

中文摘要 本計畫延續98年度計畫精神,針對鋁鋅二次冶煉廠事業廢棄物進行進一步的調查與檢測,採樣數量達63件次。研究結果顯示鋁二次冶煉廠之排氣戴奧辛並無超標之虞,然而在飛灰部份,有顯著之戴奧辛超標現象,屬戴奧辛有害事業廢棄物,與前期計畫檢測結果類似。在二次鋅冶煉業方面,採樣分析結果指出其產品及廢棄物均無戴奧辛超標之虞,雖於民國96年時該業者產生之飛灰曾檢測出有戴奧辛含量超標之現象,但在後續之97年及本年度計畫檢測,均符合認定標準,推測超標應屬個案,而非常態。評估興建電漿焚化爐作為有害事業廢棄物終端處理方面,本計畫評估該技術對處理有害事業廢棄物確有其優勢,然為提高該技術之操作安全性、降低處理費用及拓展產品市場等,仍需有政府各部會之配套措施或獎勵方案,方能提高業者投資意願及民眾接受程度。推動事業含汞廢棄物源頭減量、回收再利用及廢棄流向調查方面,本計畫已評估替代產品之可行性,提升含汞物質減量成效,建議分為源頭減量及後端控制兩部份。前者使用洗煤脫汞技術降低煤中之含汞量或直接採用低汞煤炭,後者透過設備改善或更新,提高空氣污染防制設備對汞之去除效率。
中文關鍵字 有害事業廢棄物,戴奧辛,重金屬


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-U1H1-02-103 經費年度 099 計畫經費 2760 千元
專案開始日期 2010/03/11 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 張木彬
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 吳郁煌 執行單位 國立中央大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-99-U1H1-02-103(合併檔).pdf 74MB

Investigation and Evaluation of Hazardous Industrial Waste Control of Dioxins and Heavy Metals 2010

英文摘要 As a continuation of the 2009 Project on dioxin and heavy metal emissions from metallurgical processes, this Project carried out further and additional investigation on the hazardous industrial waste generated from secondary smelting processes of zinc and aluminum. Up to 63 sampling and analysis works were completed in the Project. The results indicate that the chance of exceeding emission limit of dioxins for the said processes is limited. However, the dioxin concentration of BF ash in secondary aluminum smelting plant investigated in this study was significantly higher than 1.0 ng-TEQ/g. The dioxin concentration in fly ash of the secondary zinc smelting plant was higher than 1.0 ng-TEQ/g in 2007, but lower than the regulation limit of 1.0 ng-TEQ/g in 2008 and 2010. Therefore, the case in 2007 might be a special case. In terms of technical evaluation of viability of thermal plasma technology as a terminal processing facility for hazardous industrial waste handling, this study confirms the advantages of such approach. However, to enhance its operational safety, reduce the processing cost and such considerations as to broaden the product market, promotional policies conducive to the adoption of this process from relevant government agencies are deemed essential to boost interest of investors and garner public acceptance. This study has assessed the feasibility of making substitute products by promoting mercury-containing hazardous industrial waste reduction from source reduction, waste reclamation and waste outflow. To increase the effectiveness of reducing mercury-containing hazardous industrial waste, this study recommends a two-way approach including source reduction and air pollution emission control. The former would use coal-washing technique to reduce mercury content of the coal, or use low mercury content coal directly. The latter would apply improved apparatus to enhance the efficiency of mercury removal.
英文關鍵字 Hazardous waste,Dioxin,Heavy metal