

中文摘要 一、寺廟神壇污染調查 本年度,本計畫已執行轄區內寺廟神壇基本資料更新、空氣污染源調查與政策意願配合調查200家次(重複寺廟有31間),其中,以道教居多,佔總巡查件數96%;而巡查之169家寺廟神壇中(無重複寺廟),僅有6家次金爐裝設防制設備,裝設率僅5%。 由調查資料顯示,推估此169家次寺廟神壇,平均每月售出5,038.875公斤紙錢量,造成空氣中粒狀污染物增加0.055公噸、硫氧化物0.013公噸、氮氧化物0.014公噸與一氧化碳0.61公噸。 本年度紙錢集中燒作業方面,首次辦於清明節時期,針對有供奉先人骨灰的佛寺推動紙錢集中燒,並提供參與佛寺紙錢集中箱供民眾放置欲焚燒之紙錢。本次活動除了平日配合常態性紙錢集中焚燒的廟宇外,另增加5家廟宇,分別為彌陀寺、普德寺、增光寺、圓福寺與天龍寺,共計收集3.16公噸紙錢,推估促成空氣污染物PM10削減0.03噸、SOX削減0.01、NOX削減0.01、CO削減0.38噸。 農曆7月中元普渡期間,今年總計除了有39個單位配合以外,更針對嘉義市轄區寺廟與大樓的分布,詢問參與意願,在願意配合的廟宇或大樓,設置「紙錢收集站」,以利民眾進行集中燒活動。而今年於中元時期的紙錢收集量更高達67.15公噸,推估促成空氣污染物PM10削減0.739噸、SOX削減0.168、NOX削減0.188、CO削減8.125噸。 本年度亦持續進行自主管理作業,今年共有3家廟宇(天龍禪寺、朝天宮、南興宮)參與自主管理措施。天龍禪寺本身不但不贊同燃燒紙錢,廟方亦不提供紙錢給民眾,每個香爐使用香的支數也從3支改成1支,並且配合常態性的紙錢集中燃燒;朝天宮與南興宮兩間寺廟亦在簽訂自主管理後對於紙錢方面也有作一減量(朝天宮0.3公斤減至0.23公斤,南興宮0.54公斤減至0.39公斤),而香的支數與香爐兩部份也有明顯的減量,另外朝天宮於節慶時亦會配合本局做紙錢集中燃燒。 二、露天燃燒稽巡查管制作業 自1月至98年12月31日,總計接獲露天燃燒相關案件陳情數157件次,執行稽查157件次,稽查執行比例100%。查獲燃燒中情形件數為43件次,佔總陳情件數為24%。查獲情形為已燃盡有燃燒痕跡者共計39件次,佔總陳情件數為21%。露天燃燒巡查作業共計執行2056件次,查獲為燃燒中之案件為15件,已燃盡之案件87件次。其主要燃燒物質前三項為植物、樹枝葉以及固體廢棄物。 針對露天燃燒宣導作業,本計畫一期稻作收割時期已於6月8日~6月12日進行宣導車巡迴播放禁止露天燃燒宣導錄音帶,二期稻作收割時期將於11月9日~11月13日進行宣導播放。提醒民眾勿任意焚燒廢棄物。計畫工作團隊透過露天燃燒稽巡查作業有效撲滅17,002.61平方公尺之燃燒面積、156.52立方公尺之燃燒物質體積,總計促成空氣污染物總量削減4.43公噸。 三、餐飲業空氣污染物管制作業: 本年度餐飲業資料普查,統計至12月為止,共計普查105家次,作業執行率為100%,依普查所得資料經營類型以中式餐飲業為最多佔40%,其次是複合式佔20%與日式(12%)及西式(11%),此外亦有17家次餐飲業者為停業。 在污染防制設備方面,前處理部份,扣除停業後,設有油煙處理設施者佔92%,未設者佔8%,由此可見,油煙收集之觀念相當普及,而在前處理以檔板式居多,佔88%,其次為濾材式2%,另外使用水洗油煙罩(1%)及風扇(1%),未無裝設者亦占8%;油煙防制末端處理部份,裝設者佔40%,未裝設者佔43.8%歇業佔16.2%。經訪查得知,多數業者認為水洗設備之油煙處理效率與價格較易接受。 本年度統計12月,共計完成稽、巡查370件次,作業達成率100%,依案件稽查內容,分別為民眾陳情稽查202件(55.3%),陳情改善追蹤166件(43.8%),其它4件(0.9%)。 經稽查後續輔導及追蹤,截至12月止,共計48家業者完成污染防制設施裝設、3家污染源移除,提昇防制及處理餐飲油煙效率,促成TSP共計減量4.82公噸及VOCs 7.73公噸。 今年度於98年4月30日、10月5日,假嘉義市垃圾焚化廠簡報室辦理2場「餐飲業污染防制技術講習會」,邀請轄區內取得營利事業登記證之餐飲業者及屢遭陳情之業者,講習會議程以餐飲業相關法規與餐飲業污染防制技術及原理為主。講習會後,篩選屢遭陳情及宣導會時提出需要進行輔導改善業者,邀請中山大學環工所 周明顯教授,進行餐飲業者現場輔導10家次,已針對業者油煙異味問題提出建議改善方法及相關改善圖說供業者參考。 四、室內空氣品質調查與管理: 本年度室內空氣品質宣導會議於4月29日下午2時,假嘉義市垃圾焚化廠2樓訓練室召開,會中邀請長榮大學職業安全與衛生學系許德仁教授,及中國醫藥大學環境醫學研究所周子傑教授,分別講授「室內空氣品質管理及政策推動概論」與「室內空氣品質改善管理與控制技術」,共計35單位41人員參與。 本年度截至12月為止,共計完成21家次公共場所,參與室內空氣品質自主管理,並全數完成巡檢作業,執行率100%,其中,篩選5處二氧化碳濃度高、人群密集場所,執行場所室內外空氣品質監測作業5處次。
中文關鍵字 寺廟神壇;露天燃燒;餐飲業;室內空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 3413 千元
專案開始日期 2009/02/27 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 陳瑞玲
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98嘉義市3合1期末(定稿)_含英文摘要V1.pdf 30MB 98年度嘉義市3合1計畫


英文摘要 This project were carried out from February 27th to December 31st, 2009. We inspected 200 temples and the complete ratio is 100%. In according with statistic, the temple sold 5038.88 kg ghost money each month, which may bring pollution quantity about 0.06 ton of PM10、0.013 ton of SOx、0.61 ton of CO and 0.014 ton of NOx every month.71% of the temples are willing to cope with the policy and reduce or stop the usage of ghost money and incense. The ghost money gathered to burn in festivals this year is 205.13 ton. 2.26 ton of PM10、0.51 ton of SOx、28.82 ton of CO and 0.57 ton of NOx are reduced. For the guidance and assistance, except for those signed in 2007, there are 4 temples, Wen-cai Dian, Yi- huang Gong, Jiu- hua Di-cang An, Cheng-huang Miao, agreed to gather ghost money regularly and burn in an incinerator and also maintain the pollution control instrument. For the outdoor burning, up to end of Dec 31st, 2009, 2056 times of inspection were carried out, the ratio is 100%. During the inspection, 15 count of on- the-spot burning cases, 87 count of after burning cases. IThere are 157 accusing cases. All of them were inspected. The rate of execution is 100%. Among the cases, 43 of them are on-the-spot burning,39 are of after burning cases. To enhance public awareness of outdoor burning prohibition, propaganda cars broadcasted the tape around the rice fields and villages which often found outdoor burning a week before the first and second rice harvest season during June to October 2009. In addition, flags said to forbid outdoor burning were set up in the major rice fields, and straw re-use brochures were handed out to the farmers. There are 406 registered restaurants in this city. We planed to inspect 100 restaurants. Till the end of December, 105 restaurants were inspected, the rate of completing is 100%. Among them, 40% of them were Chinese restaurants. 12% of them were Japanese and fast food restaurants. And also, there were 17 restaurants were shutdown. In the preventing facility area, except for those already shutdown, 92% of the restaurants have facility to process the fumes, only 8% of them didn’t deal with fume. As for the post-processing facility, only 40% of the restaurants installed it, 60% of the restaurant do not have it. As for restaurant improving and onsulting, we have already finished all 10 restaurants as planed. The restaurants all agreed to review and improve according to our consulting suggestions in order to decrease the accusing from the neighbor. In gas station oil gas recycling, a propaganda was held to enhance the gas station owners to understand oil gas recycle system and its distinguishing feature. It helps them to run basic check-up and maintenance by themselves, therefore to reduce the chances of system failure and disqualified recycle work and to preventing oil gas release to the air.
英文關鍵字 Temple;Open burning;Catering;Indoor Air Quality