

中文摘要 一、中文計畫名稱: 98年度碳足跡計算準則與低碳會議推動策略 二、英文計畫名稱: 2009 Carbon Footprint Quantification Standard and Strategies to Promote Low-Carbon Meeting 三、計畫編號 EPA-98-FA11-03-A106 四、執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 五、計畫主持人(包括共同主持人) 蔡宏達、林萊娣、黃啟峰 六、執行開始時間 98/4/8 七、執行結束時間 99/4/7 八、報告完成時間 99/4/7 九、報告總頁數 296頁(附錄、附件未計) 十、使用語文 中文、英文 十一、報告電子檔名稱 EPA-98-FA11-03-A106.pdf 十二、報告電子檔格式 PDF 十三、中文摘要關鍵詞 溫室氣體;碳足跡;碳標示;計算指引;查驗指引;綠色會議;低碳會議 十四、英文摘要關鍵詞: Greenhouse gases, GHG, Carbon footprint, Specification, Validation and verification requirements, Green meeting, Low-carbon meeting, 十五、中文摘要 本計畫為建立我國碳足跡標示制度之基礎,將研析碳標示發展趨勢,研擬我國碳足跡計算準則及規劃查驗管理作業指引,並研提環保低碳活動推動策略。本計畫成果簡要說明如下: (一)研析碳標示發展趨勢: 為掌握各國碳標示制度趨勢及脈動,提供我國推動碳標示制度之具體建議,本計畫已完成彙整10個國家,包括英國、法國、德國、澳洲、日本、韓國、泰國、瑞士、美國、加拿大等13個案例,並研析各國碳標示制度之趨勢與異同,共分為4個模式。本計畫建議以模式2由政府發起,委託非營利機構推動,為我國未來碳標示制度之推動模式。 (二)研擬我國碳足跡計算準則: 本計畫已探討英國Carbon Trust PAS 2050、日本經產省TS Q 0010、澳洲採用之ISO 14040系列、ISO/WD.3 14067-1以及WRI/WBCSD的產品生命週期計算與報告標準,針對碳標示系統下數據建立方式分析。本計畫已完成我國「產品與服務碳足跡計算指引」之研擬並分別於9月及11月完成2場專家研商會議。並完成3家示範廠商「○○企業品牌台灣綠茶系列」、「⓪⓪科技光碟片」以及「□□夾心酥」之碳足跡計算。 (三)研提我國標示查驗管理作業指引: 本計畫蒐集日本、韓國,及英國等3個國家產品碳足跡查驗機制,發現各國查驗屬性多為第二者查驗,相異處為日本及韓國碳足跡係由企業自行計算後送至官方(PCR委員會)或其委託之單位(韓國環境產業與技術研究院)進行查驗及核發。英國則由Carbon Label Company負責計算、查驗及核發等工作。本計畫完成我國碳足跡標示管理作業指引規劃,內容包括查驗機構資格、查驗人員資格、查驗指導原則、查驗程序及步驟及其他相關規定等。查證機構及人員資格規劃以環保署與全國認證基金會(TAF)所研訂之溫室氣體相關管理規範為參考基礎,並具備生命週期評估專業能力。 (四)研提環保低碳活動推動策略: 本計畫完成辦理環保低碳活動研商會、分別研討環保低碳活動指引及低碳飲食等議題,並編輯完成適用於會議、活動及展覽之環保低碳活動指引,協助建置環保低碳活動申請核發管理平台,完成環保署「節能無悔,牽手減碳」第三階段抽獎活動,以及教育部「2009全國校園節能減碳CEO會議」等低碳活動/集會示範案例。並完成辦理1場次,共計兩日之「跟隨碳足跡—發現減碳新道路」國際論壇。


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-FA11-03-A106 經費年度 098 計畫經費 4500 千元
專案開始日期 2009/04/08 專案結束日期 2010/04/07 專案主持人 蔡宏達
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 陳鴻達 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 19MB

Carbon Footprint Quantification Standard and Strategies to Promote Low-Carbon Meeting

英文摘要 The goal of the project is to build up a foundation for the nation’s carbon footprint labeling system. Through analyzing the developing trend of current carbon labelling systems around the world, the project has developed a quantification specification for carbon footprint of product and service. In adittion, guidelines to the validation and varification management of carbon footprint label were also proposed. Meanwhile, the project has devised strategies to promote environment-friendly low-carbon meetings. Overall, the project has accomplished the following achievements (as of 7th March, 2009): 1. Analyzed developing trend of 13 carbn labelling cases: In order to give practical recommendations to the nation’s carbon labelling system by means of mastering the current carbon labelling system in various countries, the project has compiled 13 labelling cases from 10 countries, including the United Kingdon, France, Germany, Austrila, Japan, Korea, Tailand, Switzerland, the United States, and Canada. The Project also analyzed the differences and similarities of each case and discovered 4 major patterns to promote carbon labelling. Findings of this project support the recommendation that pattern 2, in which the government initiates the system but authorizes a non-profit organization to actually implemente it, to be the promotion model for the nation’s future carbon labelling system. 2. Developed the nation’s carbon footprint quantification specification: The project has expolerd and analyzed the requirements associated with LCA methodology, data collection, quantification, and data quality from the following standards: PAS 2050 of the United Kingdom, TS Q 0010 of Japan, ISO 14040 series adopted by Austrila, and ISO/WD.3 14067-1. The project has completed the task of developing the nation’s carbon footprint quantification specification and successfully convened two Expert Technical Consultation Meetings in September and November 2009, respectively. The project also worked with three domestic companies to quantify products as demonstration cases—○○’s Taiwan Green Tea, ⓪⓪ CD/DVD, and □□’s Wafers. 3. Proposed guidelines to the nation’s management of label validation and verification: The project has analyzed the validation and verification mechanisms of Japan, Korea and the UKAS Pilot Project in the United Kingdom. It is found out that verification by other party is more common than by third party or self-verification. Japan and Korean mechanisms require that companies submit their calculation results to a government’s committee (such as PCR committee) or a delegated organization (such as KEITI) for verification and issuance of label. In UK, Carbon Label Company is the main organization in charge of the quantification and verification of carbon footprint, and the issuance of carbon label. A plan for the nation’s validation and verification mechanism was proposed, including the requirements for verification bodies and personnel, as well as principles, procedures and steps of undertatking verification. It is recommended that relevant GHG management regulations established by EPA and Taiwan Arreditation Foundation (TAF) could be referenced as the basic requirements for verification bodies and personnel. 4. Proposed strategies to promote environment-friendly low-carbon events: The project has completed the following tasks: holding an Expert Consultation Meeting for environment-friendly low-carbon events, composing Guide to Environment-Friendly Low-Carbon Events which is applicable to activities, meetings and expositions, and convening an Expert Consultation Meeting for Low-Carbon Diet. In addition, a website to manage the applicaton and issuance of environment-friendly low-carbon event label was constructed. Measures to achieve low-carbon events were successfully demonstrated through EPA’s third phase lottery for “No-Regret Policy”activities and the 2009 Energy Saving Campus CEO Conference sponsored by Ministry of Education. Moreover, the project has successfully held the International Forum on Following Carbon Footprints: A New Road to Carbon Reduction.
英文關鍵字 Greenhouse gases, GHG, Carbon footprint, Specification, Validation and verification requirements, Green meeting, Low-carbon meeting,