英文摘要 |
The goal of the project is to build up a foundation for the nation’s carbon footprint labeling system. Through analyzing the developing trend of current carbon labelling systems around the world, the project has developed a quantification specification for carbon footprint of product and service. In adittion, guidelines to the validation and varification management of carbon footprint label were also proposed. Meanwhile, the project has devised strategies to promote environment-friendly low-carbon meetings. Overall, the project has accomplished the following achievements (as of 7th March, 2009):
1. Analyzed developing trend of 13 carbn labelling cases:
In order to give practical recommendations to the nation’s carbon labelling system by means of mastering the current carbon labelling system in various countries, the project has compiled 13 labelling cases from 10 countries, including the United Kingdon, France, Germany, Austrila, Japan, Korea, Tailand, Switzerland, the United States, and Canada. The Project also analyzed the differences and similarities of each case and discovered 4 major patterns to promote carbon labelling. Findings of this project support the recommendation that pattern 2, in which the government initiates the system but authorizes a non-profit organization to actually implemente it, to be the promotion model for the nation’s future carbon labelling system.
2. Developed the nation’s carbon footprint quantification specification:
The project has expolerd and analyzed the requirements associated with LCA methodology, data collection, quantification, and data quality from the following standards: PAS 2050 of the United Kingdom, TS Q 0010 of Japan, ISO 14040 series adopted by Austrila, and ISO/WD.3 14067-1. The project has completed the task of developing the nation’s carbon footprint quantification specification and successfully convened two Expert Technical Consultation Meetings in September and November 2009, respectively. The project also worked with three domestic companies to quantify products as demonstration cases—○○’s Taiwan Green Tea, ⓪⓪ CD/DVD, and □□’s Wafers.
3. Proposed guidelines to the nation’s management of label validation and verification:
The project has analyzed the validation and verification mechanisms of Japan, Korea and the UKAS Pilot Project in the United Kingdom. It is found out that verification by other party is more common than by third party or self-verification. Japan and Korean mechanisms require that companies submit their calculation results to a government’s committee (such as PCR committee) or a delegated organization (such as KEITI) for verification and issuance of label. In UK, Carbon Label Company is the main organization in charge of the quantification and verification of carbon footprint, and the issuance of carbon label. A plan for the nation’s validation and verification mechanism was proposed, including the requirements for verification bodies and personnel, as well as principles, procedures and steps of undertatking verification. It is recommended that relevant GHG management regulations established by EPA and Taiwan Arreditation Foundation (TAF) could be referenced as the basic requirements for verification bodies and personnel.
4. Proposed strategies to promote environment-friendly low-carbon events:
The project has completed the following tasks: holding an Expert Consultation Meeting for environment-friendly low-carbon events, composing Guide to Environment-Friendly Low-Carbon Events which is applicable to activities, meetings and expositions, and convening an Expert Consultation Meeting for Low-Carbon Diet. In addition, a website to manage the applicaton and issuance of environment-friendly low-carbon event label was constructed. Measures to achieve low-carbon events were successfully demonstrated through EPA’s third phase lottery for “No-Regret Policy”activities and the 2009 Energy Saving Campus CEO Conference sponsored by Ministry of Education. Moreover, the project has successfully held the International Forum on Following Carbon Footprints: A New Road to Carbon Reduction.
英文關鍵字 |
Greenhouse gases, GHG, Carbon footprint, Specification, Validation and verification requirements, Green meeting, Low-carbon meeting,