

中文摘要 高雄市政府環境保護局感謝行政院環境保護署鼎力支持,針對高高屏地區二行程機車編列預算執行汰舊補助計畫。由於高高屏地區二行程機車佔比例高達48.6%,且平均車齡為12.3年惟全國之冠,因此推動汰舊二行程機車實為必要。 經本計畫自96年11月起接受民眾補助至98年12月底,完成核撥獎勵金71,840件,金額新台幣107,760,000元。其中96年完成2,506件、97年29,511件、98年39,823件。對於污染削減量根據推算汰舊二行程機車後導致空氣有效減量,NOx就三種假設情境分別增量為71 ton;162 ton;50 ton,THC分別減量為818 ton;4821 ton;2264 ton,CO分別減量為344 ton;4,185 ton;2,486 ton,TSP分別減量為16 ton;100 ton;48 ton。此外NOx有增加之情況,推測因新機車引擎燃燒效率較好使NOx有增量之情形。
中文關鍵字 二行程機車;汰舊補助


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 58300 千元
專案開始日期 2007/08/13 專案結束日期 2010/03/31 專案主持人 余忠賢
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 魏慧敏 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 正式期末報告.pdf 13MB

96 ~ 98 year old 2-stroke vehicle out of the implementation plan

英文摘要 The Kaohsiung City Government Environment Protection Bureau thanks to the Environmental Protection Administration support for 2-stroke motorcycles in Kaohsiung city、Kaohsiung county and Pingtung county budget implementation plan eliminated the old 2-stroke supplement. Kaohsiung city、Kaohsiung county and Pingtung county due to the high proportion of 2-stroke motorcycles account for as much as 48.6%, and the average age was 12.3 years but the highest in the country, therefore eliminating the old 2-stroke motorcycles to promote is actually necessary. After this project, starting in November from 96 years to 98 years to accept public subsidies by the end of December to complete the appropriation of incentives 71,840 pieces, the amount of 107,760,000 NT dollars. 96 of them completed in 2,506 cases, 97 cases in 29,511, 39,823 pieces of 98 years. Pollution reductions for eliminating the old two-stroke motorcycles is projected results in effective reduction of air, NOx, respectively on the three kinds of hypothetical situations in increments of 71 ton; 162 ton; 50 ton, THC reduction, respectively for the 818 ton; 4821 ton; 2264 ton, CO, respectively reduction for the 344 ton; 4,185 ton; 2,486 ton, TSP reduction, respectively for the 16 ton; 100 ton; 48 ton. In addition, an increase of NOx conditions, suggesting that the new locomotive engine for better combustion efficiency of NOx are incremental to the situation.
英文關鍵字 2-stroke vehicle ; Eliminated the old supplement