

中文摘要 澎湖縣99年度『固定污染源稽查管制暨室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫及營建工程稽查管制計畫』(以下簡稱本計畫)延續上年度「澎湖縣固定污染源稽查管制計畫」及「澎湖縣營建工程稽查管制計畫」,配合環保局及審查委員的指示,在局內長官督導下,除了努力達成量化目標,並在實質的管制效益上精進,以期能達成預期目標。至100年2月28日止,本計畫之成果量化如表一及表二所示,以下針對各項工作項目逐項摘要說明。 一、執行許可申請審查發證作業及現場查核作業 統計至100年2月底止,於計畫執行期間共受理各項許可申請案件數共計25件,其中設置許可申請2件、操作許可證換發申請16件、操作許可證展延申請6件、操作許可證異動申請1件。目前已完成申請及核發之許可證計有24件、申請駁回有1件。分析目前許可證審查主要問題為發現申請資料表各類儲槽及污染源設備、堆置場等排放量計算方式非採用環保署公告之排放係數(如美國SCCs、AP-42等)進行計算、引用不合宜之排放係數或污染源活動強度計算錯誤,因此退回補正。 本計畫工作執行期間針對已核發之許可證進行查核作業,至100年2月底止計完成41張許可證查核,除湖西供油中心因柴油調配成升質柴油而新增兩個沙拉油儲槽,與許可不符外,其餘均符合規定,已要求湖西供油中心提出操作許可證異動申請。 二、固定污染源稽巡查作業 統計至100年2月28日止,共至本縣101家列管及非列管工廠進行現場巡查作業,累計共進行323件次之固定源工廠巡查作業,主要為配合加強砂石堆置場管制作業加強巡查,以減少陳情及污染情事產生,。本年度砂石堆置場之揚塵陳情案件已較往年大幅減少許多,而其餘之類別如洗衣業、印刷業及觀光旅館業之巡查主要為例行性之固定源資料清查及空污費查核作業。另外並完成29件稽查紀錄建檔,其中缺失複查8件次,陳情案件稽查1件次。 三、資料庫維護更新及擴充調查 執行期間統計至100年2月28日為止,共進行51家次工廠之基本資料、原物料使用量變化、污染源設備清查及防制設備操作維護狀況查核。另外針對已清查廠家書面資料之完整性、合理性以及電腦資料庫與書面資料之相符性主動進行校核作業共計8家次。 四、配合第二階段空污費徵收及清查13種有害VOCs空污費物種作業 本年度空污費申報及繳交作業共計有47家廠商,於第4季追補繳9家VOCs須申報廠商,合計56家廠商,其中合榮號因為燃燒木材(漂流木)無VOCs排放不須申報外,目前VOCs列管業者中除中油湖西供油中心排放量達繳費標準外,其他廠商VOCs排放量均未達第一階段應繳費之標準,但仍需申報使用狀況。於審查99年第1季空污費時發現中油湖西供油中心因計算錯誤短報空污費9,025元,已於99年6月17日行文要求該中心於第二季空污費申報時補繳該筆款項。統計至100年1月底止,99年度1~4季固定污染源空污費共徵收13,833,884元。 在有害VOCs物種清查作業部分,依據公告之個別有害VOCs物種為苯、乙苯、苯乙烯、二氯甲烷、1,1-二氯乙烷、1,2二氯乙烷、三氯甲烷(氯仿)、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、四氯化碳、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯等13種VOCs物種。經本計畫進行清查及統計分析後,本縣主要有害VOCs物質主要以苯、甲苯、乙苯及苯乙烯為主,各類別及產出之製程名稱統計如表3.10-5所示,各類有害VOCs物質中,在苯的排放量比例上,主要以中油湖西供油中心之揮發性有機液體儲槽作業程序產出為主,佔絕大部分的99%;另外在甲苯的排放量比例上,仍以中油湖西供油中心之揮發性有機液體儲槽作業程序產出為主,佔大部分的90%,其次為造船業之船體塗裝程序,佔9.9%;在乙苯的排放量比例上,則是以造船業之船體塗裝程序之52%比例為主,其次則為中油湖西供油中心之揮發性有機液體儲槽作業程序,佔48%之排放量;而在苯乙烯之排放量比例上,主要之排放貢獻來源為造船業之船體塗裝程序為最主要之排放源。 五、固定源歷年排放量差異分析 本計畫透過環保署固定污染源資訊管理系統及空污費申報系統進行各類排放量之數據統計。在95~98年度間的粒狀污染物、硫氧化物、揮發性有機物之排放量變化差異性不大,但大致仍有下降之趨勢,主要分析原因為澎湖近年來無大型開發案,亦無重大環評案件之申請,縣內列管固定污染源之污染物排放量相較台灣地區來得小,重點管制對象主要針對依法需提報排放量之10家業者加強污染防制設置之操作維護作業巡查,確認污染防制設備正常運作,然受景氣之因素,99年各行業別污染物排放量均有減少的情形,另外推測因博弈條款未通過,對砂石、瀝青混凝土及預拌混凝土等縣內主要污染源行業等有負面之衝擊,各廠家之操作量將會大幅減少,對於污染物排放量將會有減少之趨勢;而氮氧化物則是呈現下降之趨勢,分析原因為縣內氮氧化物主要排放源-台電尖山電廠自96年起增加尿素使用量,控制NOx排放量,使得NOx排放量亦有下降之趨勢。 另統計分析99年固定源各類排放量,結果顯示SOx、NOx兩項在空污費申報量及申報排放量上兩者間之差異性不大,另外兩者均在於許可排放量之下,仍屬合理範圍,而其間之差異性主要為許可操作量與實際操作量兩者間活動強度的差異,以及以係數推估及檢測報告推估排放量之間的差異所導致,未來可透過逐步將許可排放量以檢測報告方式核定,降低彼此之間的差異性;而在揮發性有機物排放量差異部分,在空污費申報量及申報排放量兩者之間的差異性亦不大,推測主因仍為這三者之排放量目前仍以係數方式進行排放量推估所致,而VOCs許可排放量大於另兩者排放量之間的差異推測仍以許可操作量與實際操作量兩者間活動強度的差別所導致。 六、砂石廠及砂石車作業場所污染自主管理 本計畫於規劃之初即擬訂「澎湖縣砂石廠、砂石車污染防制自主管理承諾書」及後續追蹤自主管理承諾事項查核紀錄表,目前已有20家業者簽訂自主管理承諾書,陸續進行相關輔導及對各廠之污染防制巡查及追蹤作業,以減少各廠污染物排放量。 七、企業道路認養追蹤作業 本年度共計有豪信預拌混凝土有限公司等17家公私廠場持續執行污染防制措施及週邊道路認養作業。統計100年2月底共完成612.8公里道路清掃及413公里道路洗掃作業,共削減TSP量達14.16公噸,對維護本縣之空氣品質有一定之成效。 八、室內空氣品質自主管理推動作業 本計畫目前已針對縣內主要公共場所進行名單蒐集、彙整,並區分成第1類及第2類場所,從中挑選出20處有意願進行室內空氣品質改善之公共場所,協助進行室內空氣品質自主管理輔導工作。後續本計畫經使用簡易型二氧化碳直讀式檢測儀器對目前有意願加入室內空氣品質自主管理之事業單位進行檢測後,初步判定未符合建議值之單位,第1類為三軍總醫院澎湖院區及行政院衛生署澎湖醫院;而第2類多數均符合建議值,但其中台灣麥當勞餐廳股份有限公司澎湖分公司是本次第2類場所檢測對象中濃度最高者。而針對二氧化碳濃度偏高之三軍總醫院澎湖院區、行政院衛生署澎湖醫院及台灣麥當勞餐廳股份有限公司澎湖分公司,對此應將建議該事業單位應注意並加強改善室內空氣品質問題。 另外本計畫於11月針對實施5處重要公共場所室內空氣品質調查;另外亦另徵詢本次配合舉辦宣導活動5所學校單位之意願後,併同前述檢測作業一併進行簡易型直讀式儀器檢測工作,其檢測結果大致均符合公告之建議值。其中受測之5處重要公共場所中僅以行政院衛生署澎湖醫院之細菌數超過環保署之第1類建議值,分析其原因主要為該場所為醫院,加上出入該場所之人員多數為傷病民眾,且人員進出頻繁、人員來源對象複雜,受病菌感染之病患易將病菌帶至該場所,導致該處場所之空氣中細菌數偏高,而這情形亦為大多數醫院場所易發生之問題之一,故本計畫對本次之檢測結果除轉知該處場所負責人員知悉外,也建議該院應加強通風設備、冷氣濾網及水塔之清洗工作;另外也應加強注意室內場所是否通風良好,以減少病菌之滋生而降低室內空氣品質。 在公共場所室內空氣品質宣導說明會作業部分,本計畫在計畫執行期間,針對學校單位、本縣餐飲業、民宿業百貨零售業及旅館業者、共計舉辦了13場次的宣導活動,除可加深縣內民眾在室內空氣品質良窳對健康的重要性之外,預期可提昇本縣各公共場所室內空氣品質的提升,逐步達到全民重視之目標;另外本計畫透過環保局協調,於馬公航空站協助布置空氣清淨生態箱植栽、解說牌設置及發佈宣導新聞稿,讓往來澎湖的外地遊客及縣民能更進一步認識如何透過植栽方式改善室內空氣品質。 九、固定污染源管制其他配合作業 截至100年2月底,本計畫共完成「澎湖縣VOCs空氣污染防制費網路申報作業系統操作說明會」、「99年澎湖縣固定空氣污染源法規說明會」、「99年度澎湖縣加油站業環保法規說明會」、「99年澎湖縣固定源空污費申報宣導說明會」、「99年度澎湖縣逸散性固定污染源、營建工程防制宣導說明會」及「99年澎湖縣營建工程及固定源逸散管理辦法宣導說明會」等6場次的固定污染源相關法令宣導說明會;配合環保局年度重點政策舉辦宣導活動部分,本計畫配合環保局完成了「±2℃紀錄片全台巡迴播映會」、「三總澎湖分院員工運動會」及「100年澎湖縣跨年晚會政令宣導活動」3場次的宣導活動,其中「三總澎湖分院員工運動會」及「100年澎湖縣跨年晚會政令宣導活動」更吸引了超過500位民眾參與。 在媒體新聞稿宣導刊登作業部分,統計至100年2月底止共提供環保局40件次新聞稿並獲環保局同意採用,依「同一新聞稿於不同報紙或電子報刊登者分別計算見報則數」之計算方式,統計共刊登則數47則,另有12則刊登於地方有線電視跑馬燈,另統計至100年2月底止有21則共128天刊登於活動字幕廣告電子看板。 在因應地方特性具體作法規劃部分,今年度本計畫提報「空污申報全面e起來」做為地方特性具體作法,至100年2月底完成了1場次網路申報作業操作宣導說明會,並輔導99年第1~4季應申報空污費之廠商全數完成網路申報工作,申報率達100%。 在計畫內部人員教育訓練部分,本計畫於99年4月19日、8月24日、12月28日及100年2月22日完成辦理4場次教育訓練。 道路巡查作業部分,巡查重點為機場、港口、砂石場或車流輛較大之道路。統計至100年2月份間執行道路巡查里程為238.7公里,巡查期間除少部分路段有發現些許碎石於道路邊緣,經養護單位派員進行清潔維護後恢復清潔外,巡查路段大致均維護良好。 協助辦理澎湖縣空氣污染突發事件緊急應變演練活動部分,本計畫於99年11月18日配合三軍總醫院澎湖分院共同舉行演練,本次演練活動共有三軍總醫院澎湖分院、澎湖縣政府環保局、消防局等11單位參與演練。 配合環保署進行99年度考核評鑑作業成果分析部分,固定源計畫99年度整體表現與各縣市相較之下尚屬表現良好,唯因固定源資訊管理系統之資料庫符合率因座標問題屬本縣之特殊情形,為今年度爭議較大之問題點,除積極向環保署反應尋求解決之道外,並積極要求環保署在本項問題尚未能有妥善之解決方案前,在此項業務之成績評核上能給予合理及公平性考量待遇。 民眾滿意度問卷調查作業部分,在固定源計畫訪調作業累積共收集67份之有效問卷,第一主要針對99年度有申辦許可證之業者進行滿意度訪調,結果顯示業者對環保局及計畫提供的相關服務均有正面肯定回覆;第二部份則是針對空污費申報業者進行訪調作業,47家空污費申報業者均瞭解及配合空污費網路申報化,達到最佳環保署考評項目之成績,而業者所提出之空污費申報的相關問題亦得到滿意的回覆;第三部份則是彙整民眾對固定源業務未來的期許及獲知新公告之固定源法令的期望途徑,從統計結果來看,民眾對環保法令宣導有較大的期待及需求,較多民眾希望能透過宣導說明會來獲得相關資訊、其次為電視及報紙等新聞媒體,將提供作為新年度計畫執行之參考。 為提昇機動車輛管制成效,本年度配合移動污染源管制計畫進行道路上白煙機車之巡檢作業(每月提報50輛),經巡檢發現問題車輛後即抄錄車輛號牌,並將問題車輛號牌資料提報予移動源計畫掌控,。累計至100年2月底止,本計畫提報275輛白煙機車名單,並已將相關名單轉送移動源計畫辦理。 十、營建工程空污費徵收作業 99年度自1月1日起至12月31日止,營建工程空污費申報件數共計877件,空污費徵收金額6,782,077元,另統計100年1月份營建工程空污費申報89件、空污費徵收金額為592,846元;100年2月份營建工程空污費申報件28件(含免徵件數2件)空污費徵收金額250,126元;依徵收件數而言,前三大工程類分別為其他營建工程(44.93%)、建築工程(RC)(44.01%)、道路工程(6%);另管線工程(2.9%)、SRC工程(1%)及拆除工程(1%)佔有比例最少。而以徵收金額分析,仍然是以其他營建工程、道路工程及建築工程(RC)為徵收金額較高之工程類別,所佔的比例分別為56.7%、22%與19%,而管線1.8%、而SRC及拆除工程所佔比例最少僅佔各工程類別其餘都不到1%,營建空污費徵收件數與金額之分析,而道路工程則因今年度縣長倡導將澎湖建設為一個低碳島,大量建設自行車道路,故營建工程空氣污染防治費徵收比建築工程較高。 本計畫統計自99年4月1日起至12月31日止,總計完成51件(免申報件數一件)、現場催繳47處作業,並已全數完成申報補繳作業,催補繳到繳率100%,截至目前催補繳金額為46,749元整。而逾期申報之工地總計100件,逾期繳納之滯納金金額達38,114元整。 十一、營建工程巡查管制作業 (一)本年度自99年4月1日起至100年2月28日止,本縣所有之營建工程全數納入巡查列管,巡查排放量比率及納管比例均達100%。 (二)營建工地管理辦法查核符合度,在本計畫執行下,一級工地從99年4月份的91.18%列管率至99年12月份達94.44%,而二級工地亦從99年4月份的66.04%列管率至99年12月份的83.66%水平。 (三)本計畫統計自99年4月1日起至100年2月28日止,本縣營建工程逸散粉塵總產生量為606.42公噸,削減量為374.81公噸,平均削減率約為61.39%。 (四)本計畫自99年4月執行起,列管率為78%,至99年10月份已達100%,均達成計畫目標80%以上之列管率。 (五)本計畫自計畫執行日起至100年2月28日止,計完成TSP檢測14點次、落塵量監測4季16點次;14處工地TSP檢測數值結果均合於法規標準值500 μg/m3,落塵量監測數值介於2.12~6.2噸/km2/月之間。 (六)自計畫執行日起至100年2月28日止共計輔導75處10,000元以上之工地,辦理開工前協調會輔導營造單位,以符合管理辦法第一級工地要求為目標,避免污染行為發生。 (七)本計畫自計畫執行日起至100年2月28日止共計已輔導10處營建工地提出道路認養計畫書,統計營建工地掃街34,400m、洗街17,200m,輔導對象主要以重大專案管制工地為主。 十二、營建工程稽查管制其他配合作業 (一)統計自計畫執行日起至100年2月28日止,共計辦理教育訓練4場次。 (二)統計自計畫執行日起至100年2月28日止,進行提報工地告發共計171件。 (三)本計畫自執行日起計協助處理民眾陳情案件23件,其中7件要求巡查當日立即改善並於當日完成複查;1件現場巡查已完工,15件要求限期改善,複查結果皆完成改善。而依單位人口計算民眾陳情件數約為0.25,低於計畫目標0.75。 (四)本年度截至目前為止,尚無營建工地依「空污法」、「水污法」及「廢清法」告發處份件數。 (五)統計自計畫執行日起至100年2月28日止,共提供環保局31件次新聞稿並獲環保局同意採用,依「同一新聞稿於不同報紙或電子報刊登者分別計算見報則數」之計算方式,統計共刊登則數35則,另有2則刊登於地方有線電視跑馬燈。 (六)本計畫於99年5月8日上午9時,配合三軍總醫院澎湖分院於澎湖縣中正國小辦理「99年固定污染源稽查管制暨室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫及營建工程稽查管制計畫宣導說明會」。另於99年9月27日下午14時30分於馬公港務大樓一樓簡報室辦理「99年澎湖縣逸散性固定污染源、營建工程防制宣導說明會」。第3場次於99年12月31日「99年度固定污染源稽查管制暨室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫及營建工程稽查管制計畫」配合縣府跨年晚會辦理政令宣導活動,以及第4場次於100年1月21日上午10時於澎湖縣政府第一會議室辦理「99年澎湖縣營建工程及固定源逸散管理辦法宣導說明會」。本計畫已完成計畫年度之宣導會場次,已合乎計畫之內容。 (七)配合減碳相關活動,於99年5月4日下午2時特殊教育資源中心舉辦「±2℃紀錄全台巡迴播映會」,並於各場次宣導活動或會議中納入節能減碳宣導。 (八)因應地方特性具體作法規劃,本計畫今年度修正提出「逸散性污染源防制技術(三仙膠)推廣技術」地方特性作法,並透過發放三仙膠試用品給各營建業者,及舉辦宣導說明會傳授使用三仙膠應用於具逸散性污染源的污染防制技術及現場示範觀摩,達到推廣宣傳之目的,並進一步提升污染防制成效。 (九)配合環保署進行99年度考核評鑑作業成果分析:整體表現與各縣市相較之下尚屬表現優良,而本計畫之巡查排放量比率可透過提升巡查頻率及加強管辦符合率之查核,以提升該項及整體成績之表現。 (十)民眾滿意度訪調作業於99年11月份計畫執行期間透過日常巡查作業時向營建工地業者進行訪調,針對一級工地全數及部份二級工地業者進行訪調作業,本項訪調作業累積共收集103份之有效問卷。統計結果分析在營建工地業者,最直接獲得「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」的訊息還是來自於宣導說明會。因此營建工地法令宣導可透過宣導會將管理辦法及防制重點向營建工地業者直接進行說明;而在促進營建工地的施工機構更加重視環境問題同時落實整體污染防制的工作的項目,訪調結果大多數民眾認為輔導及宣導比”加重發生污染行為之處罰”更能接受,而不知公害陳情專線之民眾,計畫則於現場立即進行說明公害陳情專線的服務項目。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 6370 千元
專案開始日期 2010/04/01 專案結束日期 2011/02/28 專案主持人 陳欣茹
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 呂昆憲 執行單位 上境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 澎湖縣99年度固定源稽查暨室內空品自主管理及營建稽查管制計畫-期末報告.pdf 9MB

Penghu County 2010 years stationary air pollution and indoor air quality inspection and control to promote self-management plans and control plans and construction engineering inspection.

英文摘要 Penghu County 99 years “Stationary air pollution & indoor air quality inspection and control self-management plan and construction project” to promote the Program to inspect and control continued last year, Penghu County inspection control project stationary sources and Penghu County Construction engineering inspection control project with the Environmental Protection Agency and the review committee's instructions, under the supervision of the Executive Council, in addition to efforts to reach quantitative targets, and effectiveness in the control of sophisticated substance in order to achieve the desired objectives. 1.Permit Clinical trial and insitu Permit check. Statistics from 2011 of the end of February , the project execution period of the permit application were the number of cases received a total of 25 pieces, which set the permit application 2, operating license renewal application 16, the operating license extension applications 6, Application for change of an operating permit. Has completed the application and issuance of permits has 24 pieces, there is a rejected application. Analysis of the current permit application for review of the main problems found in the table for the various types of storage tanks and pollution source equipment, storage yards and other non-emissions calculated using EPA emission factors (such as the U.S. SCCs, AP-42, etc.) were calculated without reference to Appropriate sources of emission factors or activity intensity calculation error, it returned for revision. During the execution of the work of this project have been issued licenses for the check operations, to 2011 years of completion by the end of February only 41 permits to check, in addition to deployment of Kosei diesel fuel supply centers as a result of the additional two liters of biodiesel vegetable oil reservoir Slot, and the license does not match, the rest were found to be, has requested an operating permit Kosei supply centers on the Application for change. 2.Stationary sources of pollution inspections check. Statistics from 100 years ended February 28, to the county a total of 101 tube and non-tube plant for on-site inspections of operations, the cumulative total of 323, followed by a fixed source of factory inspection work, was in line with strengthening the control of sand and gravel yards Operations to strengthen inspections and to reduce the occurrences of pollution generated petitions. Yards of sand dust during the year of the cases not been significantly reduced compared with previous years, many of the rest of the categories such as laundry, printing and tourist hotel industry mainly for routine inspection of a fixed source of information on inventory and air pollution fee audits. Another 29 pieces of track record and complete the filing, which reviewed eight times missing, check one of the cases not meeting. 3.Database update ,fix and expended. Statistics during the execution of 100 so far on February 28th, a total of 51 times the basic information on plants, changes in raw material consumption, pollution control equipment, inventory and equipment operation and maintenance status checks. Also check manufacturers have been written for data integrity, rationality, and computer database in line with the written data check operation to initiate a total of 8 times. 4.With the second phase of the air pollution fee collection and inventory of 13 species of harmful VOCs air pollution fee operations. Air pollution fee year to declare and pay a total of 47 companies operating in the 4th quarter in back nine VOCs chase vendors are required to declare a total of 56 companies, including Allied Glory Road because burning wood (drift wood) no VOCs emissions are not required to declare In addition, VOCs present in the tube industry center in addition to CNPC oil emissions by Kosei payment standard, other manufacturers VOCs emission volume less than the first phase should be the standard fee, but still need to report usage. 99, No. 1 in the review quarter time and found that air pollution due to oil Kosei miscalculation short supply centers reported air pollution fee NTD$ 9,025, was drafted in June 17 asked the Centre to declare the second quarter, when the air pollution fee in back Money. Statistics from 2011 years of the end of January only, 1 to 4 quarters of 2010 year fixed sources of air pollution fee levied a total of NTD$ 13,833,884. Species of harmful VOCs in the parts inventory operations, according to the individual notice of harmful VOCs species as benzene, ethylbenzene, styrene, methylene chloride, 1,1 - dichloroethane, 1,2 dichloroethane, chloroform (chlorine Imitation), 1,1,1 - trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, TCE, PCE and other VOCs of 13 species. The inventory of this project and statistical analysis, the main harmful VOCs substances in the county mainly benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and styrene-based, the type and name of the statistical output of the process shown in Table 3.10-5, all kinds of harmful VOCs materials output ratio of each process shown in Figure 3.10-2 ~ 3.10-4. In the proportion of benzene emissions, mainly in the oil supply center Kosei volatile organic liquid storage tank operating procedures output, accounting for the vast majority of 99%; Also in the proportion of the emissions of toluene, still in the Oil supply center Kosei volatile organic liquid storage tank operating procedures output, accounting for most of the 90%, followed by the shipbuilding industry of the hull coating process, accounting for 9.9%; in the proportion of the emissions of ethylbenzene, Painting the shipbuilding industry of the hull is based on 52% of the proportion of the main program, followed by oil supply center Kosei volatile organic liquid storage tank operating procedures, accounting for 48% of the emissions; in styrene emissions Volume ratio, the major contribution of the emission source painting program for the shipbuilding industry of the main hull of the source. 5.Difference stationary sources of emissions over the years. Through this project EPA information management systems and stationary sources of air pollution fee system for reporting of emissions of various types of statistics. 2006 to 2009 years in between the particulate pollutants, sulfur oxides, volatile organic compounds of the changes in emissions were not significant, but generally the trend is still down, mainly to analyze the reasons for the Penghu no large-scale development projects in recent years, there is no Cases of major environmental assessment application, the county of regular pollution sources of pollutant emissions in Taiwan is more than a small, focusing on the main targets for the control law to be submitted emissions of the pollution control of 10 family business set up to strengthen the operation and maintenance work inspections Confirm the normal operation of pollution control equipment, then by economic factors, not the industry 2011 years have reduced emissions volume case, the other terms suggested by game did not pass on the sand and gravel, asphalt concrete and ready mixed concrete and other County Major source of pollution of industries have a negative impact, the amount of the manufacturers of operation will be substantially reduced, the reduction of pollutant emissions will be the trend; and nitrogen oxides is a downward trend, analyze the reasons for the County of nitrogen oxides Major sources - TPC Eagle's Nest plant increased from 96 onwards the amount of urea used to control NOx emissions, NOx emissions have declined making the trend. Statistical analysis of 2011 other types of emissions from stationary sources, the results show SOx, NOx both in the amount of air pollution fee report and reporting on emissions were not significant between the two, the other is the allowable emissions both under Still reasonable, but the main difference during the authorization by the amount of volume and the actual operation of the difference between activity intensity and the coefficient estimate and test reports to estimate the emissions caused by the difference between the future, through progressive The allowable emissions test report of the methods to assess and reduce the differences between each other; in different parts of volatile organic compounds emissions, air pollution fee in the amount of reporting and reporting of emissions is not the difference between the two large, suggesting Still the main cause of the emission of these three factors are still the way the current estimate due to emissions, while emissions of VOCs permitted emissions greater than the other two differences between the amount of speculation and still permit operation of both the amount of the actual operation The difference between the activity intensity caused. 6.Gravel plants and sand and gravel truck pollution workplace self-management. This project is developed at the beginning of planning, "Penghu County gravel plants, gravel trucks undertaking pollution control self-management"and the follow-up self-management audit record of commitments and now has 20 family business by signing an undertaking self-management, Counseling and the associated succession of various plant pollution control inspections and tracking operations, so as to reduce plant emissions. 7.Enterprise to clean road sand emission. Ho-Shin the current year a total of 17 ready-mixed concrete Co., Ltd. and other public and private plant pollution control measures and sustained implementation of the road around the adoption operation. Statistics on the end of February a total of 100 completed 612.8 km and 413 km road sweeping road sweeping operation, a total capacity of 1,416 metric tons of TSP reductions, the maintenance of air quality in the county has some of the results. 8. Self-management to promote indoor air quality jobs This project has been the main public places for the list of the county to collect, compile, and divided into Type 1 and Type 2 sites, selected from 20 willing to improve the quality of indoor air in public places and indoor air quality to help Self-management counseling. Simple follow-up of carbon dioxide by the use of this project, direct reading instrumentation are willing to join the current indoor air quality management Shiyedanwei independent testing, the preliminary determination not meet the recommended value of flats, Type 1 for the Tri-Service General Hospital, Penghu Branch Penghu Hospital Department of Health, Executive Yuan; and Class 2 are in line with the recommended value most, but McDonald Co., Ltd. Taiwan Branch is the sequence of Penghu Class 2 places the highest concentration detected object. The high carbon dioxide concentration for the Hospital District, Tri-Service General Hospital, Penghu, Penghu Hospital Department of Health and McDonald's Corporation in Taiwan Penghu Branch, to which attention should be recommended that the Shiyedanwei and enhance indoor air quality problems. In addition the project in November for the implementation of five key public places indoor air quality investigations; addition also held another consultation with the promotion of this event five wishes of the school unit, and in conjunction with the aforementioned testing operations conducted Simple Direct-reading Type instrument testing work, the test results generally are in line with announcement of the recommended value. One of the five major subjects in public places only Penghu Hospital Department of Health the number of bacteria exceeds EPA recommended value for Class 1, of the main reasons for the site for the hospital staff with access to most of the premises Sick people and frequent personnel access, personnel from the object complex in patients infected by the bacteria to bacteria easily brought to the place, causing the air in places where high numbers of bacteria, and most hospitals in this situation also places prone to One of the problems, so this project in addition to the second test results conveyed to the department responsible officers in place, but also suggested the hospital should be enhanced ventilation, air conditioning filters and water tower cleaning; other indoor places should also be greater attention Is a well-ventilated to reduce the breeding of germs and reduce indoor air quality. Indoor air quality in public advocacy work that will be part of this project during the execution of the project for the school unit, the county restaurants, bed and breakfast and hotel industry, the retailing industry, for a total of 13 sessions held in other promotional activities, In addition to better indoor air quality in the county public health importance of the outside of Liang Yu, is expected to enhance the public areas of the county to enhance indoor air quality, and gradually achieve the goal of universal attention; also coordinated the project through the Environmental Protection Agency, Makung Airport to assist in the arrangement of the air box clean ecological planting, interpretive boards to set and publish propaganda press release, so that overseas visitors and contacts Penghu County, the public can know more about how to improve indoor air quality planting methods. 9. With the operation of other stationary sources of air pollution. As of 2011 years by the end of February, the project completed, "Penghu County VOCs air pollution control fee reported online operating system instructions will","2010 years of fixed sources of air pollution regulations that Penghu will","Penghu County gas station 2010 years Industry environmental regulations that would, "" 2010 Penghu County to declare a fixed source of air pollution fee guidance meeting "," Penghu County fugitive 2010 years stationary sources, construction engineering control guidance meeting "and" 2010 years Penghu County Construction project management methods and fixed the source emission guidance meeting "and screening of stationary sources 6 guidance meeting laws; with the EPA held the annual key policy advocacy activities in part of this project with the EPA completed a"± 2 ℃ tour documentary, broadcast in Taiwan will "," Penghu Branch staff of the three Total Games "and " 2011 New Year's Eve party in Penghu County government propaganda activities "3 sessions of promotional activities, including the "three Penghu Branch General Staff Games "and "2011 New Year's Eve party in Penghu County government propaganda activities " attracted more than 500 people participate. Propaganda in the media release published in the assignments section, statistics, only 2011 of the end of February a total of 40 times the EPA press release and agreed by the Environmental Protection Agency, according to "the same press release was published in various newspapers or newsletters are published in the paper were calculated The number "of the formula, statistics were published in the number of 47, and another 12 published in the local cable Marquee, another statistic to have ended 100 years of the end of February a total of 128 days 21 titles published in the activities of advertising signage. In response to some of the local characteristics of the specific practices of planning, the plan submitted this year, "a comprehensive e air pollution reporting up " as the local characteristics of the specific practices of 2011 years by the end of February to complete a screening online reporting job operations guidance meeting, And Counselling 2010, 1 to 4 quarters of reported air pollution fee should be fully complete the online reporting of vendor work, reporting rate of 100%. In-house training program part of this project in 2010 years on April 19, August 24, December 28, and completed on February 22,2011 for 4 sessions training. Part of the road patrol operations, inspections focus on airports, ports, gravel pit or a larger vehicle road traffic. Statistics in February to 2011 inspections between the implementation of the road mileage of 238.7 km, from a few sections during inspections have found a little stone on the edges of the road, the maintenance of conservation units sent to clean the recovery cleaning, inspections are generally well maintained road. Penghu County to assist with emergency response air pollution emergency exercises part of this project in 2010 years on November 18 with the Tri-Service General Hospital, jointly held Penghu Branch exercises, exercises of this Tri-Service General Hospital, a total of Penghu Branch, Penghu County Government Environmental Protection Bureau, Fire Department, 11 units involved in the exercise. 2011 with the EPD operating results of the annual assessment of part of the evaluation, fixed the overall performance of the source program 2010 years compared with the county and city is still performing well, the only constant source of information for the database management system coordinates of the problem because of the coincidence rate Are special cases of this county for this year's more controversial points of the problem, in addition to a positive response to the EPA for solutions, but also actively in the question asked EPA not to have the solution properly before, in this Assessment on the business can give a reasonable and fair consideration of treatment. Public satisfaction survey operations part of the adjustment in the fixed-source operating plan to visit the cumulative total of 67 valid questionnaires, the first major bid for a 2010 year permit to visit satisfaction, business owners, the result is displayed on the Environmental Protection Agency and industry Project related services are provided by the positive recognition response; the second part is for air pollution control fee report, interview investigation industry operations, 47 air pollution fee declaration to understand and meet the industry caught online reporting of air pollution charges, to achieve the most Good EPD evaluation project results, and industry of the proposed air pollution fee is also related problems reported satisfactory response; the third part is compiling the business people on stationary sources informed of future expectations and the announcement of the new Act stationary sources Expectations approach, the results from the statistical point of view, the public advocacy of environmental protection laws have greater expectations and demands, more people hope that through guidance meeting to get the relevant information, followed by television and newspapers and other news media, will provide a A reference implementation of the new year plans. To enhance the effectiveness of motor vehicle control, pollution control plan for the year with the move of white smoke on the road to motorcycle patrol operations (reporting 50 per month), the inspection found the problem after the vehicle copied the license plate of vehicles, and the problem of vehicles License plate data reporting to the control of mobile source programs. Accumulated to 2011 years by the end of February only, submit the project list of 275 locomotives of white smoke, and has forwarded the list of related programs for mobile sources. 10. Construction air pollution fee collection operations. 2010 years from January 1 until December 31 only for construction projects number of air pollution fee to declare a total of 877, the amount of air pollution fee levied NTD$ 6,782,077 , and the other statistics of 100 construction projects on Jan. 89 to declare air pollution fee , the amount of air pollution fee collected NTD$ 592,846 ; 2010 construction projects in February to declare air pollution fee items 28 (including the exemption from the number 2) the amount of air pollution fee collected NTD$ 250,126 ; according to the number collected, the top three Other engineering construction projects, respectively (44.93%), Jianzhugongcheng (RC) (44.01%), road works (6%); other pipeline projects (2.9%), SRC Engineering (1%) and demolition (1%) Proportional share at least. The analysis of the amount to be levied, is still to other construction projects, road works and Jianzhugongcheng (RC) to impose the higher rate of project categories, the proportion was 56.7%, 22% and 19%, while the pipeline of 1.8% The proportion of SRC and demolition works category for at least the rest of the not only to 1%, construction air pollution fee collection and the amount of the number, and county road projects this year due to construction as an advocate for low-carbon Penghu Island, a large number of bicycle path construction, so the air pollution control construction projects Jianzhugongcheng higher than the fee collection. Statistics from the project on 1 April 2010 until Dec. 31, to complete a total of 51 (to avoid reporting the number one), field calls 47 operations, and has been fully completed declaration of overdue assignments, reminders fill Payment to pay 100%, as of now urging pay the entire amount of NTD$ 46,749. The late reporting of a total of 100 sites, late payment of fines amounting to NTD$ 38,114. 11. Construction inspection control operations. (1)In the year since 1 April 99 until 2011 years ended February 28, the county included all of the inspections of all construction projects tube, emissions inspections and sewer rate ratio reached 100%. (2)Construction site management practices to check conformity, in the implementation of this project, the level of the site from 99 April to 91.18% rate to 99 of the tube up to 94.44% in December, while the secondary site is also from 99 April to 66.04% Tube rate to 99 December of the 83.66% level. (3) Statistics from the project on 1 April 2010 until 2011 years ended February 28, the county construction projects for the generation of fugitive dust, 606.42 tonnes of the total reduction in volume of 374.81 metric tons, the average reduction rate of about 61.39%. (4) This project is from April 2010 execution, the tube was 78% to 99 has reached 100% in October, have achieved the goal of the plan more than 80% of the tube rate. (5) This project is from 2011 years of project implementation until February 28 only, namely, 14 points to complete TSP detection times, the amount of monitoring of dust fall quarter, 16 points 4 times; 14 TSP test site suitability in the numerical results the value of 500 μg/ m3 regulations and standards, the amount of monitoring of dust fall values ranged between 2.12 ~ 6.2 tons / km2 / month. (6) Since the project implementation until 2011 years ended February 28 a total of 75 counseling more than 10,000 sites, counseling for pre-construction coordination meeting to create a unit to meet the first level of management practices required for the target site, to avoid contamination behavior. (7) This project is from 2011 years of project implementation until February 28 only a total of 10 construction sites have been proposed remedial road adoption plan, statistics, street sweeping construction sites 34,400 m, street washing 17,200 m, mainly for the major project guidance Control site-based. 12. Construction inspection with other control operations. (1) Statistics from 2011 years of project execution until February 28 only, for a total of 4 training sessions. (2) Statistics from the project implementation until 2011 years ended February 28, the informant reporting a total of 171 sites. (3) This project is from the date of implementation to help deal with petitions against 23 people, including seven required inspections of the date of completion on the same day to immediately improve and review; an on-site inspections have been completed, 15 a deadline for improvement, review results are in complete improvements. The unit of population, population by number of petitions about 0.25, below the plan target of 0.75. (4) Year to date, no construction site according to the "Air Pollution Law","Water Pollution Control Law"and"Waste and Clean Law" informant at the number of copies. (5) Statistics from the project implementation until 2011 years ended February 28, a total of 31 times the EPA press release and agreed by the Environmental Protection Agency, according to "the same press release was published in various newspapers or newsletters are published in the paper were then calculated Number "of the formula, statistics were published in the number of 35, and another two, published in the local cable Marquee. (6) This project in 2010 years at 9:00 on May 8, with the Tri-Service General Hospital in Penghu County Penghu Branch of Chung-Cheng Elementary School for "Stationary sources of indoor air quality inspection and control to promote self-management plan and construction project inspection and control account Draw guidance meeting. "The other was on 27 September 2010 14:30 PM Magong port in the first floor briefing room for "Penghu County fugitive 2010 years stationary sources, construction engineering control guidance meeting. " 3 sessions at 2010 December 31 "Stationary sources of indoor air quality inspection and control to promote self-management plan and construction project inspection and control plan " for New Year Eve Party with the county government propaganda activities, and 4 sessions In 211 years at 10:00 on January 21 at the county government for the first conference room, "Penghu County 2010 years and fixed the source emission construction project management approach guidance meeting. " This project has been completed program year will be screening the propaganda has been in line with plan content. (7) Reduce carbon emissions associated with activities in 2010 years at 14:00 pm on May 4 Teshujiaoyu Resource Center held "± 2 ℃ recorded broadcast will be touring in Taiwan", and advocacy activities at all sessions or meetings to include carbon reduction advocacy. (8) In response to the specific practices of the local characteristics of the planning, the plan amendment this year that "fugitive sources of pollution control technology to promote technology, " the local characteristics of the practice, and through the issue of free sample of xanthan gum to all construction industry, and organizing seminars to teach use of propaganda Xanthan gum used in a fugitive sources of pollution control technology and live demonstrations to observe, to the purpose of promotion and to further enhance the effectiveness of pollution control. (9)2010 with the EPD operating results of the annual assessment of evaluation: overall performance compared with the county and city is still good performance, and emissions inspections of this project can enhance the rate of frequency of inspections and enhance the management office to check compliance rate To enhance the performance and overall results. (10) Job satisfaction to visit people tune in on November 2010 during the execution of project operations through daily inspections of construction site operators to conduct structured interviews, the site for a site in full and some business owners to visit the secondary transfer operation, the entry visit to the cumulative adjustment operations A total of 103 valid questionnaires. Statistical analysis of the industry in the construction site, the most direct access to "air pollution control facility construction project management approach, "the message comes from the guidance meeting. Therefore construction site law promotion through advocacy will focus on management practices and control directly to the construction site described the industry; in the construction sector for construction sites greater attention to environmental issues while working to implement the overall pollution prevention projects, visit Most people believe that the adjusted results of counseling and advocacy than "increase penalties for polluting act occurred" more acceptable, but not a Public Nuisance line of people, plans were immediately on the scene that Public Nuisance line of services.