pier, Wusha Village, Beigan Township exceeds the crop farmland pollution thresholds; so it is suggested that you keep monitoring the said three sites and further include sites of the same nature into the second pollution source investigation. Two standard groundwater monitoring wells and four simplified groundwater wells were set up from Dec. 11 to 14 2009 and the standard wells conform to the basic specifications. The personnel in charge of the plan, together with hydrological geologists or engineers experienced with such setup supervised the setup of the wells on-site and filled in the “Record of on-site supervision” to assure and control the quality of the wells thus set up; in addition, during the drilling process, the soil drilled by the tools will be collected and sequentially placed on-site to observe the changes in the nature of soil and a geological bar graph will be included in the record. The results from continuously collected soil samples help the hydrological geologists and the engineers on-site determine the possible location of groundwater (depth beneath the surface) to design the proper drilling depth , the length of screening and the ranges of the rigs. After the setup is completed, the coordinates and absolute elevation of the well location is measured by RTK gauge and the obtained data are also used in the estimation of the gradients and flow direction of groundwater in accordance with the parameters posted on US EPA online site; see table 4.3-8 for detailed data. The data on the monitoring wells include groundwater level records, soil sample records, monitoring well configuration records and major on-site event records. As for the groundwater pollution, (1) In the wells of high pollution potential, the conductivity value at the Fuwo Port, Fuwo Village, Nangan Township (a newly setup simplified well/ZWS-12) reaches 47,900μmho/cm (the conductivity of seawater generally ranges between40,000 and 60,000μmho/cm ), the concentration of total dissolved solids reaches32,000 mg/L (if this exceeds35,000 mg/L, the water can be considered seawater ) and the concentration of chlorides reaches 17,100 mg/L(500 mg/L is generally considered to be a major indicator for determination of seawater intrusion), so it is concluded that this site is a juvenile structure near the tidal land which might be affected by ebb and flood of tides. (2) The oxygen dissolution value in groundwater is generally< 3 mg/L and if it is< 2 mg/Lwhile its pH<7, corrosion are prone to occur in the monitoring well body. The groundwater investigation results show that corrosion might have occurred in four wells including the monitoring well at slope of the Beigan landfill, Nangan incinerator (monitoring well numbered ZWS-02 ), the water pumping well near Junhun power generation plant, Wusha Village and the well erected at the site of Beiao Fuel Depot. Thus it is suggested that you take photograph of the well interior or maintenance of the well to confirm if corrosion has occurred in the well. (3) The results from the investigation of groundwater in the monitoring well show that the ammonia nitrogen concentration at Xilv shooting range (monitoring well numbered ZWS-05) exceeds the groundwater pollution threshold and it is concluded that this excessive concentration is connected with the leakage of the underground pipelines of the septic tank in the public toilet and the fact that ammonia nitrogen is easily formed under the low oxygen dissolution conditions in groundwater. Besides, the ammonia nitrogen concentration in the monitoring well of high pollution potential at the Lianhe maintenance factory (a newly setup well/ZWS-10), Renai Village exceeds the groundwater pollution thresholds; it is concluded that this is connected with the features near the wells(such as military public toilets, resting area at Beihai Canal). (4) Although the volatile organic concentration in groundwater at Lianjiang Town complies with regulatory standards, traces of volatile organic substance exist in groundwater body (such as chloroform, trichloroethylene, 1,2-dichlorethylene and TPH-d) and the pollution source might harm human bodies; it is suggested to control the pollution source of volatile organic substance in the well. It is particularly suggested to include the wells containing volatile substances into the list of continuous monitoring list and clarify the possible source while the residents are required not to use the wells which comply with drinking water quality standards but approximates the volatile organic substance source.