

中文摘要 依據工作契約書內容,本計畫執行期間自99年11月1日起至100年4月30日止。本計畫主要工作內容包括辦理節能減碳宣導說明會、推動低碳飲食及自行車樂活減碳快樂行活動、節能減碳重要指標投放、環保新聞見報、宣導品購置等;其中工作內容「推動低碳飲食及自行車樂活減碳快樂行活動」,為因應地球日活動之展開,已於100年3月4日檢送執行變更為『2011年世界地球日揪愛環保關懷地球 PART 兔之與森林共舞舞動環保表演』。 1.辦理節能減碳宣導說明會 依本計畫工作目標,計畫期間需辦理節能減碳宣導說明會10場次,每場參加總人數100人,每場次出席率需達70%以上,至100年4月30日止,共辦理14場次,參與人數達1,190人,水電單收集共856張,整體目標已完成100.0%。 2.低碳飲食自行車樂活減碳快樂行宣導活動 配合轄內自行車騎車活動辦理宣導辦理低碳飲食自行車樂活減碳快樂行宣導活動1場次,已於99年12月18日配合臺南縣政府台一線自行車道完工典禮試騎活動辦理完畢,整體目標已完成100.0%。 3.揪愛環保 關懷地球-與森林共舞PART 兔舞動環保表演 為響應「地球日」及「國際森林年」,特於100年4月10日在台南大遠百辦理環保舞蹈比賽,整體目標已完成100.0%。 4.節能減碳重要指標投放 在通衢大街或馬路醒目之看板上投放,讓全民了解國家減碳目標,共10處以上,計畫執行期間共規劃11處看板,並正常播放,整體目標已完成100.0%。 5.環保新聞見報 本計畫年度目標為新聞見報6則,完成新聞見報6則,整體目標已完成100.0%。 6.宣導品購置 因縣市合併之故,將宣導品分兩批次購置,於99年11月26日完成首批宣導品苦茶粉1,000份購置;於100年1月26日完成第二批宣導品環保洗手乳500份、環保洗衣精500份,共計1,000份購置,整體目標已完成100.0%。 7.節能減碳績效評比 依據「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網」上公布的各項成績統計,由100年1月1日至100年5月31日止,簽署宣言:簽署人數達9,071人,全國排名第12名;減碳活動:40人以上場次達11,571人,全國排名第1名;電號填寫:填寫筆數達10,401筆,全國排名第1名;水號填寫:填寫筆數達10,155筆,全國排名第2名。上述評比項目中,惟有簽署成績不盡理想,為有效提升此項成績,建議由環保局成立一節能減碳專案小組,並指派專員協助各區里民眾登錄綠網,以解決本市人口數眾多、幅員廣闊,造成簽署比例下降、績效不彰之問題。 8.計畫完成比率:100.0%
中文關鍵字 節能減碳


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 1260 千元
專案開始日期 2010/11/01 專案結束日期 2011/04/13 專案主持人 洪啟洲
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 侯雅馨 執行單位 新研車輛科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 臺南縣節能減碳期末報告定稿.pdf 6MB
英文摘要 According to Contract, the implementation period of this project was from November 1, 2010 to April 30, 2011. The major work of this project included holding Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Propaganda、promoting low-carbon diet and holding activities of LOHAS cycling for reduce carbon、setting up the billboard of the key indicators for Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Guidance、publishing environmental news in the newspaper、purchasing promotion products. Among these primary tasks, the promotion of low-carbon diet and activities of LOHAS cycling for reduce carbon have submitted the change of implementation to a dance performance that 『2011 Earth Day, Green Earth - Dancing with the Forest』 on March 4, 2011, in response to the start of Earth Day activities 1.Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Propaganda In accordance with the objectives of this project,10 sessions of Propaganda must be held,and a participation of 100 persons in each session is required. Attendance rate for each session must be over 70%. Until April 30, 2011, a total of 14 sessions have been held, and total participants have reached 1,190 people、a total of 856 water and electricity bills are collected. The overall goal has been completed 100.0%. 2.Promotion of low-carbon diet and activities of LOHAS cycling for carbon reduction The goal is to hold one session to promote low-carbon diet and activities of LOHAS cycling for carbon reduction by cooperating with bike riding activities in area within jurisdiction. With an activity of trying to ride in the completion ceremony of the bicycle paths in Provincial Highway No. 1, the project was completed on December 18, 2000. The overall goal has been completed 100.0%. 3.A dance Performance that『2011 earth day, green earth-Dancing with the Forest』 In response to「Earth Day」 and 「International Year of Forests」, an environmental dance competition was held in Tainan FEDS on April 10 2011. The overall goal has been completed 100.0%. 4.The billboard of the key indicators for Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Guidance At least 10 public billboards have to be established in all thoroughfares in order to notify people about the targets of carbon reduction. During the execution period 11 billboards have been set up and displayed normally. The overall goal has been completed 100.0% 5.Publish environmental news in the newspaper¬ The project requires six news to appear in the newspapers and the same amount of news has been published. The overall goal has been completed 100.0%. 6.Purchase promotion Products Because of the merger of city and county, the promotion Products were purchased in two batches. The first promotion product, 1000 camellia seed powder, was purchased on November 26, 2000. The second promotion product, 500 environmental protection detergent and 500 hand wash, was purchased on January 26, 2011. The overall goal has been completed 100.0%. 7.Review of Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction According to the statistics from 1st January to 31st May on Ecolife (http://ecolife.epa.gov.tw/default.aspx), Signing of Declaration: 9,071 people and ranked 12th nationwide; Carbon Reduction Activities: 11,571 people in total for rounds more than 40 participants and ranked 1st nationwide; Registry of Electricity Meter: 10,401 registries and ranked 1st nationwide; Registry of Water Meter: 10,155 registries and ranked 2nd nationwide. Among all the reviews, only the signing of declaration is not satisfactory and we suggest the Department of Environment Protection to set up a special committee of Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction and to assign specialists to help residents to register on Ecolife so as to resolve the issue of vast territory and spread-out population. 8.The project completion rate:100.0%