

中文摘要 二行程機車行駛過程中會因潤滑機油在汽缸內與汽油一起燃燒及利用混合氣來清除廢氣,導致燃燒不完全時,排放的碳氫化合物特別嚴重,排氣濃度高於四行程約8倍左右,為求維護環境空氣品質有必要利用經濟誘因及行政管制措施促使其儘速淘汰。 行政院環保署有鑑於高高屏地區車齡逾七年之老舊二行程機車比例遠高於其他縣市,因此特別通過增加補助設籍於高高屏三縣市淘汰老舊二行程機車,每輛補助1,500元,補助期限自即日起至民國98年12月31日止。 『屏東縣配合辦理老舊二行程機車汰舊補助宣導計畫』自97年4月30日簽約後開始執行,至98年12月31日止,總計完成提供7年以上限期改善通知105,427輛,完成率105.4%;雙掛號意見陳述公文通知(12,209件)及告發處分(4,067件)共計16,276件,完成率100.2%;告發處分案件改善完成件數815件,達告發改善率20.0%;此外針對告發車輛業務成立二行程汰舊宣導專案辦公室等。 本縣二行程機車限期改善通知總計寄發105,427輛,然合法送達者為74,681輛,合法送達率為70.84%,其有51,611輛完成定檢,佔合法送達者69.1%;完成汰舊申請獎勵件數3,114件,佔限期改善通知比例4.17%;申請汰舊獎勵8,110件、車體不存在證明3,322件及監理站註銷車籍8,819件,三者共計20,251件,對於本縣機車管制死車篩除作業上助益頗大。 由定檢資料統計分析各車齡HC及CO之排放濃度關係,則皆以10年以上車輛排放濃度較高,且二行程機車平均排放濃度為四行程機車的7.9倍,顯示二行程機車皆為HC污染排放主因。因此,環保局應繼續加強二行程機車汰舊以有效削減污染排放。 依中鼎公司提供之交通工具污染物排放削減量係數推估,本計畫執行至11月底,污染物排放削減量在NMHC部份為137.71噸/年,在CO部份為366.61噸/年。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 4170 千元
專案開始日期 2008/04/30 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 劉原宏
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 裕山環境工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 屏東縣配合辦理老舊二行程機車汰舊補助宣導計畫-期末報告(定稿).pdf 10MB
英文摘要 Two-Stroke Motorcycle combustion systems due to design, need to add oil to the combustion system of lubrication, thus driving the process a result of lubrication oil and gasoline in the cylinder with the combustion and the use of mixed gas to clear the exhaust, resulting in incomplete combustion, the emissions of carbon hydrogen compounds, particularly serious, so the exhaust will often fail inspection and the concentration is higher than four-stroke is about 8 times, and the other blue-white smoke emission is also long been criticized for the people, for the sake of safeguarding environmental air quality, two-stroke motorcycles there are necessary to use economic incentives and administrative control measures to facilitate their elimination as soon as possible. In view of the Environmental Protection Administration in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas of more than seven years of age the proportion of the old two-stroke motorcycles is much higher than other counties and cities, and poor air quality in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas, in order to effectively improve the pollution situation of mobile sources of pollution, so in particular through the increase in grant citizenship in Kaohsiung and Pingtung counties and cities in three out of the old two-stroke motorcycles, 1,500 yuan per subsidy, grant period from now until the Republican 98 years ending December 31, applying for grants who should pay the old two-stroke motorcycles to the Kaohsiung City Government, Kaohsiung County, Pingtung County Government Environmental Protection Agency registration, or approval of the waste motor vehicle recycling recycling or by motorcycle exhaust fixed inspection stations to notify the recovery traders can receive the subsidy. 『Pingtung County cooperate to handle the old two-stroke motorcycles replace our old subsidy advocacy program』 since 97 April 30 after signing started, to 98 years ended December 31, a total completed to provide Kaohsiung Environmental Protection Agency, "96 ~ replace our old 98 year old two-stroke motorcycles implementation of the Plan "7-year old two-stroke motorcycles for more than 105,427 vehicles to improve the notification period (required to first check for more than 7 years old and two-stroke motorcycle car membership information, and then check household registration information) to complete the the rate of 105.4%; double registered statements of opinion documents to inform (12,209 pieces), and denounced action (4,067 cases) a total of 16,276 pieces, the completion of the rate of 100.2%; denounced the completion of disciplinary cases to improve the number 815, up to denounce to improve the rate of 20.0% completion rate 108.7 %; In addition, the immediate task of environmental protection for the informant vehicle movement ban / de-action ban for issuing licenses and the cessation of transaction services, the implementation of the second full public satisfaction survey and the establishment of two-stroke eliminated the old advocacy project office. The implementation of the analysis of results from a planned point of view, this county for more than 7 years old and two-stroke motorcycles to improve the notification deadline for sending a total of 105,427 vehicles, the legal service of those who ran for 74,681 vehicles, the legal delivery rate was 70.84%, indicating supervision units for the elderly Old locomotive car Ji master room for improvement in the situation is not satisfactory. Served by the legal deadline to improve the notification of the number of view, most owners to improve the notification received by the deadline to complete the fixed-location of improvements, legal service of 74,681 vehicles, motorcycles, there are 51,611 vehicles to complete inspection, accounting for 69.1% of those who lawfully served; completed eliminated applications on old award the number 3,114, accounting for 4.17% percentage of the deadline to improve the notification, indicating the deadline for the elimination of old practices to improve the notification of the beneficial two-stroke motorcycles have yet to be upgrading and improvement; 8,110 reward for eliminating the old parts, the body does not exist to prove 332.2 Parts and Supervision Station 8,819 write-off for membership pieces, three a total of 20,251 pieces, for the county screening locomotive control cars operating on the death of a significant benefit. Not yet been completed to improve the notification received by the application deadline for eliminating the old, the body does not exist to prove, and supervision units or complete write-off scheduled for inspection by nationality, a statement of opinion again informed the 12,209 pieces of correspondence, information punished 4,067 pieces, was accused of disposition rate of 33.31%. Action against the defendant made to improve the completion of the 815 in order to prove that the body does not exist up to 419, accounting for 51.4% of informers to improve the completion rate, followed by a general retirement to 372, accounting for 45.6% of informers to improve completion rates, criminal cases of cancellation, Vehicles (Licensing) stolen registration and hand in its (off) by a total of 24 cases, accounting for informers to improve the completion rate 3.0%. Information on vehicles scheduled for review by the statistical analysis found that the vehicle age of HC and CO emission concentration relationship, then begin with more than 10 years higher concentrations of vehicle emissions, while the HC and CO emission concentrations Zeyi than four-stroke two-stroke motorcycles, and the average emission concentration of two-stroke motorcycle four-stroke motorcycles to 7.9 times, indicating that two-stroke motorcycle Jiewei main cause of HC emissions. Therefore, the EPA should continue to strengthen two-stroke motorcycles replace our old order to effectively reduce pollution. CTCI Corporation in accordance with transportation provided by the amount of pollutant emission reduction coefficient estimates, the implementation of this plan to the end of November, pollutant emission reductions in the NMHC majority of 137.71 tons / year, in the CO part is 366.61 tons / year. Next year the Environmental Protection Department for the elimination of old two-stroke motorcycles will continue the practice of 97 and 98 years for two-stroke motorcycle out of city and county to be a reward of NT is still the amount of 1,500 yuan, in order to accelerate and enhance the elimination of two-stroke motorcycles the number of two-stroke motorcycles for next year out of the practice recommendations are as follows: 1. propaganda: the proposal should be EPA's policy for a national advocacy and disseminating a manner that includes television, radio, Internet and other mass media. Notification of the local Environmental Protection Bureau in fixed location should be filling out two-stroke motorcycle pollution severity and grant related information. 2. Incentives: by the plan and taking into account any Kaohsiung Environmental Protection Agency, "96 ~ 98 year old two-stroke motorcycles replace our old implementation of the project" Survey results show that incentives do not want to apply for assistance the success of respondents, none of the wishes of the reasons for the application, the "car can also ride," the highest proportion of 68.1%, followed by followed by "too little money", accounting for 32.2%, "do not bother," was 13.1%, indicating that the current high prices and high oil price era, the wishes of the people for the replacement car is not high, even if there is an incentive grant for vehicle replacement amount, it is still disproportionate, resulting in implementation of this project the biggest obstacles, it is suggested that the Environmental Protection Department for the replacement of old locomotives the amount of subsidy should be re-assessed to increase the will of the people out of two-stroke motorcycles. 3. By the laws and regulations in implementation: (1) by a stopped inspection data show that use of the two-stroke motorcycles have one for every four test failed, it is suggested that EPA should strengthen the two-stroke motorcycle stopped inspection, and, indeed, according to Air Pollution Control Act No. 63 of the owners dispose of test failed, forcing them to phase out two-stroke motorcycles. (2) For the completion of scheduled inspection of the Weiyi two-stroke motorcycles, all sending the deadline to improve the notification, if the owners will review those who have not been completed, immediately denounced punishment. 4. Implementation difficulties: (1) the popular will: the old two-stroke motorcycle, Pingtung County, is currently about 16.5 million units, due to the survey results show that the majority of people unless the vehicle is damaged, or they will continue to ride two-stroke motorcycle, resulting in promotion of eliminated older than the other counties and cities on the high degree of difficulty. (2) effective control of vehicle ownership status: data from the supervision station is much greater than the number of applications found in the number of abandoned, taxes over 5 years high proportion of that Ghost Rider nationality problem is serious, if not effectively control the actual use of the two-stroke vehicles Ji information , for two-stroke motorcycle out of control and there will be a great error.