

中文摘要 移動污染源稽查管制計畫,對於機車應落實定期檢驗制度、加強未定檢機車稽查工作,進而減低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。 98年度『屏東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫』自98年3月17日簽約後開始執行,至98年12月31日止,總計完成未定檢機車稽查回檢22,439輛,完成率100.0%;每月車籍資料篩選未依規定實施排氣定檢機車寄發通知到檢公文5,000份,共寄發50,100份,完成率100.0%;機車攔檢作業1,037輛,完成率100.0%;機車免費排氣檢測作業1,179輛,完成率100.0%;檢驗站定期查核5次,完成率100.0%,檢驗站不定期查核40站,完成率100.0%,標準氣體查核比對作業122站,完成率100.0%,機車排氣檢驗站教育說明會辦理1場,完成率100.0%,機車排氣檢驗站業務座談會辦理4場,完成率100.0%;印製及寄發明信片定檢通知13個月;本縣主要道路之車流量、平均車速及行車型態調查;協助環保局處理民眾檢舉案件及建置死車資料庫等。 機車定檢資料分析各鄉鎮市總到檢情形,到檢情形較佳之鄉鎮為萬丹鄉(80.51%)、屏東市(75.00%)及麟洛鄉(73.05%),而已設定檢站到檢率較差鄉鎮有恆春、高樹、枋寮及萬巒等鄉鎮到檢率較為偏低。 在攔檢作業上總計檢測未定檢機車515輛次,已定檢機車369輛次攔檢新車153輛次,三者合計1,037輛次,攔檢未定檢之二行程機車不合格率25.00%,攔檢未定檢之四行程機車不合格率7.69%,攔檢未定檢之整體平均不合格率為13.20%。攔檢已定檢之二行程機車不合格率9.52%,攔檢已定檢之四行程機車不合格率2.29%,攔檢已定檢之整體平均不合格率為3.52%。攔檢之新車皆為四行程機車,全數合格。 122站檢驗站已完成5次定期查核,查核結果其中以動線脫落、檢測區停放機車、耗材未依規定更換及取樣管不潔等情形失較多,再複查缺失都已明顯改善。標準氣體查核比對方面122家檢驗站皆符合規定。 至98年10月底止,屏東縣機車排氣定檢到檢率分別為64.59% (回歸車籍)及56.78% (依檢驗站),總平均則於25縣市排名第19名。與歷年同期比較,無論於回歸車籍或依檢驗站之到檢率皆提昇2%~5%以上。依行政院環保署提供之交通工具污染物排放削減量係數推估,本年度計畫執行至11月底,污染物排放削減量在NMHC部份為254.69噸/年,在CO部份為1,187.22噸/年。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 7160 千元
專案開始日期 2009/03/17 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 劉原宏
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 裕山環境工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 屏東縣移動污染稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動-期末報告(定稿).pdf 16MB
英文摘要 Mobile sources of pollution control inspection program for the locomotives inspection system should be implemented on a regular basis to strengthen the auditing work pending inspection locomotives to meet the EPA handling of the advocacy activities and to assist EPA guidance checking civil motorcycle inspection stations, through these measures of cooperation, to supervise vehicles using the tightening of vehicle maintenance and management, and education, driver of the vehicle the correct operation of the concept, thus reducing vehicle emissions of pollution, effectively improve air quality. 98 Year 『Pingtung County inspection control mobile sources of pollution program - motorcycle emissions testing program-cum-propaganda activities』 from 98 March 17 after signing started, 98 years ended December 31, pending the completion of a total of locomotive inspection audit to pick up 22,439 units, the completion rate of 100.0%; monthly membership data filter Weiyi vehicle exhaust will review the implementation of the provisions of motorcycles seized documents sent notifications to 5,000 copies, 50,100 copies were sent to complete a rate of 100.0%; locomotive stopped inspection operations 1,037 units, 100.0 percent completion rate; motorcycle emissions testing operations 1,179 cars free of charge to complete a rate of 100.0%; Inspection Station on a regular basis to check five times, completion rate of 100.0%, Inspection Station, from time to time to check 40 points to complete the rate of 100.0%, the standard gas check more than 122 pairs of work stations, completion rate of 100.0%, motorcycle exhaust note Inspection Station Education will process a field, the completion rate of 100.0%, motorcycle exhaust test terminal business forum handle four games to complete the rate of 100.0%; printing and despatch of Postcards will notify the 13-month review; this county main roads traffic flow, average speed and vehicle type survey; to assist the EPA dealing with the public prosecution cases and building a dead car database. Determined by the locomotive inspection data analysis to review the various townships on the overall situation, to review the situation better for the township 10000 Denmark township (80.51%), Pingtung City (75.00%), and Linluo Township (73.05%), just set up inspection stations to the Inspection rate of poor rural town of Hengchun, high trees, Fangliao and Wanluan Township to review the rate of such relatively low. Detection of vehicles are mainly still Sanyang, Gwangyang, the three major brands of motorcycle Yamaha mainly to 108,513 vehicles a maximum of Yamaha brand, the three major brands of testing a total of 272,089 vehicles a volume, accounting for 93.63% of all detected quantity of the more. The motorcycle brands, whether the concentration of pollutant emissions are CO or HC Vespa, the company worked with high pollution emissions label. The average CO emission concentration: the two-stroke, the average emission concentration of 3.11%, four-stroke, the average emission concentration of 1.74%. HC average emission concentration: the two-stroke, the average emission concentration of 5,866 ppm, four-stroke, the average emission concentration of 747ppm. The average emissions of CO and HC concentration, begin with two-stroke high, especially the HC average emission concentration is about 7.85 times higher than the four-stroke. Inspection operations in the intercept test on a total of 515 vehicles a locomotive undetermined location, has been scheduled for inspection locomotive stopped 369 vehicles a seized 153 vehicles a new car, the three vehicles a total of 1,037, intercept uncertain location of the two-stroke motorcycle inspection failure rate of 25.00%, intercept Inspection undetermined location of the four-stroke motorcycles failure rate of 7.69%, stopped pending review of the inspection the overall average failure rate of 13.20%. Stopped the inspection has been scheduled for inspection failure rate of 9.52% two-stroke motorcycles, intercept inspection has been scheduled for the four-stroke motorcycle inspection failure rate of 2.29%, intercept inspection has been scheduled for review of the overall average failure rate of 3.52%. Inspection of the vehicle stopped Jie Wei four-stroke motorcycles, all qualified. 122 Point Inspection Station, regular checks have been completed five times, checking the result of which the contours off, testing the docking of locomotives, supplies replacement and sampling tubes provided Weiyi situations such as loss of more dirty, and then review the deficiencies have been significantly improved. Than in standard gas check inspection stations are in compliance with 122 requirements. To 98 years by the end of October only, Pingtung County motorcycle exhaust will review the inspection rate was 64.59% (regression cars nationality), and 56.78% (depending on test stations), then the overall average of 25 cities and counties ranked 19. Compared with the calendar year, regardless of nationality or on the return of vehicle inspection stations to check in accordance with both the rate of increase 2% to 5% or more. Transportation provided in accordance with the Environmental Protection Administration to reduce the amount of pollutant emission factor estimates, this year plans to implement to the end of November, pollutant emission reductions in the NMHC majority of 254.69 tons / year, in the CO part is 1,187.22 tons / year .