

中文摘要 環顧目前先進國家於鼓勵綠色消費之多種措施中,以推動政府機關之「綠色採購」(Green Procurement)為最重要。政府機關綠色採購是利用政府機關的龐大採購力量,優先購買對環境衝擊較少之產品,以鼓勵綠色產品的生產及使用,帶動綠色消費風氣,達到環境保護的效益。而我國87年公布政府採購法(第96條)、88年發布機關優先採購環境保護產品辦法、91年開始推動政府綠色採購方案、92年實施資源回收再利用法、94年公告第一批機關應優先採購環境保護產品項目以來,已在政府綠色採購上展現出極大努力,唯政府綠色採購實施迄今,已近8年相關法規未能配合時代演進有所調整,對於政府機關推動而言,已有方法殆盡無法著力之負擔,亟需創新求變。 而搭配前述政府綠色採購,我國行政院環境保護署自1992年開始推動,目前已有超過5,500件產品獲頒環保標章,超過300件產品通過第二類環境保護產品審查。以產品申請及標章使用數量而言,我國環保標章制度之推動卻已有相當成果。但整體而言,環保標章產品之推廣近年來似乎並未在社會造成積極回應,主要是因為生產廠商及消費者對環保消費意識之不足,因此使得環保標章政策在執行與推行之績效仍待提昇。 因此本計畫即搭配前述兩大重點,重新檢視(1)機關綠色採購推動方案及相關法規及(2)檢視執行方式與驗證收費合理性,以促進整體綠色採購之效益。
中文關鍵字 環保標章;機關綠色採購推動方案;政府採購法


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-k102-02-204 經費年度 099 計畫經費 1562.979 千元
專案開始日期 2010/08/03 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 曹美慧
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 莊炳義 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-99-K102-02-214.pdf 16MB

The promotional project of Green Mark and Green Procurement

英文摘要 The objectives of this project include: to promote the government green procurement, to analyze the review procedure of the environmental mark and the second category of environmental products, to analyze the justifiability of the verification fees, and to analyze the incentives for applying environmental mark. The questionnaire results lead to the following suggestions: 1.to provide government agencies specific green procurement priority standards and examples, 2.reward is more useful than reprimand, 3.green procurement evaluation purposes and standards should be announced six months beforehand, 4.evaluation standards should be different between central government agencies and local government agencies, and 5.reexamination procedure should be established, which includes official briefing as well as on-site procurement process. The current government procurement items have reached 88% of all government procurement. The government procurement list should be expanded to include the service category in order to increase the green procurement percentage. The movement of the green procurement should include the private sector and the general public as well, which can be promoted through education and advocacy. The environmental mark has been implemented since 1982, and the application procedure has used web technology since 1999 to expedite the process. During the two meetings with the applicants, some problems with the electronic procedure were raised: 1.the user interface of the upload web page can be designed more friendly, 2.the application materials are numerous, but the upload capacity is limited, 3.the review process is too slow due to the insufficient manpower of audition, and 4.applicants need online question and reply service through phone line or web page. It is imperative that the environmental mark specifications should conform to the international standards so the providers are able to apply for international environmental marks at reasonable costs. In order to reduce the costs to the applicants it is suggested that the effective period of the examination reports be extended, a inventory of examined materials be established, and the cost of examination be reduced. This project completed 800 questionnaires, including both mark applicants and qualified non-applicants. Two consulting meetings were held before the questionnaires were distributed. Four comprehensive suggestions were made in promoting the environmental mark: 1.the review period should be shortened, 50% responders expect the process finished in a month, 2.the applicants should be provided online review status service, a better user interface, and better bank service. 3.the modification of technical specifications, and 4.more promotion of environmental products, to promote the green procurement in the private sector, and to provide incentives for stores with high percentage of environmental products. The questionnaire results show that there are 37% qualified non-applicants who do not fully understand the application procedure of the environmental mark, or do not even know the existence of such environmental mark. It is suggested that the willingness of suppliers to apply for the environmental mark be greatly increased through several methods, including holding the environmental specifications promotion seminars in cooperation with industry associations, the detailed analysis of the lack of qualified green products in certain categories, and the improvement of conditions for the various products to be qualified as environmental and for the industries to meet the environmental specifications.
英文關鍵字 GreenMark;Government Green Procurement Promotion Policy;Government Procurement Act