

中文摘要 計畫執行目標 (一)本計畫各項量化目標,皆已依照合約達成,符合第三階段期末報告之進度要求,詳見表I及表II。 (二)依環保署100年2月23日公布99年度扣除死車退件數之定檢率,扣除提報之有效幽靈車籍數2,319件後,依回歸車籍計算,共有33,883輛機車到檢,定檢率為86.10%;若依本縣定檢站的檢測數量計算,則共有27,734輛機車到檢,定檢率為70.47%。平均定檢率為78.29%,已達到合約訂定定檢率需達75%目標。 (三)移定車服務偏遠地區檢測比率達79%,為歷年最高,共計檢測完成6,486輛次;另巡迴離島服務,完成檢測2,103輛,使離島之定檢率達87%。除七美外,各島檢測數量皆創新高,總檢測量亦為歷年最高。 (四)完成巡查作業計5,603件。100年巡查回檢率達69.4%,與98年度巡查平均回檢率63%相比較為提升。 (五)首度於本縣執行車牌辨識系統稽查未定檢車輛並通知檢驗,由於車辨稽查568車輛中,只62輛和巡查車號重複,重複率僅11%,顯示執行車辨可稽查出不同未定檢車輛族群。 (六)99年度共寄發催檢通知15,901件。扣除離島車輛、資料庫亂碼車籍及幽靈車籍資料庫車輛,本縣所有未定檢車輛皆已全數寄發完畢,共回檢5,156輛,平均回檢率為32.43%,與98年回檢率36.35%相較下降約4%。 (七)辦理取消機車排氣檢驗通知申請部分,結論如下: 1.下鄉清查作業 篩選出5鄉市30村里中四年以上未定檢車輛數共4,060輛,總計清查其中1,380輛。各村里實地訪查後,輔導完成申請共345輛,平均清查成功比率約8.5%,已將清查結果更新至幽靈車籍資料庫。 2.申請單附於催檢通知單寄發給逾期未定檢民眾 民眾可於完成填寫後由廣告回函方式直接將申請表寄回環保局,回收完成填寫表單之件數共計32件。 (八)本縣定檢站檢測數據之正確性及完整性已能維持一定水準,於99年10月開始提高整體形象及場地整頓之查核標準,所有定檢站之場地整頓情形皆有大幅改進。 (九)期初審查會時有委員提及不透光率與船舶用油之關聯。因船舶目測判煙稽查與非漁用船舶油品稽查方式不同,因此瑩諮公司先把今年度目測稽查不透光率超過35%之船舶名單列出,並於船舶油品稽查時特別鎖定名單內船舶。抽驗2艘目測稽查不透光率超過35%之船舶油品,抽驗結果皆未超過50ppm。 (十)大部分觀光景點遊覽車停等時間皆不會超過20分鐘,業者難以配合怠速熄火措施。遊客中心、小門鯨魚洞停車場及歧頭水族館等景點停等時間較長,適合推動此措施,本計畫即以上述觀光地點加強推動,司機配合情形良好。 (十一)二行程機車回娘家與保檢合一政策結合推動,共180輛二行程機車檢測不合格,其中大部分皆由調修改善至合格,僅13輛執行車輛零件更換動作。檢討原因,推估因定檢站業者未能堅持保檢合一,且民眾付費更換零件之意願不高。
中文關鍵字 澎湖縣;空氣品質;移動污染源


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 6200000 千元
專案開始日期 2010/03/25 專案結束日期 2011/02/28 專案主持人 許真瑜
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 唐靜慧 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 99澎湖縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫期末報告.pdf 17MB

99 Year of Penghu County Mobile Pollution Source Control Project

英文摘要 The Bureau of Environmental Protection (EPB) of Penghu County government has been executing these tasks as follows to improve transportation pollution. (1)The quantitative targets of this project, have completed in accordance with the contract, in the progress of the third phase have finished, see Table I and Table II. (2)According to motorbikes control percentage(take out invalid registration detail) which EPA announced on Feb.23, motorcycle scheduled for inspection in accordance with the rate of return is calculated as 86.10%(33,883 motorbikes complete the detection), according to inspection became firmly fixed inspection rate was 70.47%(27,734 motorbikes complete the detection). The average motorbikes control percentage is 78.29%, have completed in accordance with the contract (motorbikes control percentage 75%). (3)The mobile inspection station services scheduled inspection about 79% in remote districts(6,486 motorbikes complete the detection) .The motion regular inspection vehicle had been completed this year's 2,103 locomotives scheduled for inspection, the Islands of the scheduled inspection rate of about 87%. (4)Statistics from 100 years in January, the inspection of work had complete 5,603 locomotives. The returns examine rate achieved at 69.4%. (5)Used car license identification system in examination of not execute periodic examination vehicles had good achievement at Penghu County. (6)Statistics from 99 years in January has sent 15,901 copies of inspection reminder notice, returned into the examination had 5,156 locomotives, the average returned into the examination achieved at 32.43%. (7)For cancel notify the applicant locomotive exhaust test part: (a)Inventory jobs completed not execute periodic examination vehicles 4,060 locomotives, counselling completes 345 locomotives, average inventory rate 8.5%. (b)Mail the application form to exceeding the time limit regular inspection locomotive owner completed 32 cases. (8)Promotion overall image and location reorganization will strengthen quality control and enhance quality assurance check from 99 years in October. (9)At beginning of the Review Conference, committeeman mentioned the opacity of discharging fume with ship fuel.This year executioned visual inspection of opacity with ship fuel over than 35%. Spot-check 2 ships of the sulfur content of the sample testing oil didn’t more than 50ppm whish visual inspection of opacity with ship fuel over than 35%. (10)Most sightseeing places, sightseeing bus will not stay more than 20 minutes, so it is difficult for driver to observe “turn off engine when not in use” policy. Because Tourism Location of Visitor Center、parking lot at Door Whale Cave and Penghu Aquarium practiced measures of parking stall are appropriate places to promote the policy. (11)By measures of two-stroke motorcycles back to her parents and lnspection contains maintenance, 180 locomotives of two-stroke motorcycles unqualified which adjustment and repair will qualify, only 13 locomotives replaced components. Because fixed inspection stations didn’t practiced measures of inspection contains maintenance and people didn’t like to spend money for replaced components.
英文關鍵字 Penghu County;air quality;Moving pollution source