

中文摘要 摘 要 本案係希望了解縣內溫室氣體排放情形以及推動畜牧業具體溫室氣體減量,最後的目標係希冀將減少的溫室氣體透過VCS管道將PD文件確證後進入國際交易平台。 本計畫執行期間自98年4月28日開始,截自99年4月27日止。本計畫已完成合約規定之各項工作,包括調查推估台南縣溫室氣體排放量、規劃減量策略方案、輔導本縣畜牧業者自願減量、推動畜牧業具體減碳行動及評估輔導減量成效及規劃未來推動方案等。 在調查推估台南縣溫室氣體排放量及規劃減量策略方案部份,本計畫收集台南縣境內溫室氣體排放統計所需各項資料,並彙整IPCC及國內(包含台北市、基隆市、台中縣、南投縣、台南市、高雄市及屏東縣)推估方式,完成溫室氣體資料庫之建立(1998~2008);同時亦完成台南縣政府組織溫室氣體排放量之調查。透過前述工作之執行及可行性評估後擬定可推動方案,各項方案包括推動採用公車可考慮採用低污染車輛、LED燈具……等,詳細內容如4.2節內容說明所示,預期經由溫室氣體減量技術與管制策略之執行後,台南縣政府組織之溫室氣體排放量每年將可減少918.95公噸。 另於輔導本縣畜牧業者自願減量部份,本計畫執行期間已輔導台灣糖業股份有限公司畜殖事業部(南沙崙畜殖場)參加自願減量試辦,並完成PD文件撰寫,相關計畫書並經SGS公司確證完畢,證明畜牧業可經由VCS管道進入國際交易市場,對國內畜牧業而言,未來將可依循本計畫完成之PD文件範本撰寫及規劃,從而進入國際交易市場。 同時本年度在推動畜牧業具體減碳行動上,本計畫已完成27個畜牧業現場節能減碳查核及輔導,並選定成果較佳之3家次(包含甲合、順賢、佳泰)畜牧場完成輔導減量成效評估,計畫執行期間本計畫亦提供畜牧業碳交易之諮詢與推動管理輔導。 最後於評估輔導減量成效及規劃未來推動方案部份,經評估3家次畜牧場之輔導成效每年將可減少272.63公噸溫室氣體排放;短期目標方面,畜牧業可先將沼氣進行利用,或將農業廢棄物交由專業堆肥製造公司妥善處理作為堆肥,後者將可取代化學氮肥使用,降低氧化亞氮之排放量;在中、長期目標部份,則可透過政府與學術單位的研究,提高污水處理廠處理效能,增加沼氣再利用率,或可透過將畜牧業糞便統一收集處理,再一次申請其溫室氣體減量作業,降低確證及監測成本,如此應可獲得更多畜牧業者之認同與參與。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 2346.7 千元
專案開始日期 2009/04/28 專案結束日期 2010/04/27 專案主持人 洪崑厚
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃 烱棋 執行單位 澔宇工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 溫室期末完整版.pdf 6MB
英文摘要 By this project, we hope to understand the emission behavior of the greenhouse gases in Tainan County and promote the animal husbandry to reduce the greenhouse gases concretely, the final goal is the PD can be certified and to prove that animal husbandry can enter international trading market through VCS channel. Project schedule is from April 28th, 2009 to April 27th, 2010. We have completed the estimate of Tainan County greenhouse gases emission and reduction strategy scheme, Tainan County animal husbandry reduction voluntary guidance, animal husbandry carbon emission reduction promotion, the result of guidance reduction estimate and strategy promotion scheme for the future. About the part of investigation and estimate of Tainan County greenhouse gases emission and reduction strategy scheme, we collect the Tainan County domestic greenhouse gases emissions statistics material. We also collect the ways of entire IPCC and Taiwan (Taipei city, Keelung City , Taichung County, Nantou County, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County ) estimate. We have already created the greenhouse gases data base from 1998 to 2008 and completed greenhouse gases emission investigation of Tainan County government organization. Through execution of the above actions and then estimating the feasibility, we propose reduction methods, goals and profits in the proposal. The promotion include using the low pollution bus or LED light, the details shown in the statement as 4.2 content, we expect that annual emissions of greenhouse gases in government organization can be reduced about 918.95 tons of CO2 after using greenhouse gases reduction technique. About another part of counseling animal husbandry on voluntary reduction in Tainan County, we have completed guidance for Taiwan Sugar Corporation Pasturage and cultivation department (South Sharon pasturage and cultivation field) to join voluntary tri-run and the Voluntary reduction strategy proposal (PD) has been certified by SGS, to prove that animal husbandry can enter international trading market through VCS channel. As to animal husbandry in Taiwan, they can follow the Voluntary reduction strategy proposal (PD) of this project to make it as a model. In promoting the animal husbandry carbon emission reduction, we have completed 27 animal husbandry carbon emission reduction assess and guidance in site and chosen three animal husbandry fields(Jia He, Shun Xian, Ja Tai) to complete reduction guidance result evaluation. During project, we provide animal husbandry carbon trading guidance and promote management guidance. Finally, about the guidance reduction estimate and strategy promotion scheme for the future, there are three animal husbandry fields can reduce annual emissions of greenhouse gases about 272.63 tons of CO2 after counseling. Short-term goals, animal husbandry can reuse biogas or give agriculture disposal to professional compost manufacturing companies to make agriculture disposal to compost; to replace chemical nitrogenous fertilizers and reduce nitrous oxide emissions. Mid-term and Long-term goals, reduceing biogas emission through the research from government and academic units. Furthermore, to collect animal husbandry stool and apply once only to reduce the cost of textual research and monitor. Therefore, more animal husbandry industries would like to join.