

中文摘要 本計畫主要內容為進行南投縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作,並協助處理民眾土壤或地下水污染陳情案件,持續掌握南投縣現階段土壤及地下水污染狀況。本計畫除既有南崗工業區13口、鹿谷-清水地區3口及集集隘寮地區3口監測井外,於南崗工業區監測井自強二路11-133-F-013周遭亦設置3口地下水標準監測井、鹿谷-清水地區(BH03)設置1口地下水簡易井,共計23口地下水監測井進行豐、枯水期採樣檢測作業。土壤採樣檢測作業則於鹿谷-清水地區(原921廢棄物貯置場)場內及場外擇定3處進行土壤採樣作業,另於集集鎮隘寮地區原有3口監測井附近進行土壤採樣作業。 (一) 南崗工業區自強二路三氯乙烯污染範圍的掌握及污染源的研判 本計畫地下水監測結果,自強二路11-133-F-013檢測出三氯乙烯超過地下水污染管制標準約1.6倍(98年8月)、1.1倍(99年2月)及1.4倍(99年3月),而逢成工業11-133-F-016和新設之自強三路圓環M00046及輝達國際內M00047皆測得微量三氯乙烯,並未超過管制標準;綜合本計畫及歷年調查成果,三氯乙烯污染範圍應侷限在安順公司周邊,未擴散至工業區西方及南方。此外,藉由問卷調查及地下水流方向研判昌憲公司、泰億機械、旻鉅公司及逢成工業總廠為地下水三氯乙烯較可能之污染來源。 (二) 鹿谷-清水地區地下水質污染源的研判 於原921廢棄物貯置場,進行場內及場外土壤採樣作業並設置1口地下水簡易井,由於場內已有3口地下水監測井,故於場外下游處設置1口,除持續監測場址污染狀況外,另可評估該場址地下水污染範圍。地下水監測結果顯示總有機碳、氨氮、總溶解固體物及氯鹽超過地下水污染監測基準;土壤檢測結果,鹿谷-清水地區土壤並未受到921廢棄物棄置之影響,土壤重金屬檢測項目均底於土壤污染監測基準及管制標準。 (三) 集集鎮隘寮地區土壤及地下水調查結果 根據過去及本次地下水監測結果,除氨氮超出地下水污染監測基準外,其餘地下水檢測項目皆未超過地下水污染監測基準,且本次集集隘寮地區土壤檢測結果,各檢測項目均低於土壤污染監測基準及管制標準。 (四) 民眾陳情緊急應變調查成果 本計畫共計3次緊急應變,分別為草屯鎮坪頂里地下水緊急應變、南崗工業區地下水重金屬鉻污染之虞監測工作及南投市永興堆置場土壤緊急應變。草屯鎮坪頂里養雞場下游5口民井及1處蓄水池地表水檢測結果,各監測井以鄰近上游養雞場之1號民井,其氨氮及錳超過地下水污染監測基準,另外2號民井及5號民井則為錳超過地下水污染監測基準;南崗工業區內監測井NK07於97年測得地下水重金屬鉻超過地下水污染管制標準,故配合環保局於監測井NK07鄰近之地下水井(民井)進行採樣檢測作業,檢測結果地下水中重金屬鉻均為ND(低於方法偵測極限),顯示NK07附近之民井未受污染。南投市永興堆置場土壤緊急應變土壤XRF篩測結果,土壤中重金屬濃度無異常或偏高現象,初步排除土壤受重金屬污染。 (五) 公告列管場址污染源查證 南投縣列管農地主要位於南投縣牛運堀段,為查證污染來源及瞭解農地污染場址現況,本公司進行現勘及訪談作業,得知場址周圍過去設有磚窯工廠,製程中使用之釉料含有鉛粉,與該場址土壤污染物相同。初步研判,研判場址周遭之磚窯廠應為農地污染之主要污染源。 (六) 法規宣導說明會成果 分別於99年2月3日辦理「土壤及地下水污染整治法第八、九條指定公告事業法規宣導」及99年3月17日辦理「加油站法規宣導」,多數業者認為說明會內容充實,對於內容、簡報資料等也多給予正面的肯定。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 4337.745 千元
專案開始日期 2009/06/01 專案結束日期 2010/04/30 專案主持人 鄭仁雄
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 林俊彥 執行單位 澳新科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98年度南投縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫成果-公開版.pdf 5MB 98年度南投縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫成果-公開版

soil and groundwater quality

英文摘要 This project starts from June 1st, 2009 to April 30th, 2010. Its main goal is to understand the soil and groundwater quality in Nantou County and investigate the situation of TCE pollution in Nangang industrial parks. This project scope covers soil and groundwater monitoring and investigation and assistance in emergency response for soil or groundwater cases, and so on. This project is mainly to assist Nantou EPB in investigating groundwater quality of high potential polluted areas, such as the TCE pollution in Nangang industrial parks, Lugu-Cingshuei area and Jiji area. To achieve so, we installed 3 monitoring wells in the TCE polluted area and 1 temporary well in Lugu-Cingshuei area. The groundwater monitoring results in this project are similar with the previous ones, which means total dissolved solid, ammonia nitrogen, Chlorite and TOC exceed EPA monitoring standards. The soil investigation results in Lugu-Cingshuei area and Jiji area show that all the samples are under EPA monitoring standards.  In addition, we found that the concentration of TCE in Nangang industrial parks (11-133-F-013) exceeds EPA control standards, and the range of the TCE pollution is limited around Anshun Company. Based on the results mentioned above and other information gathered during investigation, we suggest Nantou EPB install monitoring wells in the factories located in the upstream area of Anshun Company's groundwater in the project of 2010, e.g. Taiyi Machine Company and Minju Company, in order to include or exclude alleged factories that cause pollution. 3 cases of soil and groundwater contamination emergency response of this project were accomplished, and the results are as following: (1) The investigation of groundwater from the resident wells in Caotun Town, the results show that the concentrations of manganese and NH3-N are over EPA monitoring standards. (2) The information EPB provided shows that chromium of NK07 monitoring well has exceeded EPA control standards in Nangang industrial parks for several times, so based on the result mentioned above, we sampled groundwater from the resident wells nearby NK07 monitoring well. The results show that there is no significant impact on the groundwater observed. (3) In April of 2010, we also executed the investigation of soil contamination on landfill areas in Nantou City, and selected 6 soil samples as well as screened by XRF. All the analysis results are under EPA standards. In June, 2001, it was found that lead was above the EPA control standards on agricultural fields at Niuyunjue Section 28-15 and 32-6, etc (11 sites). In order to investigate the origins of pollution and understand the present situation of those polluted farmlands, we, therefore, surveyed and interviewed the residents in this locality, and found that those areas were nearby the brick factories, which brought lead a great quantity, few decades ago. Last but not least, we have also hold 2 announce seminars referred to soil and groundwater regulations respectively on February 3rd, and March 17th, 2010. In detail, these seminars are regarding gas stations, article 8th, 9th of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act and the related regulations. The main result indicates that 95 % of participants understand and are satisfied about the seminars.
英文關鍵字 soil and groundwater quality