中文摘要 | 本遙測科技應用於河川、海洋油污染監控及公害糾紛處理專案工作計畫,計畫內容利用定期經過台灣上空的福衛二號、法國SPOT等各國衛星進行地面監測工作,並應用無人低空遙控載具輔助現場調查。目標為規劃建置遙測科技應用於台灣本島及近海環境監測調查,並協助公害調查蒐證使用,以有效釐清污染環境責任,及協助損害查估,輔助公害糾紛處理,消弭公害紛爭。工作內容包括: 遙測科技應用於河川及海洋油污染監控 1.維護全天候24小時緊急聯絡處理系統,包含人員、電話及傳真,除接受環保署通知提供技術諮詢服務外,並配合環保署98年度演練或重大海洋污染事件, 應用衛星遙測、遙測機具、遙控直升機等先進遙測科技及航照方式,快速蒐集污染事件資料,全年搭配演練共執行10次海洋污染遙測蒐證工作(含演練)。 2.對於台灣周圍海域進行定期監測,一共發現3次疑似污染情形,並依通報機制進行通報與查證的工作,強化周圍海域的稽查功能與蒐證。 3.彙整3個先進國家海域船舶非法監測技術,並修訂台灣海域船舶航線疑似污染監控查察作業流程。 遙測科技應用於公害糾紛處理 1.配合環保署的環境調查相關業務單位執行12次調查工作。 2.以三個月為週期利用福衛二號衛星進行周圍環境監測並建置遠端操控攝影機(PTZ)監視工業區煙囪排放情形,於觀音以及中壢工業區都各監測到疑似污染情形發生。 3.依據本計畫示範工業區成果並參考國外遙測監測技術之最新發展趨勢,並提出工業區運用遙測方式進行定期監控空氣及水污染之建議。 4.推廣應用遙測調查技術及提昇實務人員舉證責任能力。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 海洋油污染,公害糾紛處理,衛星遙測 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-98-G106-02-243 | 經費年度 | 098 | 計畫經費 | 3700 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2009/10/08 | 專案結束日期 | 2010/10/07 | 專案主持人 | 陳珠燕 |
主辦單位 | 水保處 | 承辦人 | 劉建華 | 執行單位 | 國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | EPA-98-G106-02-243.pdf | 18MB |
The application of Remote Sensing Technologies to River and Marine Oil Pollution and Public Dispute
英文摘要 | Due to limited resources and high density of population in Taiwan, the large-scale pollution is normally accompanied with public dispute and environmental disaster. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task to perform afield investigation when a large-scale pollution happens. In order to locate the spread areas of the pollution, this study integrates spatial data collection and processing technologies to help collect evidence of pollution and monitor the polluted areas. The main objective of this project is to use the existing remote sensing technologies and internet communications system to aid the data collection when public dispute and River、marine oil pollution occur. The following tasks are achieved in the project: The Utility of Remote Sensing Technology in Monitoring to River and Offshore Oil pollution 1.The NCU project’s team has setup an emergency communication network between NCU and EPA. The team has provided communication network and remote sensing systems to take part in the marine training and data collection exercise for eleven times during the project period. 2.A constant monitoring of the marine enviroment of Taiwan’s surrounding areas has been carried out in the project period. Three suspectable pollution cases have been detected and transferred for the in situ investigation. 3.Compiling the information of ships monitoring technology in three advanced countries, and revising the investigation assessment process for ships monitoring around of Taiwan’s maritime area. The Utility of Remote Sensing Technology to deal with dispute for Environmental Pollution 1.In this year, the NCU Project time has executed 12 investigations to co-operate with EPA’s need. 2.Using FS-2 Satellite for surrounding environmental monitoring, and setting up PTZ cameras for emission monitoring from industrial chimneys in Jungli and Guanyin Industrial Parks for long-term monitoring. 3.With the long-term monitoring results of Jungli and Guanyin Industrial Parks in this project and other remote sensing technologist in other countries in monitoring field, to make the recommendations for periodical monitoring of air and water pollution in industrial parks with Remote Sensing Technology. 4.Coordinate the training courses for local government’s EPA to improve their investigation ability. | ||
英文關鍵字 | marine oil pollution, public dispute, remote sensing technologies |