

中文摘要 本計畫之工作將依計畫目標與工作項目之需求,建立各工作項目之執行,主要工作內容有五大目標完成各項工作項目,主要包括:桃園縣轄內各機場每季噪音監測作業申報資料統計分析作業、各機場防制區變異檢討分析、各機場噪音監測網巡查作業、執行民眾陳情航空噪音之移動式航空噪音監測業務及辦理桃園縣依噪音管制法相關法規公告作業。本計畫自98年9月起執行一年,針對各項工作之執行,皆依預定工作項目及進度執行。 主要成果摘要如下: 1.本計畫中共計完成各機場四季之申報資料審查作業,針對各機場98年第3季至99年第2季申報之噪音監測結果,除進行申報資料完整性及正確性審查作業提送相關意見,進一步針對各機場之噪音監測結果進行資料分析作業。 (1)就桃園國際機場各季航空噪音影響情形中,各站之各季平均監測結果皆符合其所在之防制區。機場起降以05、06跑道頭為主。等噪音線涵蓋面積,其六十分貝以上面積以98年第1季申報等噪音線影響範圍最大,影響範圍達塔腳村、廣福村、大同村及崙坪村等. (2)就海軍桃園基地申報資料分析結果來看:以場內各測站之航空噪音較高,而場外各測站則受海軍桃園基地之航空噪音影響較小,各季申報之等噪音線之涵蓋範圍幾乎只包含在軍機場內。 (3)就陸軍龍潭基地申報資料分析結果,各測站之監測結果皆已超出第一級航空噪音防制區標準。 2.各季針對機場航空噪音防制區影響情形提出分析報告,並針對各機場進行二次噪音監測網之巡查作業。 3.針對桃園機場附近地區執行共計十點次之移動式航空噪音監測作業。 4.重新檢討各項依最新噪音管制法公告之各項法規並配合桃園縣轄內國營國際機場園區股份有限公司成立所需進行之相關法規草案之擬定。 5.本計畫配合進行相關宣導作業,完成噪音專屬網頁之定期資料更新。
中文關鍵字 航空噪音,航空噪音防制區,航空噪音日夜音量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 1450 千元
專案開始日期 2009/09/09 專案結束日期 2010/09/08 專案主持人 陳玉菁
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 廖美玲 執行單位 台灣思百吉股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98航空期末報告定稿991015.pdf 6MB

2009 Taoyuan area Air noise monitoring, analysis and promotion

英文摘要 This plan, according to the goal of the plan and demand for the working project, the groundwork content has five major goals to finish each working items, include mainly: Examining and declare the analysis report for the seasonal noise report of all airport in Taoyuan county and to patrol and investigate working every season for each airport, to execute a survey for airport around area noise influence and a advertisement item, handle the portable aviation noise monitoring work, reviewing every airports control zone . Since this plan was carried out for one year since September 2009 , have all already been scheduled to finish in working project and progress to the execution of every work. The main achievement summary is as follows: 1.This plan has already finished the declaration materials in four seasons of all airport and examined work, monitor the result to the noise that was declared in the third season of 2009 to the second season of 2010 of every airport, except is it declare materials integrality and exactness check work is it give the examination reports to propose to go on, and monitor the result and carry on the analysis report to the noise of every airport further, and it influences the situation to put forward the analysis report to defend the making area to the aviation noise of the airport every season. 2.carry on noise monitoring system patrol and investigate working to every airport season while being every. 3.About the promoted work, has been finished a noise public Web site. 4.About the airport noise monitoring has been finished 10 points for 10 days continuity monitoring. 5. For reviewing noise control laws and regulations for Tao-Yuan International Airport Zones, handled the official public consultant meeting and made a formal announcement, and also help the EPB to cooperate with every noise business policy of the environmental protection administration of executive organ to work when the plan is carried out finally.
英文關鍵字 Airport noise, Airport noise control zone, DNL