

中文摘要 本計畫利用長光徑傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀(OP-FTIR):可同時量測多種化合物、涵蓋大範圍之線和面污染源之先進光學遙測技術,完成6處石化工業區或其內石化工廠之周界監測,配合氣象資料及漸進式污染源搜尋方法(Stepwise Source-searching Method), 在六輕周界外之新興國小及海豐分校及大社工業區外之楠陽國小快速地追蹤三所學校主要的異味污染成份和可能的來源,並要求貢獻來源的工廠在限期內進行改善以減低附近學校的異味污染問題。配合污染減量協談之施行,完成污染源督導改善如下:(1)督導污染工廠全面進行油槽區內浮頂槽密封完整性測試,設法降低汽油及MTBE之逸散量、(2)調整空污防制設備之操作參數,如增加水洗塔填充物及洗滌水排水量及循環水量,以提高氣液接觸面積、提高洗滌水清潔度及加強洗淨效果;並提高焚燒爐操作溫度以增加其處理效率、(3) 回收通往地面燃燒塔之丁二烯尾氣,藉由增設燃料氣外送管線,降低地面燃燒塔之廢氣處理量,並規劃增設高溫氧化爐處理廢氣,以提升廢氣處理效率,減少空氣污染物之排放量。 運用光學量測設備組合進行廢氣燃燒塔處理效率的量測,利用被動式傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀(Passive Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry, PFTIR)光學遙測技術之非接觸性及遠距離量測的特性,並參考Blackwood(2000)施放追蹤氣體的作法,評估石化製程廢氣燃燒塔個別VOCs 排放成份之破壞效率。結果顯示廢氣中有機物的流量對於flare的燃燒破壞效率有決定性的的影響,在一定的流量下,蒸汽/廢氣比在0.5~1.5時其效率最佳。P5801746廠之地面燃燒塔整體燃燒破壞效率僅有75~81%,遠低於一般認知的98%效率。而工廠回收甲烷導致flare進流廢氣中的甲烷量不足反而影響廢氣的破壞效率。S1900710廠之高架燃燒塔反而有93.2%燃燒破壞效率,深入分析比較兩座廢氣燃燒塔的廢氣組成和總淨熱值等資料發現,P5801746的總進熱值較高,但不可燃廢氣的比例超過總進流廢氣的30%以上,而S1900710之高架燃燒塔的總淨熱值雖然較低,但其廢氣中不可燃氣體所佔的比例不到1%(氫氣含量高達62%),顯然廢氣燃燒塔的管制重點在於其廢氣中的不可燃廢氣的比例,因此也呼應了VOCs法規關於flare管制的修訂重點–禁止高含氮廢氣導入flare處理。 在製程節能技術可行性試驗部分,發現以回收製程尾氣燃料取代現有燃料(天然氣與燃料油),並調降剩餘空氣O2濃度提高燃料預熱溫度,估計每年可節省6.5 × 104 m3以上的天然氣使用量。 設備元件洩漏篩檢部分,以紅外線成像儀完成四場次、10,000點石化業之設備元件洩漏篩檢工作,結果發現37件明確洩漏且未掛牌之元件。以攜帶式火焰離子化偵測分析儀(FID)進行洩漏濃度確認後,發現其中有31件之洩漏濃度超過洩漏管制值(10,000 ppm)以上。另外,以紅外線成像儀配合圍封吹拂法完成48件設備元件圍封吹拂法實驗,結果顯示,由紅外線成像儀發現之洩漏者大多屬於高濃度洩漏(>10,000 ppm)。根據該工作之成果,並配合國外相關文獻,完成研擬「高洩漏濃度設備元件快速篩檢方式」及「設備元件圍封吹拂法標準作業程序」之草案說明。 設備元件洩漏比例查驗部分,本計畫以α=0.05、β=0.10、τ=1.0%之抽樣數量表規劃並完成三場次共8,705件石化業設備元件揮發性有機物之洩漏檢測。結果顯示各廠對於設備元件之洩漏掌握度及維修工作仍有提昇的空間。另外亦發現,適當地加嚴β值及τ值可以減少廠商低報洩漏比例之情況發生,但會導致抽樣檢測數量之遽增,失去抽樣檢測之意義。因此,依專家諮詢會之結論,設備元件洩漏比例申報資料查驗作業回歸參考美國德州設備元件洩漏比例查驗規定,並完成研擬「設備元件洩漏比例查驗標準作業準則」草案說明。 在六輕工業區VOCs相關計畫執行成果彙整分析及相關管制策略研析部分,分別完成(1)彙整六輕歷年環境影響評估報告,發現六輕各期VOCs申請量及其提報之資料皆存在合理性的問題;(2)研擬揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準中,廢氣燃燒塔相關條文之修正草案,及「設備元件洩漏比例查驗標準作業準則」草案;(3)國內外煉油廠VOCs排放量合理性分析,發現以排放係數估算之煉油廠,其VOCs排放估算量遠低於實際量測結果;(4)六輕工業區廢氣燃燒塔緊急排放事件申報資料解析,發現其異常排放紀錄資料相當匱乏,部分廢氣燃燒塔進廢氣流量大且長時間連續操作,且VOCs季排放量計算結果仍無法反應實際排放情況;(5)離島工業區鄰近區域居民對當地空氣品質感受問卷調查工作,已完成雲林縣及彰化縣等5鄉鎮400份有效訪問樣本,結果分析發現「空氣品質感受面向」、「個人身體狀況評估面向」及「對政府改善空氣品質政策瞭解面向」等三項應列為明年度優先改善的面向。 最後,在行政配合事項方面,已完成三場次專家諮詢會議之辦理。另協助完成「空氣污染事件應變處理查詢系統」網站之版本更新維護作業及「空氣污染事件應變處理標準作業草案」研擬及1場次相關演練等行政配合作業。並依環保署空保處業務單位之人力需求,派遣碩士學歷畢業之適當人力一員,常駐署裡業務主管單位,協助計畫聯繫及相關工作之進行。
中文關鍵字 石化業、燃燒塔、設備元件、光學量測技術


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-FA12-03-A015 經費年度 099 計畫經費 20150 千元
專案開始日期 2010/01/13 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 張寶額
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 戴忠良 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 FY99石化業期末報告全文-網站公開版.pdf 10MB

The application of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) in measuring flares and equipment units in petr

英文摘要 The fenceline VOCs monitoring of petrochemical plants were investigated by Open-Path Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (OP-FTIR) at three elementrary school adjacent to the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex of Formosa Petrochemical Corp in Mailiao and Dashe Petrochemical Industry.Compounds such as gasoline, nitrogen dioxide, propylene, ethylene, acetone, n-hexane, methanol, acetylene, dimethylether, 1,3-butadiene, formaldehyde, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, isobutylene, dimethylformamide were identified and the monitoring concentration of gasoline and nitrogen dioxide both exceeded their odor threshold concentration. Five factories were identified for VOCs emission exceeding VOCs rule27. Consequent pollution reduction plans were proposed to EPA. Optical remote sensing and tracer gas release techniques were demonstrated on evaluating flare combustion efficiency. Two flares were selected and the combustion efficiency had been investigated. The relationship between the steam/flue gas ratio and the combustion efficiency each compound was also demonstrated. The overall combustion efficiency of this flare, which ranges from 76% to 80%, fluctuated dramatically with the flow rate of the inlet flue gas, not with the steam/flue gas ratio. The relationship between the nitrogen (inflammable gas) concentration and the combustion efficiency was also discussed. The results revealed the excess amount of inflammable gas (including nitrogen) can significantly influence the combustion efficiency in a negative way. A total of 10,000 components from 4 different plants/processes were investigated by Infrared gas image camera (FLIR). Significant leak from 37 components were found. Among them, the leak concentrations of 31 components were confirmed sequentially by FID. Based on the results of FLIR and foreign references, a guideline of applying infrared imaging camera on screening process component leaks was developed. Furthermore, based on the Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) Investigation and Enforcement Protocol of TCEQ, the minimum number of components to sample and the critical number of leakers were determined with Type I error (α)=0.05, Type II error (β)= 0.10 and alternate hypothesis (τ)=1.0%. 8,705 process components from 3 petrochemical plants/processes were tested for plant component leak rates. Based on the findings from 3-year investigation of the component leak rates, the SOP of “process component leak rate audition program” was proposed and based on the LDAR Investigation and Enforcement Protocol of TCEQ (α=0.05, β= 0.20 and τ=2.0%). The task of VOCs project evaluation that related with Mailiao Industrial Park has been completed by collected the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports of each development phase. It was found that the presented data in the EIA reports showed some rationality inquiries. Moreover, VOCs emissions from an oil refinery measured by regulatory agent and/or petroleum organizations showed to be substantially 10 times higher than the emissions estimated by factor calculation. Furthermore, the data analysis of all flare emergency report in Mailiao Industrial Park revealed that some problems such as the lack of documentation of flare emergency report and high gas flow and continuous operation of flares had already existed. Besides, a total 400 questionnaires to understand the proximity resident impression on air quality has been investigated in five townships. This result implied the government agency needs to establish further actions on air quality improvement. Finally, three environmental expert advisory meeting had been held on 99/08/27, 99/11/16, and 99/11/24. The website of “air pollution incident emergency response” has been revised and necessarily amending and maintaining task has been taken. One master-graduated environmental engineer to EPA as the project liaison was also assigned.
英文關鍵字 petrochemical industry, flare, equipment component, optical measurement technology