

中文摘要 全球暖化日益嚴重,氣候變遷已成為國際重要議題,2009年在哥本哈根召開聯合國氣候變化會議更是受到國際矚目。美國總統歐巴馬在奧斯陸(Oslo)領取諾貝爾和平獎時表示:若是我們不採取任何行動,科學上一致認為我們會面臨更多乾旱、饑荒、更大量人口遷置,所有情況將使未來數十年增加更多衝擊。 雖然我國並非UNFCCC之簽署國,而並未被京都議定書規範,然而近十年來每年能源燃燒二氧化碳排放量持續成長,我國無庸置疑的遭受到國內及國外的減量壓力。 依過去參與蒙特婁議定書、華盛頓公約等國際環保公約之經驗,我國即使不簽署公約,但為善盡保護地球之責任,我國仍會主動履行相關義務,對農業有一定影響,有必要關注該議定書之發展。 因此,本計劃旨在為因應全球氣候暖化,蒐集研析國際主要國家(包括美國、歐盟、澳洲、紐西蘭、日本及韓國等)農林部門溫室氣體排放管理策略,並根據IPCC國家溫室氣體清冊指南更新我國農林部門之溫室氣體排放統計,進而評估溫室氣體減量策略對我國農林產業之衝擊,並規劃其農林部門可行之溫室氣體排放管理策略。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體適當減緩行動;台灣農業部門模型;國家通訊


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-FA11-03-A172 經費年度 099 計畫經費 4100 千元
專案開始日期 2010/07/19 專案結束日期 2011/01/31 專案主持人 徐世勳
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 羅博銘 執行單位 國立台灣大學


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期末報告 EPA99FA1103A172.pdf 19MB 我國農林部門溫室氣體管理策略規劃期末報告

Management of Greenhouse Gases of Agriculture Sectors in Taiwan

英文摘要 Climate change due to Global warming has became an important issue worldwide. In 2009, the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) in Copenhagen had already paid much attention on this global issue. The president of the United States, the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack H. Obama had mentioned on the Nobel lecture in Oslo that “ There is little scientific dispute that if we do nothing, we will face more drought, more famine, more mass displacement – all of which will face more challenges for decades. ” Although Taiwan did not join the international treaty- the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and is not regulated by the Kyoto Protocol, increasing annual CO2 emission by the combustion of energy within 10 years has caused domestic and international communities to bring pressure bear on Taiwanese government to have further reduction actions. The main emission sources of six greenhouse gases are related with agricultural sector based on the regulation of Kyoto Protocol. However, according to former experiences of involving with international conventions, such as Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITIES), Taiwanese government has the responsibility on environmental protection even not signing the treaties. The government will continuously draw the attention to related development of the Kyoto Protocol to manage the impacts of such treaty on agriculture. The project aims at (1) collecting and analyzing greenhouse gas emission management strategies on agricultural and forestry sectors from foreign countries; (2) evaluating the impact of greenhouse gas emission management strategies on domestic agricultural and forestry industries according to the estimation of greenhouse gas emission on agricultural and forestry sectors based on IPCC national greenhouse gas inventory guideline; and (3) planning and developing domestic greenhouse gas emission management strategies on agricultural and forestry sectors in response to global climate change.
英文關鍵字 Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action;Taiwan Agricultural Sector Model;Climate Action Report