

中文摘要 本年度計畫持續建置南部環境毒災應變隊,於台南轄區及高雄轄區各設一隊,台南隊成立進駐於南科駐在所,高雄隊則設立於國立高雄第一科技大學,每隊12人,全天候維持至少3人以上值勤,全年無休依照委託單位指揮之毒性化學物質災害應變監控中心、諮詢中心通報之事故及報核之標準作業程序執行趕赴現場應變處理、專責應變監測及專責應變採樣與善後復原工作,以強化毒災應變時效與能力;轄區內發生毒化災事故到場應變案例,共計有20件案例;其中事故轄區分佈為高雄縣4件、高雄市5件、台南市2件、台南縣9件,其中災害類型包括火災有7場次(約佔事故35%)、洩漏有7場次(約佔事故35%)、其他事故6場次(約佔事故30%),事故通報1小時可及範圍內到場處理率,符合合約規定以上。在毒災預防整備方面:完成64場次應變臨場輔導、完成無預警測試38場次、完成輔導地方環保機關辦理演習整訓6場次、完成環保署交付全動、反恐與環境災害相關演習、兵推22場次、完成協助地方環保機關審視毒災危害預防及應變計畫或現場訪視126件次、完成辦理毒災防救法規宣導及說明會8場次、完成與環保署督察大隊聯合毒災業務交流2場次、完成全年度11個月維護署撥器材清點與保養、完成辦理全國分區動員研討及聯防小組組訓活動共4場次、完成邀請國外學者專家來台講授1場次、完成專家及機關案例檢討交流會議1場次、完成收集調查毒化物運作工廠基本資料、運作物質總類及運作貯存量等資料、篩選出700家運作廠場,並建立各廠家所在地點做座標定位,並已完成澎湖縣、台東縣及屏東縣共三縣市之風險評估繪製風險潛勢圖;並與台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司第十四廠、台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司第六廠、聯華電子股份有限公司、奇美電子股份有限公司、瀚宇彩晶股份有限公司、晶元光電股份有限公司及南寶樹脂化學工廠股份有限公司、輝宇通運股份有限公司、錦德氣體有限公司、長興化學工業股份有限公司屏南分公司簽訂支援協定,組成南部區域毒災聯防應援隊2隊,完成毒災應援隊到場參加出勤、平常器材支援或防救災訓練等共計9場次,提供能力不足之發生災害事故之業者救災之協助。


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-J104-02-204 經費年度 099 計畫經費 29000 千元
專案開始日期 2010/02/01 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 陳政任
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 朱冠綸 執行單位 國立高雄第一科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99年南部應變隊期末報告_環保專案登錄系統公開版..pdf 0MB

Plan for the South Region Emergency Response Team for Environmental Toxic Chemical Incident

英文摘要 This project aims to continue the southern environmental emergency response teams (ERTs). Two teams have been setup in Kaohsiung and Tainan, respectively. The Tainan Team was setup inside the Southern Taiwan Science Park while the Kaohsiung Team was setup inside the National Kaohsiung First University of Science & Technology. Each team had twelve members and at least three members were on duty at any time following the orders from EPA Toxic Control Center and EPA Toxic Information Center to provide incident response, monitoring, sampling and analysis, and recovery work. On the twenty four hours response work, a total of 20 on-scene response services were provided to date. Among these incident responses, there were four in Kaohsiung county, five in Kaohsiung city, nine in Tainan county, and two in Tainan city. Among these incidents, seven involved fire, sevev involved leak, and the remaining six involved no leak or fire. involved unknown chemicals. All of the responses were arrived within one hour after incident reporting. On the prevention of toxic incidents, the two teams have visited sixty four operating facilities, completed a total of thirty eight unnoticed testing of the operating facilities, held six drills, participated in twenty two table top drills, helped the local environmental bureaus to inspect the ER plan for one hundred and twenty six toxic facilities, provided eight workshops on promoting awareness of toxic substance control acts, held two meetings for exchange of experience with EPA Inspector Team, performed routine maintenance for local environmental bureaus on their emergency response equipment, held four workshops for national mobilization and joint response trainings, held an International Workshop on Southern Taiwan Toxic Incident Response Training, held one meeting on exchange and case studies of toxic incidents, and completed the analysis of toxic hazards for a total of seven hundred selected operating facilities and risk potential maps for Penghu, Taitong and Pingtong counties. The teams organized and signed two joint response teams from operating facilities including TSMC Fab 14 and Fab 6, UMC, CMO, Hans-Star, Epi-star, and Nanpao Resin Chemical Co., Eternal Chemicals, Hui-Yu Transport Co., and Jin-De Gas Co. The joint response teams have participated in nine response services or drills and have been an important task force for providing aids to facilities with insufficient capabilities.