

中文摘要 本計畫之目的是要導正農民處理農業廢棄物及紙錢露天燃燒之方式,以維護轄區內之空氣品質。本年度工作內容及說明如下:(1)巡查管制作業:查獲609件露天燃燒之案件,燃燒較嚴重的鄉鎮依序為南州鄉、林邊鄉、萬丹鄉及枋寮鄉等,其中以蓮霧廢枝葉燃燒情形較為嚴重。(2)破碎處理輔導改善:分別以代工班代為處理,面積達110.94公頃及低窪地區離場集中破碎處理,面積為10.16公頃。(3)不露天燃燒自主管理:針對台糖出租地與果園產銷班,由內部自主性管制露天燃燒。台糖今年度於租賃契約中加入禁止露天燃燒條款,並依提供農地之地籍資料662公頃,抽選7筆土地進行查核。(4)GIS系統資料新增及農民資料庫整建置:完成500筆農民資料庫之建檔工作,並將查獲露天燃燒巡查案件609件更新鍵入GIS系統中。(5)完成建置農業廢棄物處理與紙錢專屬網頁。(6)宣導作業:辦理5場紙錢集中焚燒處理與減量宣導會及3場禁止露天燃燒宣導會。(7)紙錢集中焚燒處理:總收運量達70.28公噸。
中文關鍵字 露天燃燒、蓮霧廢枝葉、紙錢、宣導會


專案計畫編號 EPA-098-L001-03-001 經費年度 098 計畫經費 2640 千元
專案開始日期 2009/03/24 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 張育祺
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 裕山環境工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 屏東縣加強農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽查管制及紙錢及集中焚燒處理計畫-期末報告(定稿).pdf 29MB

Pingtung County emphasis on monitoring, inspecting and controlling practice on the open-air burning and collecting and burning of fake paper money project

英文摘要 The objective of this project is to guide farmers’ methods on outdoor burning of agricultural wastes and burning ghost money so as to maintain the air quality at the area under control. This year works the content and showing is as follows : (1) In order to inspect and control outdoor burning, there were 609 inspected cases tracked down in this year. Nanjhou County, Linbian Country, Wandan Country and Fangliao Country ranked first among the number of cases found. And the most common category for outdoor burning was the wax apple wastes.(2)The crushing treatment and counseling improvement : to be proceeded by OEM group , there were 110.94 hectare and by way of off-site centralized treatment process, there were 10.16 hectare. (3)NO burning on air independent management : in view of the Taiwan Sugar hiring and the orchard production-marketing unit , control open-air burning by internal independent management. This year, Taiwan Sugar join the prohibition open-air burning clause appears contract hire. According to provides cadastre of farmland 662 hectares, samples 7 lands to carry on checks. (4) Addition GIS system material and the information of farmer bank are established: set up about 500 information of farmer, and 609 inspected cases renew to enter in the GIS system. (5) Completes establishes waste agricultural material processing and the paper money exclusive homepage.(6) Guidance work : take place 5 paper money centralism burning and the decrement guidance meets and 3 prohibition open-air burning guidance meeting.(7) Paper money centralism burning down processing : there were to reach 70.28 tons.