

中文摘要 本計畫主要目標共計七點:(1) 滾動檢討修正全國重點河川整治「不缺氧、不發臭及水岸活化」關鍵指標及流域整合管理評鑑制度。;(2) 執行一縣市一河川(25縣市,離島為水庫) 與九大重點河川流域整合管理評鑑作業;(3) 辦理國際水污染整治研討會;(4) 進行河川污染擴散模擬,並研訂本土水污染管理控制策略;(5)蒐集歐、美、日、韓等各國河川整治成效、經驗,提出國內應用建議;(6) 結合本署eco-life網站,建立流域管理評鑑相關資訊交流平台提供經驗分享;以及(7) 擇定重點河川進行臭味分析。 於成果方面,本計畫修訂「水質清淨程度」、「政府行政管理」、「民間投入參與」、「流域生態環境」、以及「水岸環境活化」等五大面向,共計22項關鍵績效指標;並建置水庫評鑑關鍵績效指標。臭味分析方面,本計畫針對11種水中臭味化學物質之濃度與水質參數進行相關性分析;並建置河川臭味嗅覺污染削減計畫。總量管制方面方面,本計畫執行南崁溪及高屏溪流域之TMDL,根據模式模擬的結果,研擬污染總量管制之策略方案。舉辦「2010水污染控制技術及流域管理國際研討會」,邀請多國專家學者共計發表12篇專業論文或簡報;另邀集30多位國內外學者參與圓桌會議。河川污染整治評鑑成果方面,本計畫依據修訂之「河川(水庫)污染整治績效指標」,完成今年度25縣市河川(水庫)之評鑑工作。彙整國外水污染執行成效方面,本計畫針對歐、美、日、韓、澳等國,蒐集其河川整治的經驗,彙整其面臨的困境及整治的方案,最後提出施政方針建議,可作為該縣市改善水污染施政之參考。
中文關鍵字 河川評鑑;國際研討會;關鍵績效指標;臭味分析;總量管制


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-G104-02-216 經費年度 099 計畫經費 5850 千元
專案開始日期 2010/05/05 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 蔣本基
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 簡吟純 執行單位 國立台灣大學嚴慶齡工業發展基金會合設工業研究中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告-(本文含附錄).pdf 39MB

Comprehensive Project for Watershed Assessment and Management of the Major Rivers in Taiwan

英文摘要 The objectives of this project were: (1) to progressively revise the key performance indicators and the performance evaluation system for the implementation of river remediation; (2) to implement the performance evaluation work for the nation-wide and the nine major river remediation; (3) to hold an international workshop and a roundtable forum; (4) to carry out the river pollution dispersion simulation as to provide the pollution management and control strategy; (5) to collect the national remediation experiences, i.e. Europe, America, Japan, Korea and other countries, for the demonstration and recommendation; (6) to upload results to the Eco-life Website, and to establish the platform to share experience of river basin management; and (7) to execute the odor analysis of selected rivers. Five categories of key performance indicators were established, i.e. “Water Quality and Esthetic”, “Administration Efficiency and Effectiveness”, “Public Participation”, “Conservation Approaches and Tools”, and “Water Front”, for the evaluation of river basins and reservoirs. For the analysis of the odors of the river water bodies, this project established 11 species of odorous materials in the river water body, and proposed implementation strategies for the elimination of the odorous problem. For the total maximum daily load (TMDL), this project carried out the simulation of Nan-Kan River and Kao-Ping River, and proposed implementation strategies for the elimination of the point- and non-point-source pollutants. This project organized the “2010 International Workshop on Integrated Watershed Management”, and published total of 12 professional papers or presentations. More than 30 international scholars attended the roundtable discussions. For the results of river pollution remediation evaluation, this project completed the evaluation work of 25 counties this year including rivers and reservoirs. Finally, this project summarize the river remediation experiences of Europe, United States, Japan, Korea, and Australia, and proposed strategy which can be used to improve the water pollution policy of Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Performance assessment;key performance indicators;odorous analysis;total maximum daily load;international workshop