

中文摘要 本計畫工作要項及各項工作之辦理情形,執行成果重點為「建置環境檢測機構管理資訊系統」功能,完成與空水廢毒管理資訊系統(EMS)整合規劃,推動「檢驗測定機構網路申報系統」上線辦理教育訓練及行政支援,並加強相關網路資訊安全作業,概述如下: 一、「建置環境檢測機構管理資訊系統」功能 為落實電子化政府精神服務及有效管理採樣行程作業,本計畫依97年「檢驗測定機構網路申報系統」架構檢討申報及管理功能,由於原有系統為文件資料庫資料,造成資料分析應用及與其他系統整合不易,並配合管理機制、考量整體申報流程之各式填報資料完整性及友善度,大幅提升原有系統申報及管理功能,遂而建置「環境檢驗機構管理資訊系統」,其功能包含:採樣行程申報功能、盲樣檢測數據申報功能、品質管制數據申報功能及營運業績申報功能等。 依每月例行進度報告,持續提升加強系統功能,達成加強系統登入驗證與權限管理架構、強化提升環境檢測機構管理資訊系統功能、現行系統後端資料庫整合等功能。 二、環境檢測機構管理資訊系統與空水廢毒管理資訊系統之介接及網路申請許可作業功能開發 本計畫已完成與環保署空水廢毒管理資訊系統(EMS)之介接,與EMS整合後可減少填報項目,節省申報時間,更能確認資料的一致性及正確性。目前已完成EMS與檢測機構管制編號比對原則及結果、基線資料共用表單介接規劃、及「環境檢驗測定機構」與「機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音檢驗測定機構」之功能開發。 三、配合宣導辦理教育訓練與行政支援 為避免系統正式上線後,檢測機構因作業不順暢而影響檢測機構使用意願,因此於系統正式上線前進行試運行作業,並已於6月15日、8月25日、8月26日及10月22日,共辦理7場次系統說明會,並於說明會中宣導如何辦理自然人憑證,本計畫並於系統11月16日上線期間,派出環境工程師駐點於環檢所一週,負責接聽客服電話。
中文關鍵字 環境檢測機構管理資訊系統、環境檢驗測定機構、空水廢毒管理資訊系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-098-1103-03-01 經費年度 098 計畫經費 1560 千元
專案開始日期 2009/01/01 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 趙佩雯
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 李永富 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-98-1103-03-01建置環境檢測機構管理資訊系統專案工作計畫-公開版.pdf 0MB

Environment Inspection Organization Management System

英文摘要 Focuses of this plan include build “Environment Inspection Organization Management System” and integrate with EMS, organize sessions for “Environment Inspection Organization Reporting System” operation, given administration support, and increase system securities. Details as following: 1. “Environment Inspection Organization Management System” Follow the idea of electronic government and efficient environment inspection management, this plan has review the “Environment Inspection Organization Reporting System” built in 2008. As the system was lacked in analyzing data and incompatible with other systems, this plan changed its interface, operation process and data inputs, which increase its performance. “Environment Inspection Organization Management System” has also been built, functions includes “environment inspection route planner”, “blind test report”, “quality control report”, and “performance analysis report”. Other works include monthly reports, functions improvement, higher system securities, better environment inspection organization management system, and database integration. 2. Integration of environment inspection organization management system with EMS system, and establishment of electronic permit application function. This plan has integrated environment inspection organization management system with EMS system, less data and time required from users when using the system; it also increases the consistency of data from different sources. So far, data has been match from both EMS system and environment inspection organization management system, and partial integration between the two systems. Functions were also developed for “Environmental inspection organization” and “Automobile pollution and noise inspection organization” 3. Sessions organized for “Environment Inspection Organization Reporting System” and administration supports. “Environment Inspection Organization Reporting System” was on trial before it online for users to ensure its services. 7 sessions were hold on the 15th of June, 25th and 26th of August, 22th of October for system operation. Technician was based in Environmental Analysis Laboratory for a week to answer users call.
英文關鍵字 Environment Inspection Organization Management System、Environmental Inspection organization、EMS system