

中文摘要 桃園縣為第六準直轄市,其土地面積高達1,221平方公里,隨著都市成長及就業機會增加情況,吸引外來人口大量移入,至99年底止桃園縣人口已達200萬人,佔全臺灣人口數8.6%,為全國人口數排名第5之縣市,人口密度高達1,640人/平方公里。 應經濟及人口成長,桃園縣內相對因應的各項交通民生建設陸續起飛,營建工地數目年年成長,99年度施工中工地數已高達7,127處,每年排放之懸浮微粒(PM10)高達4,606公噸,預估100年全年施工中工地數將成長至8,200處。 在人口如此密集的都會地區,高度成長建設工程所產生的粉塵污染問題已明顯造成本縣民眾陳情及抱怨逐年升高,根據99年4月針對桃園縣轄內民眾進行有關空氣污染防制問卷之調查,有四成五民眾認為縣內應優先管制工地、道路揚塵污染,種種跡象顯示營建工程污染問題已成為本縣污染管制重要課題,應列為本縣污染管制重要項目之一。 在查核數量上,99年4月至100年4月共計執行14,137處次現場勘查輔導作業,有效掌握桃園縣營建工地91.2%;另協助34處工地推動自主管理,建立各項污染防制檢核管理表單;召開5場次專區污染減量協商會,要求改善工區內污染情勢並建議設置較高等級之污染防制設施,提升污染削減量;針對經輔導、勸導無效者依法予以告發252處次,總處分金額9,102,000元,以處分手法要求工地確實落實各項污染防制作業,避免污染外溢。 直至100年4月推動成果,藉由各項規劃及管制策略,有效提升桃園縣整體營建工程污染削減率達47.6%,TSP削減達4,834公噸,降低桃園縣整體空氣污染負荷。 另營建工程空氣污染設施管理辦法之法規符合度亦提升至79.1%,顯示有七成九工地在輔導管制後皆符合法規要求。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 19000 千元
專案開始日期 2010/04/20 專案結束日期 2011/04/19 專案主持人 王嘉禎
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 謝郁珍 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 桃園縣99年度營建工程空污費催繳稽查管制計畫期末報告定稿本.rar 200MB
英文摘要 Taoyuan County is the sixth associate municipalities, the land area of up to 1,221 square kilometers. With the large amount of population moving in due to the city growing and employment opportunities increasing, the population of residents in Taoyuan County has achieved to 200 million in late 2010, which is 8.6 percent of Taiwan total population. This makes Taoyuan County the 5th City in Taiwan in terms of population. Taoyuan County population density reaches as high as 1,640/square kilometers. The economic development and the growth of population trend towards the increase of the mass transportations and the living constructions. The number of the construction sites, increasing year by year, has achieved to 7,127 sites in 2010; led the particulate matters (PM10) up to 4,606 tons. As the rapid growth of construction projects in this high population density city has seriously resulted in the dust pollution, the petitions and complaints for the dust pollution of construction projects has been increasing from the residents. According to the questionnaire in Feb, 2010 by the County residents, the investigation about the air pollution control shows that 45 percent of people think the dust pollution from the construction projects and the street as the precedence of control over all others. The control and management of pollution of construction projects have been ranked the top topic by TYC/EPB. From April to April 2011, TYC/EPB has executed 14,137 times of on-site inspection, and it has achieved 91.8 percent of pollution control; and assisted 34 project sites in promoting self-management by setting up the auditing forms of air pollution control; and called the agreement meeting 5 times for discussing the decrease of the air pollution, which requires the use of the higher level of air pollution control facilities; and issued 252 charges of the violation in total fine of about 9,102,000 million dollars, which led the work sites carefully put the air pollution control into effect to prevent the pollution overflow. Till April 2011 under the air control plans and strategies, the decrease ratio of air pollution in Taoyuan County has effectively raised up to 47.6%. It (TSP) cut down about 4,834 tons of pollution, compared to that of the, and reduced the air pollution load of Taoyuan County. As a result of inspection and support, the 79.1 percent of work sites have achieved to meet the act of air pollution control facilities.
英文關鍵字 Construct、Air pollution、control