

中文摘要 本計畫年度各項作業執行至98年12月31日,共計受理及協助陳情案件稽查共986件,以及完成陳情複查、一般及重點等稽巡查計636件,共計1,622件,達成本年度目標之162.2%,各項工作執行成果詳如表摘-1,執行成果摘要說明如下: 一、陳情案件受理與稽查績效 計畫執行期間共受理陳情案件986件,包括了空氣污染(異味)271件、露天燃燒151件、營建工程33件、噪音案件477件、環境衛生43件。其中以噪音案件數居首,佔總陳情案件數之48.4%,其次為空氣污染(異味)陳情案件佔27.5%。 統計上述受理陳情案件至陳情現場所需花費時間平均18.0分鐘;值班期間受理之465件陳情案件中,有64件受理時間影重疊,若剔除不列入統計則所受理陳情案件至陳情現場平均花費時間縮短為15.0分鐘。 98年共計受理986件陳情案件,其中72.1%的陳情人表示不須回覆,而未留下聯絡方式。另28.0%的陳情人留有聯絡電話,其中完成回覆並完成滿意度調查計241件,陳情人表示滿意度達90.0%,顯示多數陳情對本計畫處理陳情案件之結果表示肯定。 二、歷年屢遭陳情案件分析及追蹤改善情形 彙整93年度至98年度累計遭民眾陳情3次以,且於98年持續有發生陳情之案件共計22件,其中近3年內屢遭陳情者計有3處。篩選98年累計陳情超過3次者,計有18處,包括被陳情空氣污染 8處、噪音 9處、露天燃燒1處。按照陳情次數、產生污染之可能性及綜合稽查結果,據以排定持續追蹤或列為次要追蹤之對象,安排複查行程,累計已完成151處次的複查,結果均未發現有污染或違規事實。 三、固定污染源一般性巡查作業 針對固定污染源進行稽巡查,計完成126家次之巡查,查核結果均未發現有違規情形,其中本年度列管名單中計輔導1家汽車維修業裝設防制設備,以減少空氣污染,其他稽巡查之公私場所即要求加強防制設備保養維護。 四、露天燃燒巡查作業成果 針對列管15處露天燃燒管制地點,共完成重點巡查167處次,進行一般性巡查計79件次。於重點巡查過程中發現3處露天燃燒情形,由巡查人員主動將污染源及時撲滅,降低污染產生。 五、陳情案件後續追蹤管制成果 針對陳情案件督促及限期改善案件共計41件,包括空污異味陳情18件,營建工程陳情3件,及噪音陳情20件,除營建工程已完工2處、已歇業或遷移2家,以及1件攤販油煙陳情案件甫於10月30日完成稽查,仍限期改善中之外,其餘案件皆以完成追蹤複查,並督促完成改善。 六、其他提升巡查管制成效作業 1.露天燃燒制高點觀察成果 選取本市露天燃燒重點區域,建立9處制高點進行觀察。累計完成觀察89處次,共發現2處次露天燃燒污染情形,均及時撲滅污染源。 2.配合SIP計畫執行空氣品質不良時期管制措施 本計畫於接獲空氣品質不良通報時,均加強執行上述管制措施,執行期間共計加強執行空污稽查53處件次,結果均未發現有空氣污染情形,相關查處結果案作業程序規定於翌日上午10時整前傳送予SIP彙整後提報環保署。 七、空氣污染削減成果 統計露天燃燒改善案件共計53件,推估可減少露天燃燒負荷68.7公噸,並使各項空氣污染物之削減量為懸浮微粒(TSP)計606.27公斤、硫氧化物(SOx)3.75公斤、氮氧化物(NOx)140.99公斤、一氧化碳(CO)4,706.39公斤、總碳氫化合物(THC)849.60公斤、非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)939.14公斤。
中文關鍵字 夜間陳情案件;夜間空氣污染案件檢舉案件處理;夜間空污陳情案件處理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 1462.8 千元
專案開始日期 2009/02/18 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 侯裕文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 竫豐工程企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫空氣污染夜間陳情案件處理計畫期末報告.zip 9MB

98 year Chiayi air quality improvement maintenance plan the time interval air pollution impeachment case processes the plan at night

英文摘要 The plan execution to December 31, 2009, total accepts and the assistance impeachment case examines altogether 986, as well as completes the reporting reexamination, general and key and so on checks does an inspection idea 636, total 1,622, achieve 162.2%th plan target, carries out the achievement abstract explanation to be as follows: First, the impeachment case accepts with the examination achievements Plan execution period altogether accepts impeachment case 986, included the air pollution (unusual smell) 271, open burning 151, to build project 33, noise case 477, environmental sanitation 43. And by the noise case number primarily, accounts for 48.4%th total case number, next (unusual smell) accounts for 27.5% for the air pollution. Counts above accepts the impeachment case to spend the time average to scene is 18.0 minutes; On-duty period accepts in 465 impeachment cases, some 64 accept the time shade to overlap, if the rejection does not include the statistics to accept the impeachment case to report the scene equally to spend the time reduction is 15.0 minutes. In 2009 total accepts 986 impeachment cases, 72.1% offense reporters expressed that cannot reply, but has not left behind the contact way. Another 28.0% offense reporters leave leeway the talk-back, completes replies and completes the degree of satisfaction investigation to count 241, the offense reporter expressed that the degree of satisfaction reaches 90.0%, the demonstration most offense reporters to result of expression affirmation this plan processing case. Second, all previous years suffer the impeachment case analysis and the tracing improvement situation repeatedly 2004 year to 2009 year accumulations suffered the populace to report 3 times by, and continued in 98 years to have case of total 22 reporting, in near 3 years suffered the offense reporter idea to have 3 repeatedly. Screens 98 year accumulation reporting to surpass 3 times, the idea has 18, including is reported the air pollution 8, noise 9, open burning 1. According to the reporting number of times, has possibility and the synthesis examination result the pollution, according to sets up traces either lists as object of continually the secondary tracing, the arrangement reexamination traveling schedule, the accumulation has completed 151 inferior reexamination, the result discovery has not had the pollution or the contrary fact. Third, the fixed source of pollution generality does an inspection Carries on view of the fixed source of pollution checks does an inspection, the idea completes 126 to be next does an inspection, to check the result discovery not to have the contrary situation, this year row tube name list intermediate total counsels 1 automobile Uygur to study at school to install against system equipment, reduces the air pollution, other check do an inspection the public and private place are the request strengthen against system equipment maintenance maintenance. Fourth, the open burning does an inspection the work achievement Controls the place in view of the row tube 15 open burnings, altogether completes key does an inspection 167 times, carries on the generality to do an inspection the idea 79 instances. In the process discovered that 3 open burning situations, suppress promptly by the doing an inspection personnel, reduce the pollution production. Fifth, impeachment case following tracing control achievement By a set time improves case total 41, reports 18 including the air pollution unusual smell, builds project 3, noise 20. Eliminates builds the project to finish 2, to close down business or to migrate 2, and 1 stall keeper lampblack, already completed the reexamination, and supervises to complete the improvement. Sixth, other promotion do an inspection to control the result work 1. in high place observation open burning control achievement Selects this city open burning key region, establishes 9 high places to observe the place. The accumulation completes 89 times, altogether discovered that 2 open burning pollution situation, promptly suppresses the source of pollution. 2. coordinates the SIP execution air quality bad when controls the measure When receives the air quality bad notification, strengthens the execution control measure, execution period total strengthens the execution air pollution to examine 53 times, the result discovery has not had the air pollution situation, the investigation result transmitted according to the stipulation before previous day 10:00 am gives SIP. Seventh, air pollutant decrement achievement Counts open burning improvement case total 53, pushes estimates may reduce the open burning to shoulder 68.7 metric tons, and causes each item of air pollutant to reduce the quantity is: TSP 606.27 kilogram, Sox 3.75 kilogram, NOx 140.99 kilogram, CO 4,706.39 kilogram, THC 849.60 kilogram, NMHC939.14 kilogram.
英文關鍵字 The night air pollution case impeachment case processes