

中文摘要 本計畫針對八八水災後台南縣市之災區進行環境現況調查與監測,結果顯示安定灰渣掩埋場因為掩埋大批溺死豬,地下水已發現有受到人為污染,需要密切監控以防污染擴大;千興鋼鐵廠因燃料油外洩,周界土壤已受到石油碳氫化合物的污染,需做適當整治;另外,位於玉井鄉之重建區,環境品質則安全無虞。 災情控制與評估方面,台南區之特性為大面積淹水及山區土石崩塌,水源濁度飆高造成長時間停水,此外,淹水亦衍生環境汙染問題,例如大批溺死豬掩埋於安定灰渣掩埋場造成地下水污染,千興鋼鐵廠燃料油外洩造成土壤污染。 災區復育與規劃方面,有鑒於台南地區的主要災害為水災,因此,本計劃將30年來台南的重大颱風水災同年之計劃重點加以描述,由流域整治的角度提出針對水災、洪患等的建言,主要為易淹水地區水患治理計畫10年重現期應可重新考慮,另需輔導改變利用地下水的方式。 災民關懷與輔導部分,災民訪談及101份問卷調查結果發現,幾乎受訪的災區,淹水都是長期問題,大內鄉村民認為每逢曾文水庫洩洪即造成淹水,水庫洩洪時機評估與作法有待商榷,政府有必要加以改善。 資訊建置與評析方面,本計劃所建置之福衛二號前後期影像搜尋比對系統,可用於立體影像比對、虛擬勘災,並可做為政策研擬之資訊展示。
中文關鍵字 莫拉克颱風;水災;環境污染潛勢


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-E103-02-288 經費年度 098 計畫經費 950 千元
專案開始日期 2009/10/07 專案結束日期 2009/12/15 專案主持人 林龍富
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 石秉鑫 執行單位 崑山科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「八八水災災區重建環境輔導與建言_台南區_」專案工作計畫期末報告定稿本.pdf 65MB

A special project of environment counseling for the reconstruction of 88 flood area (Tainan)

英文摘要 This project was focus on the investigation and monitoring of environment changes after 88 Flood in Tainan. The results show that the groundwater has been polluted by the An-Ding ash landfill site, which has a large quantities of drowned pigs buried. Therefore, there is a need to closely monitor the transportation of contaminants. It has also been found that the soil around Chien-Hsing Steel factory was polluted by the petroleum hydrocarbons due to the leaking of fuel. However, the environmental quality in the reconstructed area located in Ju-Jing Township is without worry. In the aspects of disaster control and assessment, flood and mud flow was two common phenomena happened in a lot of area in Tainan. The increasing of turbidity in water resource resulted water suspending. Moreover, the contamination problems of the drowned pigs and the fuel leaking of Chien-Hsing Steel factory both resulted from the flood. In the aspects of recovery and planning about the disaster area, since the main disaster is by flood, we considered the key points in the recovery projects of floods in the last 30 years, and then give the suggestions from the points of watershed rebuilding. It focuses on the reconsideration of the 10-year-management in the easy-flood area, and the alteration of the way using groundwater. In the aspects of victim care and assistance, from the results of interviewing with residents and 101 questionnaires, the problem of flood has existed for a long time. Even the discharge of Tseng-Wen Reservoir causes the flood. The time and the way of the reservoir discharge should be reconsidered thoroughly by the government. In the aspects of building and analyzing the data system, the images collected by ROCSAT-2 satellite before and after the flood can be used as the information to set up strategies or policies.
英文關鍵字 Typhoon Morakot;Flood disaster;Environment pollution potential