

中文摘要 一、動力計檢測作業自98年3月5日計畫開始執行起至98年12月31日止,共計執行柴油車動力計檢測1184輛次,場站檢測49輛次,而路邊攔檢共執行362輛次,合計執行1595輛次。各項工作執行目標皆符合預期進度。 二、路邊攔檢共完成稽查54場次,完成檢驗362輛次,不合格車輛88輛,不合格率由95年~98年逐年提昇,98年不合格率更高達24.3%,為歷年最高,有效查獲高污染車輛。 三、本縣轄內所目視判煙稽查到之車輛,多為設籍屏東縣之車輛,比例約佔46.9%,其次為鄰近地區高雄縣21.8%及高雄市13.4%,此三縣市合計約佔了82.1%。 四、到檢車輛來源當中以代驗外縣市所佔比例為最大,達47.0%;其次是目測判煙車輛35.1%。 五、到檢的車種中以大貨車595輛次為最多,佔了57.0%,其次是小貨車佔了325輛,佔31.1%,曳引車佔了6.5%,而小客貨車最少,僅佔了1.3%。 六、小客貨車不論全負載100%、60%、40%以及無負載污染度均為最高,而汙染度最低為曳引車的全負載100%、60%、40%,然而曳引車的無負載污染度反而極高,僅次於小客貨車。 七、不同到檢來源柴油車之平均污染度中,以民眾檢舉車輛平均污染度最高。而無負載以目視判煙最低,100%及40%平均污染度最低為代驗外縣市,60%平均污染度最低為自動到檢。 八、退驗車輛中以大貨車為主佔了50.0%,其次是小貨車,佔了37.1%。另計算退驗比率,最高為大客車的20.8%,其次為小貨車的18.8%。而總退驗率為16.2%。 九、計畫期間油品採樣計有路邊攔車稽查1,564輛次,動力計站內稽查101輛次,抽驗加油站15站次,配合地檢署執行抽油13輛次,業者場站稽查1輛次以及其他1輛次,共計完成柴油車攔查車輛數1,695輛次。其中送樣300輛次,檢驗不合格者有4輛次,送驗不合格率為1.3%。顯見在高罰鍰及高稽查頻率的政策下,已確實收到減少非法油品使用的情形。 十、歷年稽查非法油品成效最佳之方式,為配合地檢署抽油,然而今年度稽查到運載非法油品之油罐車數量亦為歷年最低,顯見在環保局強力稽查,漁業署亦依據航程記錄器,針對漁船發油量進行控管之下,現階段柴油車使用漁船用油之情形已大幅改善。 十一、推估執行本計畫之柴油車污染改善之削減量,估計TSP每年削減24.44公噸,PM10每年削減24.44公噸。
中文關鍵字 柴油車,油品


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 4435 千元
專案開始日期 2009/03/05 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 黃金塗
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98屏東柴動期末報告定稿.pdf 13MB

2009 Diesel Vehicle Emission Inspection Project

英文摘要 1. Diesel vehicle emission inspection: During the executing period to Dcecmber 31, 1184diesel vehicles were inspected in the diesel vehicle emission inspection station, and 362 diesel vehicles were examined by roadside inspection, 49 diesel vehicles were examined by location inspection. Since 1,595 vehicles were inspected totally.The main goal of this project was achieved.. 2. Illegal diesel fuel examination: The project was asked to coordinate with “Diesel Fuel Qualities Examining Plan. During the executing period to Dcecmber 31, there were fuel sampling 300 sent to analysis, and examines unqualified 4, unqualified rate 1.3%. 3. The dealing of high-pollution vehicle report: 359 high pollutant diesel vehicles report were received, and 359 were accepted. All accepted cases were informed to inspect their diesel vehicle. The average case processing time was 35 days. 4.A smoke-meter comparison test Completed rightly compared to smoke-meter comparison for maintenance depot , in the future were collection examination material, Counsels the maintenance depot to pollute the improvement truly. 5.Independent management joint pledge There were 43 entrepreneurs, 712 vehicles coordinations independent management joint pledge,in the futurewere ask motorcade of the consultation county government jurisdiction, the coordination manages the joint pledge sign independently.
英文關鍵字 Diesel vehicle,Illegal diesel