

中文摘要 本計畫主要針對桃園縣噪音、河川水質及地下水水質監測,掌握各項測值變化趨勢,並進行趨勢分析及檢討結論,以提供環保單位後續管制之參考。   98年度噪音監測合格率68.75%,其中以新屋國小、林務局復興站、武陵高中及水美國小四個監測點不合格率最高,主要之噪音來源為學生及民眾活動、往來車輛所產生之噪音等。 地下水水質計有32個場置性監測井及3個戰備水井,豐、枯水期各採樣一次,超過第二類監測基準之項目主要(站次/總站次),計有鐵(18/64)、錳(19/64)、氨氮(16/64)等項,此外,中壢工業區之內定國小三氯乙烯含量測值超過第二類地下水污染管制標準,其超標濃度與歷年測值相近,約在 0.104 mg/L左右。   河川水質計有8條河川主支流17個監測站,由98年度監測結果顯示,15個監測站RPI為中度。其中僅南崁溪之田寮橋及黃墘溪之中福橋屬嚴重污染,另有多數測站經常出現銅超標情形,主要發生在南崁溪之田寮橋,新街溪之五青橋、內圳橋,埔心橋之沙圳橋,黃墘溪中壢休息站(黃墘溪橋)及中福橋等河段。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 2099.118 千元
專案開始日期 2009/01/13 專案結束日期 2010/01/13 專案主持人 蕭家寧
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉貞淮 執行單位 中環科技事業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 epb-EPBH0-1004433151-06-01.pdf 16MB


英文摘要 This project focuses on monitoring the noise levels, river water and ground water qualities of Tao Yuan County to understand the varying trend of the monitored analytes. The trends of the variations were analyzed and reviewed to provide the environmental protection office a reference for future regulations. There are 18 noise monitoring stations which were monitored twice every quarter. Results of calendar year 2009 indicate that four stations, Hsin Wu Elementary School, Forestry Bureau Fu Hsin office, Wu Lin High School and Suay Mei Elementary School, exceeded the regulation levels most frequently. The noises were caused by the activities of students, the general public and traffic. Using the environmental quality measurement as an index, Tao Yuan County was listed as an area warranting close observation. Thirty-two monitoring wells located in 11 industrial parks and three military reserved wells were monitored for ground water quality. The analytes that exceeded the type II ground water monitoring standards primarily are ammonia nitrogen, iron and manganese. In addition, the concentration of trichloroethene found in Nei Ding Elementary School monitoring well of Chung Li industrial park exceeds the type II ground water pollution standards. The results are consistent with the historical data. Seventeen monitoring stations for eight rivers were sampled once every quarter to monitor the river water qualities. Results of calendar year 2009 indicate that water samples collected on Tien Liao bridge, and Chung Fu bridge were seriously polluted. Monitor period between January to December of 2009 since there was no significant rainfall. Some precipitation in May caused the measured biological oxygen demands and ammonia nitrogen on the low side. In general, the river water qualities are mostly rated as moderately polluted this year, which remain unchanged compared with previous years.