

中文摘要 南投縣九十八年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫,自九十八年四月十三日開始執行,積極執行合約內容各項業務,並符合合約規範,統計至九十九年四月十二日止,各項工作執行成果摘要說明如下: 一、職前教育訓練 於計畫期初舉辨計畫執行人員職前教育講習,籍由課程之說明,使計畫執行人員熟悉各項工作之內容及職掌,使人員可勝任各項執行作業並互相配合,提昇工作品質及成果。 二、使用中機車不定期檢驗稽查作業稽查成果 本計畫執行使用中機車未定期檢驗巡查作業及機車車牌稽查辨識系統作業,總計完成未定檢機車篩選稽查通知20,883輛次,回檢數20,303輛次,回檢率97.20%。 三、戶外機車排氣定期檢驗服務成果 完成設置移動式機車排氣檢驗站一站;提供偏遠區域、公務單位、宣導活動現場或機車流量密集處等適當地點,進行戶外機車排氣定期檢驗服務活動29場次,共計服務檢驗1,017輛次。 四、未定檢機車公文通知作業執行成果 每月按時由環保署所提供之定期檢驗通知未到檢名單進行篩選篩選後後寄發未定檢機車通知公文,共執行未定檢公文通知寄發21,251輛次,其中已回檢機車9,272輛次,回檢率為43.63%。 五、機車排氣檢驗站查核管理成果 本縣69家機車排氣檢驗站(98年9月新設站M02政興機車行)完成4季共4次評鑑查核作業;機車排氣檢驗站標準氣體比對查核2次;完成每2場次實車標準檢驗程序查核、辦理完成1場次機車排氣檢驗站教育訓練及2場次機車定檢業務聯繫會議。 六、宣導活動 為有效提升本縣之定檢到檢率,每半年舉辦一場次舉機車排氣定期檢驗抽獎活動,已辦理完成2場次,共抽出1,065個獎項;並配合縣內大型活動舉辦4場小型宣導活動。 七、削減成效推估 依環保署提供之交通工具污染物排放削減量係數推估,統計98年1月至12月,污染物排放削減量在NMHC部份為166.340噸/年、在CO部份為653.824噸/年。 八、機車定到檢制度執行成果 九十八年度,南投縣機車排氣定檢到檢率分別為89.43%(回歸車籍)及77.22%(依定檢站),於二十四縣市排名分別為第七名及第十五名,九十八年考評納管率採回歸車籍及依定檢站之平均值計算為83.33%(平均值) 於全國二十四縣市排名為第十三名。 九十九年三月南投縣機車排氣定檢到檢率分別為82.37%(回歸車籍)及72.20%(依定檢站),於二十四縣市排名分別為第一名及第五名,平均定檢到檢率為77.29%(平均值) 於全國二十四縣市排名為第二名。 各項主要工作內容及執行成果詳如摘要表,詳本文各章節。
中文關鍵字 南投縣九十八年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 740 千元
專案開始日期 2009/04/13 專案結束日期 2010/04/12 專案主持人 許仲景
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉大鵬 執行單位 華門工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 南投縣98年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫期末報告.rar 30MB

Final Report of “Inspections and Control Project of Moving Pollutions in Year 2009, Nantou County”

英文摘要 Project Name Final Report of “Inspections and Control Project of Moving Pollutions in Year 2009, Nantou County Outsourcing Unit Environmental Protection Bureau, Nantou County Government Execution Unit Hua-Meng Engineering Consulting Cooperation Project Period 13/04/2009~12/04/2010 Project Amount 7.4 Million NTD Project Leader Chung-Ching Hsu Project Manager Chih-Hsuan Chang Project Staff Ming-Wen Chung、Yen-Wei Liu、Gu-Sheng Lin、Shu-An Huang、Wen-Chieh Chen、Hsin-Yi Bai Inspections and Control Project of Moving Pollutions in Year 2009, Nantou County” started on April 13, 2009. The execution team finished all items of work in the contract and all were in accordance with the contract. The whole achievements of work from April 13 2009 to April 12 2010 are stated below: I. Pre-vocational training Pre-vocational trainings were held to project staffs. By these training courses, project staffs were familiar with every content and job scope of all work so as to excel in this project and cooperate well with each other. In the meantime, this also helped to enhance work quality and achievements. II. In-Use Motors Testing and Checks Achievements at a Non-Periodical Basis This Project targeted on in-use motors without doing testing and checks and motors card identification. In total, 20,833 motors without doing testing and checks were given notice. 20,303 motors came and finished testing. The rate is 97.2%. III. Achievements of Periodical Testing and Service of Outdoor Motor Finished setting up a moving motor checking stop; Offered suitable locations for far areas, government agencies, promotion activities or to conduct periodical testing and services of outdoor motors for 29 times. The total of service testing is 1,017 times. IV. Achievements of Noticing Motors without Doing Testing in Official Documents Every moth, according to the list of motors failing to do periodical testing offered by Agency, the project staffs sent out official documents to those motors. The total documents sent out are 21,251 papers. Among them, 9,272 motors came and finished testing. The return rate is 43.63%. V. Achievements of Checks and Management of Motor Examination Stop There are a total of 69 motor examination stops in Nantou county (including the new open M02 Cheng-hsing Motor Stop). In a year, four times of assessment and checking work were finished. Standard Air of Motor examination stops checks were executed twice. Finished 2 times of real motors standard checking procedures. Finished one training course for Motor examination stops. VI. Promotional Activities In order to enhance the rate of doing testing on time in NaoTao county, one lottery activity of motor periodical testing was held every six months, which finished twice. There are 1,065 awards in total and four small-scale promotional activities were held to cooperate with the county. VII. Forecast on Cut-down Pollutions Achievements According to forecast on cut-down pollutions by motors by Agency, in the whole year 2004, the cut-down pollutions in NMHC were 166.34 tons annually, and CO part were 653.824 tons annually. VIII Achievements of Motors Periodical Checking System In Year 2009, the rate of motor’s periodical checking is 89.43% (for returned motors) and 77.22% by the testing stops. The rates rank distinctively the 7th and the 15th among the 24 counties. In the 2009 Assessment, the average of piping rate of returned motors and by testing stops is 83.33%, which places the 13th national-wide. In March 2010, the rate of motor’s periodical checking is 82.37% (for returned motors) and 72.20% by the testing stops. The rates rank distinctively the 1st and the 5th among the 24 counties. The average of piping rate of returned motors and by testing stops is 77.29%, which places the 2nd national-wide. The main work duties and achievements are stated in the following list. Please refer to each chapter.
英文關鍵字 Final Report of “Inspections and Control Project of Moving Pollutions in Year 2009, Nantou County”