

中文摘要 本計畫以擴大健康風險評估制度應用層面與追求制度效益的思維下,配合土污法以風險為基準進行污染場址管理的概念,針對現行健康風險評估配套措施進行強化工作,完成多項指引之研擬,以及針對現行評析方法與風險評估參數值進行檢討與更新,以使整體風險評估執行面的工具更加完善。同時,參考先進國家健康風險評估方法,完成食物鏈相關之風險評估方法。另針對健康風險模擬系統完成服務功能強化,以及配合「土壤與地下水資訊系統整併作業」整合工作,加強國內有關污染場址健康風險評估執行工具的功能性。另為將應用工具進一步實務化,也以強化本土性的執行實務為目標,完成國內二處場址的第三層次健康風險評估實作,呈現以現行評析方法進行健康風險評估的完整面貌,縮小評析方法與執行實務之間的落差。 針對以風險為基準之污染場址管理架構,本計畫建構從場址發現、危害評估、整治決策到整治過程之監控機制的污染場址管理雛型。藉由風險溝通指南與民眾參與執行辦法的建置,進一步將風險溝通機制納入整體制度,以使權責人員於污染事件中,在與利害關係人溝通時,能獲得必要之資訊以及執行溝通的參考。 在協助健康風險評估制度之實際推動與執行方面,本計畫藉由專家諮詢會議,獲得不同領域與不同特質之利害關係人的意見,對於整體健康風險評估制度的長期發展、風險溝通制度的整合,以及現有制度與執行工具的強化方向等均獲致豐碩的成果,也為整體健康風險評估制度,確立與污染土地再利用結合的發展願景。 本計畫除建構以風險為基準的污染場址管理藍圖,亦為污染土地再利用與健康風險評估制度,規劃出二者結合之途徑與整合架構,可作為長期制度與政策發展之參考。在面對環境永續的意識高漲之時,建議應以國土永續利用為目標,積極建立土壤與地下水污染場址的風險分析系統與相關制度,以作為污染土地再生與國土永續發展的重要基礎。
中文關鍵字 健康風險評估;第三層次健康風險評估實作;風險溝通與民眾參與


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-GA101-03-216 經費年度 098 計畫經費 10000 千元
專案開始日期 2009/04/13 專案結束日期 2010/10/12 專案主持人 黃智
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 陳瑞霖 執行單位 財團法人中興工程顧問社


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 土壤及地下水污染場址健康風險評估評析方法延續性檢討修正計畫期末報告(定稿).pdf 37MB

Amendment of the Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Sites

英文摘要 This study has focused on expanding the human health risk assessment (HHRA) application and on enhancing the framework of contaminated site management with regard to the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act (SGPRA). To further strengthened the HHRA related system, several new guidelines were drafted. For the existing assessment protocol, the food-chain related risk assessment method was added to the HHRA Guideline and new functions were added to the risk simulation system. Thus, the tools for conducting HHRA under the SGPRA are improved. In order to provide information to practitioners about the procedure of conducting Tier 3 HHRA, two contaminated sites were selected and the case studies were completed. The results of these case studies should also exhibit the functionality of narrowing the gap between the HHRP protocol and practicing. With respect to establishing a risk-based contaminated site management framework, this study has proposed a framework which would be able to assist authority to manage contaminated sites from discovery to closure based on risk. To make progress in risk analysis system, a risk communication guideline and a public involvement procedure were established. With the guidelines, the stakeholders and responsible parties will have a consistent reference when conducting a risk communication task. Furthermore, this has also integrated the risk communication with existing risk assessment framework and makes progress in establishing the risk analysis system for contaminated sites. To steer the development of the risk assessment application under SGPRA, a roadmap for risk-based site management and risk assessment protocols was plotted out. The roadmap has collectively bring together opinions and suggestions from experts of related fields. The roadmap has explicitly connected the HHRA and contaminated site revitalization. It can not only be the vision for future development of the risk assessment and analysis system for contaminated sites, but also becomes a foundation of sustainable land use and brownfield program.
英文關鍵字 Human Health Risk Assessment;Tier 3 Risk Assessment;Risk Communication and Public Involvement