

中文摘要 本計畫今年持續針對轄內山線、海線、屯區以及台電發電廠附近區域,各設置戴奧辛監測點進行環境介質中戴奧辛濃度分析,以確實掌握臺中縣內戴奧辛背景值,並了解其逐年變化,並由分析數據中提供未來管制措施及方向參考。今年度之監測結果顯示四季次各區空氣中戴奧辛總毒性當量濃度平均值為0.033、0.037、0.062及0.042 pg I-TEQ/Nm3,其中第三季與龍井國小站之測值略高。與去年度監測值比較,發現兩年來大氣中戴奧辛平均濃度並無太大差異,並低於中部地區歷年來環保署之平均值。與國內一般環境與焚化爐周界區大氣中之戴奧辛濃度相比,尚較北部地區一般環境以及高雄市各區為低,而與竹苗地區較為接近。 在土壤戴奧辛方面,各測站全年4季次測值平均分別為3.45及3.43、2.29及3.87 ng I-TEQ/kg,季次間並無太大差異,但樣區間之變異較大,其中后里內埔國小測站的平均濃度較為偏高(7.79 ng I-TEQ/kg)並明顯高於他處,但測值範圍大致與國內外周界區域土壤之監測值仍相去不遠,均遠低於環保署現行之管制標準。植物檢測部分以榕樹葉片為代表,各測站四季次測值平均分別為2.10、1.64、3.07及3.78 pg I-TEQ/g,與國內一般區域榕樹的之監測值相近,均低於國內大部分焚化廠周界之測值。 本計畫採樣期間並同時收集臺中縣各區域的空品監測資料進行分析,發現第一、四季之空氣品質明顯較第二、三季為差,尤其是懸浮微粒(PM10)部分,應是受東北風盛行之揚塵及沙塵暴所致。但就本年度監測數據,僅顯示風速與植物中戴奧辛濃度有顯著相關,並未發現PM10因子與環境界質中之戴奧辛濃度有明顯的相關性,顯示大氣中固相戴奧辛有可能來自較大粒徑之塵粒。 本計畫並彙整製作縣內可能具排放戴奧辛風險之公私場所列表,包含業別類型、排放操作量、排放口、污染防制設備概況,以及歷年戴奧辛檢測濃度資料等,計算縣內戴奧辛之排放總量,以作為擬定管制策略之參考。就縣內固定源依各製程業別,以實測濃度、排氣量與活動強度計算出縣內固定源全年可能排放之戴奧辛最大總量約為7.47克之毒性當量(I-TEQ),根據環保署97年度全國統計資料,此量約佔全台灣全年戴奧辛排放量之百分之三.二,其中鋼鐵冶煉業及電力供應業即佔本縣全體排放量之94.7%。本計畫同時也將環境樣品之檢測資料與各類型戴奧辛排放源之特徵資料,以多變量統計方式進行污染源之研判分析,結果顯示各地大氣中戴奧辛特徵與移動源、廢料鍋爐與大型垃圾焚化爐排放較為相近,而與電弧爐及燃煤電廠排放特徵差距較大。推測汽機車排氣可能是各地主要的戴奧辛物質背景來源。另外,各地區亦可能同時受其他短期事件或局部排放源影響,例如廢棄物衍生燃料之排放源,或稻草、樹枝及紙錢類之燃燒,特別在龍井國小及大甲順天國中測站部分,第三季次調查期間(11月上旬)可能是其影響最為明顯之時期。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛;環境監測;空氣污染;固定污染源;焚化爐


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 2955 千元
專案開始日期 2009/03/01 專案結束日期 2010/02/28 專案主持人 張簡國平
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 謝淑如 執行單位 正修科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 中縣98戴奧辛期末報告定稿公開版.pdf 2MB 中縣98戴奧辛監測計畫期末報告

Dioxin Monitoring Work of Taichung County 2009

英文摘要 This project surveyed the background level of contamination of PCDD/Fs in Taichung County in 2009. Three sites which were located in Mountain, Coast, and Reclamation regions (Houli, Dacha, and Wufeng Township) and one site near the TPC Taichung Power Plant (Longjing Township) were selected for monitoring the content of PCDD/Fs in environmental matrix. Three types of environmental matrix samples including ambient air, soil and plant (leaves of banyan trees) were seasonally sampled at each site for PCDD/Fs analysis. The annual average of PCDD/Fs toxic equivalency (TEQ) in ambient air was 0.043 pg I-TEQ/Nm3 in all sites. Long-jing Elementary School (Longjing Township) has the highest measured value of ambient air dioxin (0.070 pg I-TEQ/Nm3), especially in the 3rd season (0.128 pg I-TEQ/Nm3). The annual average TEQ in soil was 3.27 ng I-TEQ/kg in all sites. The measured value (7.79 ng I-TEQ/kg) in soil of Nei-pu Elementary School (Houli Township) was significantly higher than the other 3 areas. The annual average TEQ in banyan leaves was 2.65 pg I-TEQ/g in all sites. The measured values of plant samples were similar between 4 sites. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed that the ambient air in most sites was affected by vehicle exhaust, and the higher values in Longjing site might be related to burning of biomass materials. The relatively high content of soil PCDD/Fs in Houli site might be affected by local burning residuals or foreign soil according to the field observation. The estimation of annual PCDD/Fs emission of all running regulated factories in Taichung County was 7.47 g I-TEQ in 2009. The emission from 2 iron smelting electric arc furnace factories (3.29 and 0.57 g I-TEQ/year) and coal-fired TPC power plant (3.22 g I-TEQ/year) occupied about 95% of total emission of Taichung County. However, the emission of 2 municipal solid waste incinerations in Taichung County was few. Additionally, the PCDD/Fs emission is expect to growth because the steelmaking factory in Longjing Township will have two new sinter plants be going into operation in 3 years. Thus, it is suggested to enhance the monitoring works in the ambient area of steelmaking factories and coal-fired plants in the future.
英文關鍵字 Dioxin;Air pollution;environmental monitoring