

中文摘要 計畫執行成果摘要 1.臺南市未定檢機車稽查作業,計畫期程中,巡查未定檢機車輛數為23,611輛,其回檢率為86.1 %;車辨稽查未定檢機車輛數為27,370輛,其回檢率為90.1 %,未定檢車輛稽查共計50,981輛,回檢率為88%,而在定檢通知明信片寄發數量則達391,332件,符合計畫目標391,000件之數量。依據環保署公布98年度定檢率,達到109.96%,全國排名第三名,遠大於合約中承諾定檢率88﹪;納管率也高達99.3%,全國排名第六名,也超出計畫承諾的90%許多。路邊攔檢數為1541輛,包含二行程機車檢驗629輛次,四行程機車檢測912輛次。其中二行程不合格90輛,不合格率14.31 %;四行程機車不合格29輛,不合格率3.18 %,平均不合格率7.72 %,經分析發現不合格比例最高之族群,為從來未實施定期檢驗之車輛。。 2.本計畫共完成定檢站定期查核352站次、不定期查核97站次、實車查核88站次、氣體查核88站次、定檢站教育說明會3場次及表揚大會1場次,其中實車查核在98年度查獲重大違規3站次,其餘查核項目皆無重大缺失,以上工作量皆與合約要求相符合。 3.98年度老舊車輛汰舊及低污染車輛補助計畫推動,二行程汰舊部分共計申請5,000件;電動輔助自行車補助共計申請500件;LPG雙燃料改裝補助共計申請49件,此項補助已於98年7月31日移交環保署辦理,若以電動輔助自行車替代四行程機車加上二行程汰舊削減及定檢不合格機車複驗合格之削減,則提供污染物削減量:TSP 0.07 公噸/年、NOX 2.85公噸/年、NMHC 378.65公噸/年、CO 1,636.73公噸/年及THC 55.24公噸/年。99年度在低污染車輛推廣方面,除既有之電動輔助自行車補助外,尚增加電動自行車及電動機車補助,而在二行程汰舊方面,則針對20年以上老舊車輛加碼2,000元補助。 4.根據環保署公布之資料,臺南市在四月份成績相當優良,通知檢驗率為分組第2名,案件處分率為分組第1名,案件處理日數為分組第2名,自評成績為全國第1名。 5.本計畫於期程中,共辦理大型宣導活動3場次,小型宣導活動5場次,內容包括低污染車輛推廣及試乘活動、機車預約定檢、機車定期檢好康獎不完、99年補助案宣導等多種政策宣導。且完成四則動畫,賀卡、塗鴉及小遊戲各一則之製作提交,上述之動畫皆可以在臺南市環保局網頁中的動畫錦集內觀看。
中文關鍵字 計畫執行成果摘要


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 7255 千元
專案開始日期 2009/05/05 專案結束日期 2010/05/04 專案主持人 陳靖民
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 莊雅絮 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98期末定稿.pdf 31MB 98年度臺南市移動污染源稽查管制計畫

98Year The audit and control project for the mobile pollution sources

英文摘要 The annual project ”Tainan City mobile sources of pollution control business“ Since the plan period-May 5, 98 to May 4, 99. The main planning execution work is focused on the roadside inspection of the motorcycle, regular and irregular audit of the inspection-station, education and training ,propagating activity and monthly mailing. The main purpose is to inform the Tainan City no regular inspection of the motorcycle to the seizure of the motorcycle exhaust regular inspection. 1.The inspection work of no regularly test motorcycle , the roadside inspection has completed 50,981 vehicles untested motorcycles, the seizure rate is 100.98%.(Statistics to December 98) 2.According to the contract provisions , we have completed regular audit for each inspection-station every three months and irregular audit for 8 inspection-stations every month. All of the checking tasks are 352-station regular assess and 97-station nonscheduled assess. 3.As to the propagating activity, we have held 8 of propaganda activities.All the advertising activities are to remind and propagate the concept of annual inspection , promoting anti-idling and replacement of old motorcycles. 4.We held 3 set points seizure of the education and training , invited scholars, experts, EPA officers, inspection-station workers, representatives of manufacture’s service station and motorcycle trade-association to discuss the execution of the inspection business, and strengthen the QA/QC of the test of the inspection station. 5.We help to mail the 391,332 inspection notification during the period of the project. 6.According to Tainan City January 98 to December , the re-test and qualified data, we get 65,837 vehicles motorcycles passed. Therefore, we can estimate pollution reductions for CO with 1543 tonnes / year and NMHC with 329.4 tonnes / year
英文關鍵字 Abstract