

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間自98年1月10日至99年1月9日止,共計12個月,其中主要工作項目包括:協助陳情案件相關行政作業與文書處理、稽查陳情案件、陳情案件異味污染採樣作業、滿意度調查作業、清、複查及污染鄰近現場訪談作業、97年度台南縣公害陳情案件白皮書、彙整考核項目資料及稽查人員教育訓練等工作項目,各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程進行。 本計畫協助陳情案件相關行政作業與文書處理,共計完成8,244件次;協助稽查(含夜間稽查及重大公害案件)共計完成1,878件次。另於執行公害陳情案件進行異味檢測共計完成10點次,其皆符合法規標準。 滿意度調查作業共執行2,825件次,結果顯示滿意(含尚可)計有2636件次(97.13%),不滿意(含非常不滿意)有78件(2.87%)。不滿意(含非常不滿意)案件以異味污染物最多有28件(35.9%),其次為廢棄物案件有19件(24.36%)。針對一再陳情案件、重大污染案件及民調不滿意案件執行現場訪談作業共計21件次。分析民調不滿意原因其為公私場所排放源中含有閾值較低的污染物排放雖已確實符合排放標準,但仍造成民眾困擾,另一個原因為異味污染容易消失不易採證、且常隨污染源與陳情人的相對位置而有所差異。 本計畫於98年3月18日及9月22日假環保局會議室辦理2場次稽查人員職務訓練,授課內容包含常用法規、稽查實務、採樣流程、緊急應變處理技巧及環保污染查緝技巧與個案探討;另於98年06月10日舉辦公害陳情緊急衝突應變暨電話接聽禮儀教育訓練。藉由教育訓練課程提升稽查人員對於法規的認知及更有效率處理緊急公害陳情案件。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 4431.5 千元
專案開始日期 2009/01/10 專案結束日期 2010/01/09 專案主持人 陳信源
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃旭群 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98年度台南縣空氣污染陳情案件稽查管理計畫(定稿本)-本文加附件.pdf 233MB

2009 Tainan County Air Pollution Complaints Auditing Management Plan

英文摘要 This project was carried out from Jan 10 2009 to Jan 9 2010, totally 12 months, in which the following works were executed: assistance of administrative and paper work for complaint cases, investigation of complaints, sampling of odor and pollution for complaints, satisfaction surveys, site surveys and secondary surveys, interviews in the neighborhood of complaint sites, 2008 white book for public hazard complaints in Tainan County, data summarization for items audited, and training of auditors. Each of the work items was completed as scheduled. In this project, administrative and paper work of 8,244 complaints were carried out, and assistance was provided to 1,878 cases of auditing (including night auditing and major public hazard cases). In addition, odor detection was carried out at 10 spots for public hazard complaints, all of which complied with applicable standards. 2,825 times of satisfaction survey were carried out, and the results shows 2,363 cases of satisfaction (97.13%) and 78 cases of dissatisfaction (including great dissatisfaction) (2.87%). Among the dissatisfaction (including great dissatisfaction), there were 28 cases of odor complaints (35.9%) accounting for the most, followed by 19 complaints of illegal waste disposal (24.36%). 21 on-site interviews were carried out for repetitive complaints, major pollutions, and cases of dissatisfaction. The cause of dissatisfaction was analyzed to be that the emission of pollutants with lower threshold emitted from public or private facilities may comply with emission criteria, but the odor is still a public nuisance. Another cause is that odor dissipates very quickly, and evidence collection is difficult. Also, the intensity of odor may be different due to the distance between pollution source and those who filed complaints. 2 sessions of auditor training were given at the meeting room of the Environmental Protection Bureau on Mar 18 and Sep 22 2009. Lectures were provided for applicable regulations, auditing practice, sampling process, skills of emergency response, techniques of pollution investigation, and case studies. Also, training session was given on Jun 10 2009 for emergency response of complaints, as well as telephone manners. Through the training given, auditors were improved in terms of better knowledge of regulations and more efficient handling of urgent public hazard complaints.