

中文摘要 桃園縣近年PM10由二級防制區轉為三級防制區,故對於逸散性污染源所造成之問題更應加以重視。一般如要降低空氣中懸浮微粒所造成之問題,街道洗掃作業乃藉由路面塵土負載之減少,降低道路揚塵之發生機率,為減低懸浮微粒排放之有效方法,另外,藉由空氣品質淨化區之持續管理與改善,以及利用各種可行方式以提昇效率,皆是本計畫應努力與執行之方向。 本年度於協助管理街道揚塵洗掃工作部分成效卓著,其中主要道路髒污普查已無C級道路,顯見桃園地區路面髒污狀況較往年為佳,另藉由髒亂點調查亦得知中壢市為所有髒污點最多之區域,佔總查處處次之55%,後續應再協調各環境整潔單位,對於違規廣告物及其他髒亂點進行加強管制,以改善區域環境髒污問題。統計98年度止桃園縣內洗掃街公里數為266,240.6公里,TSP減量為3,674.1公噸/年,已達成環保白皮書之要求,於成效評估及整合性推廣工作中,藉由街塵負荷調查得知本縣代表性道路之總街塵負荷量平均為3.433±0.778g/m2,實有必要進行洗掃工作之整合與推展,主要道路民意問卷則反映出本縣洗掃工作有近六成之支持率,應再努力透過各種宣傳工作,以提升本計畫之能見度,而空品淨化區滿意度問卷亦反映六成以上民眾認為設置空氣品質淨化區可以改善空氣品質,承此本工作亦須戮力執行。 本計畫後續除應落實行政院環保署所建議之洗掃作業方式,藉以改善環境整潔、提升洗掃效率,另將持續進行街塵負荷進行省、縣、鄉市道路之評估,並利用採樣分析統計結果,藉以了解道路路面髒污等級變化,且輔以執行民意問卷調查,期藉問卷調查結果了解本計畫之執行作業適切性、民眾滿意度與作業方式變更之研訂,來提升桃園縣縣民對於施政滿意度之印象,以使縣境內空氣品質及環境能永續潔淨與發展。
中文關鍵字 街道揚塵洗掃計畫;街塵負荷;空品淨化區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 7180 千元
專案開始日期 2009/08/10 專案結束日期 2010/05/09 專案主持人 王旭淵
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林彰潭 執行單位 慧群環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98年度「非營建逸散性污染源管理及評估計畫」.pdf 20MB

Non-construction Fugitive management and assessment plan

英文摘要 The main road so far this year there is no longer C-class road survey, which shows the situation in Taoyuan dirty the roads than in previous years.Mess of the environment survey 800, which total 553 illegal advertisements, total 109 kinds of construction pollution, other pollution, total 138. Chungli City, for all the dirty spots, where most of the region, followed by 57.8% of total investigation..Implementation of the operation of street 22,038.5 km washing machines, operation of street sweeping equipment 21,814.8 km year,the percentage reached 94.2%, respectively, 93.2%.Types of statistics are washing machines, sweep streets, the average vehicle mileage / fuel ratios were 1.40,0.96 km / liter, indicating a more street-sweeping vehicles, street cleansing vehicles, fuel consumption, the reason for the vehicle power source to sweep the streets for the body and vice respectively, engine motor. Taoyuan County, 98-year estimate of total road pavement Dealers TSP emissions for the 39,553 tonnes / year, estimated to total 110 dealers in the road pavement was 46,167 metric tons of TSP emissions / year.Representative of the county roads in total road dust load average 3.552 ± 0.778g/m2, including fine silt soil load average 0.076 ± 0.022g/m2, large size silt soil load average 0.364 ± 0.095g/m2, large particle dust load average 0.981 ± 0.258g/m2, diameter greater than 297μm of road dust load average 2.131 ± 0.520g/m2.Main road sweeping survey of public opinion showed that 51.6% of the public "know" EPA has commissioned a major street sweeping civil cleaning work.Air purification zones satisfaction survey, the 44.5% of the people that "know" whether the proximity of homes to set air purification zones, 63.2% of the people realized the air purification zones s "can" improve air quality.
英文關鍵字 Non-construction Fugitive management and assessment plan;Fugitive Loading;air purification zones