

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間為民國98年3月20日至99年3月19日,計畫總經費新台幣柒佰玖拾參萬元。已完成環保局所交付支各項任務與職責,包括空氣品質人工測站之採樣分析與保養維護、自動測站之定期維護保養、軟硬體設備更新、電子看板設置、能見度調查、室內空品宣導工作及非游離輻射監測等(如表1)。計畫中各項設備需藉由完善操作與維護以確保監測品質,進而取得正確監測數據,建立空氣品質資料庫。本工作團隊已建置經驗豐富之技術人員(如表2)、購置充足之設備(如表3)與零件耗材庫存,並建立各項作業之標準作業程序及職前訓練課程,以確保工作品質。 空氣品質人工測站方面,每月針對信義國小、成功國小、文山國小、北新國中、西苑中學及台鐵總站等6座測站進行1次落塵採樣與分析,每月執行2次TSP採樣與分析及維護保養,每月執行1次流量單點校正,每季執行一次流量多點校正。 在自動測站部分,經由本計畫定期之每週及每季維護保養,各測站各監測項目皆能正常運作,且資料可用率均達85%以上。本工作小組亦於民國98年8月依環保署現行查核方式辦理品保查核,查核結果均為滿意。另外完成測站軟硬體更新,如數據處理軟體、冷氣機、大氣壓力計、欄杆及爬梯等。 由監測結果發現,98年度之空氣品質較97年度稍有下降,98年本市空氣品質不良率為2.70%,指標污染物以臭氧為主。其中西屯測站的空氣品質不良日數共有11站日,指標污染物為PM10者有4站日、指標污染物為O3者有7站日;忠明測站的空氣品質不良日數共有9站日,指標污染物為PM10者有3站日、指標污染物為O3者有6站日。而本局設置之文山測站98年之空氣品質不良率為2.47%,指標污染物為PM10者有4站日、指標污染物為O3者有5站日(如表4)。中部空品區各縣市不良率以南投縣(3.42%)最高,其次為臺中市(2.70%)、臺中縣(2.47%)、彰化縣(1.23%)。 非游離輻射監測部分,已完成10件電磁波監測,其中6件為低頻電磁波,4件為高頻電磁波,量測結果皆符合環境建議值。 在電子看板部分,依照合約預定進度進行相關作業,於南屯區寶文段40地號設置電子看板。目前正進行造型施工及看板組裝作業。後續將完成看板主體架設及資訊系統建立及教育訓練等作業。 在室內空氣品質管理部分,已辦理2場教育宣導及說明會並執行20家公共場所參與室內空品自主管理與CO2巡檢,CO2巡檢結果均符合環保署建議值;室內空品檢測結果顯示,真菌為常見不合格項目,不合格率60%;而CO2、CO、甲醛、TVOC、PM10、PM2.5、O3、細菌及溫度等9種檢測項目均符合標準,合格率100%。另外,室內空品評鑑結果由西區區公所及北屯區區公所,獲選室內空品評鑑優良單位,並成立為臺中市室內空氣品質優良示範場所。 在能見度調查部分,本計畫探討中央氣象局臺中氣象站之長期能見度觀測PM10及PM2.5微粒之監測與分析結果,重建臺中都會地區之40年之PM10歷史濃度;及比較臺中市與中部空品區歷年能見度變化差異,建立臺中市能見度分級指標;最後建立提升能見度之污染物減量管制方案之優選模式,評估能見度提升之污染減量成本效益之優選策略。結論如下:(一)臺中市1993年至2009年11月能見度雖未有持續惡化現象,但也沒有明顯的改善,平均為9.6公里,和臺北地區能見度相當。(二)以能見度的基本敘述統計(平均值1.28倍標準差)作為能見度的分類指標,比以空氣污染指標PSI來分類時為佳。(三)台中市南區之大氣氣膠特性採樣實驗結果顯示,白天與夜間各成分在微粒中所佔的比例,並沒有很大的差異(四)由模式模擬校正與驗證程序的結果顯示,SO2主要受點源的長程傳輸的影響;NOx主要受線源的交通污染影響;PM10主要受面源的污染排放源排放量影響。(五)利用軌跡模式所模擬之PM10污染源貢獻比例削減濃度,配合多元迴歸分析由能見度與氣象因子及空氣品質濃度所得的能見度經驗式,可以得到不同能見度改善條件下,最小成本花費之執行策略。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、監測站、品保查核、能見度、非游離輻射、室內空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 7930 千元
專案開始日期 2009/03/20 專案結束日期 2010/03/19 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 廖秦鈴 執行單位 祥威環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98年度空氣品質監測站操作維護、能見度調查及室內空氣品質管理計畫.pdf 4MB

2009 Air Quality Operating and Maintaining Stations, Visibility Investigation and Indoor Air Quality Management Project

英文摘要 This project is executed from March 20, 2009 to March 19, 2010 and was budgeted 7,930 thousand New Taiwan Dollars. It accomplished the all assignments and duties, including the sampling with analysis and maintenance of both human and auto inspection stations in air quality, software and hardware devices updating, electrical signboard installation, visibility investigation, indoor air quality announcement and non-atomic ionized radiation monitoring, that Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) authorized. For the human inspection stations in air quality, Xin Yi elementary school, Cheng Gong elementary school, Wen Shan elementary school, Bei Shin junior high school, Xi Yuan junior high school and Taiwan Railways terminal were sampling and analysis monthly for dust fall. Besides, The TSP sampling with analysis and maintenance were executed twice a month. The fluid correction of single point and multiple points were executed once a month and once a season separately. For the auto inspection stations, every monitoring items of station operated normally according to the weekly and seasonally maintenance of the project. Therefore, the data availability ratio could be over 85%. In addition, the software and hardware devices were also updating such as data management software, air conditioners, atmospheric pressure meters, railings and ladders. The monitoring data show that the air quality in 2009 was worse than it in 2008. Nevertheless, the disqualified rate of urban air quality in 2009 was 2.70% and the index pollutant was O3 as majority. For Situn station, it has 11 days, 4 days and 7 days for disqualification of air quality, index pollutant PM10 and O3 separately. For Jhonming station, it has 9 days, 3 days and 6 days for disqualification of air quality, index pollutant PM10 and O3 separately. For the Wunshan station, the disqualified rate of urban air quality in 2009 was 2.47% and it has 4 days and 5 days for the index pollutant PM10 and O3 separately. The disqualified rate of counties and cities of air quality in central Taiwan were in turn as Nantou County (3.42%), Taichung City (2.70%) and Changhua County (1.23%). For the non-atomic ionized radiation monitoring, the 10 cases of electromagnetic wave monitoring were accomplished. 6 high frequency cases and 4 low frequency cases of electromagnetic wave were measured to fill the bill of environmental suggestions. For the indoor air quality management, 2 educated announcements and statements have been already held. At the same time, 20 public places also participated in the independent managements of indoor air quality and CO2 investigations. Consequently, the results of CO2 investigation filled the bill of environmental suggestions to Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). The results of indoor air quality show that the disqualified rates of fungi were 60% as the most unqualified item. Nevertheless, the 9 examination items of CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, PM10, PM2.5, O3, bacteria and temperatures were fill the bill as 100% qualified rate. Besides, West distric office and Beitun district office were awarded excellent organization of indoor air quality according to indoor air quality judgments. They were also the best demonstrated places for indoor air quality in Taichung city. For the visibility investigation, this project discussed the results of particles monitoring and particles analysis of PM10 and PM2.5 for long term visibility monitoring of Taichung Weather Station of Central Weather Bureau (CWB) and rebuilt the PM10 concentration of Taichung urban area in the last 40 years. Also, it compared to the differences of visibility between Taichung City and previous data of central Taiwan area. Therefore, it built the classified index of visibility for Taichung City. In the event, both the best model of optional scenarios and the cost effective policies of pollutant reducing and control for visibilities upgrading could be built completely. According to the study, we concluded that: (1) although the visibility does not continue to deteriorate from 1993 to November 2009 in Taichung City, it does not improve obviously also. The visibility in Taichung City was similar to Taipei area as averaged 9.6 km. (2) the basic describable statistics of visibility (averaged value  1.28 times standard deviation) was better than air pollutant index PSI when it comes to the classified index of visibility. (3) the experimental results of aerosol characteristic sampling in southern Taichung City show that the ratio of components in particles for daytime and nighttime were similar. (4) the results of model simulations and verified processes show that SO2 was effected by long term transportation of point sources, NOx was effected by traffic pollution of line sources and PM10 was effected by polluted amounts of area sources. (5) the best cost effective policy could be obtained based on different conditions of visibility upgrading from the experimental formula of visibility, phenomena factors and concentration of air quality, by using the trajectory model which simulated the reducing concentration of PM10 contributed ratio with multiple regression analysis
英文關鍵字 air quality, monitoring station, visibility, Non-Atomic Ionized Radiation Monitoring, Indoor Air Quality