

中文摘要 『99年汽機車污染管制及定檢站管理計畫』,其計畫期程自99年3月1日履約日起至100年2月28日止,執行期程共計12個月。 本計畫工作團隊依計畫契約書內容規定,相關計畫工作量統計至100年2月28日止,包括利用辨識系統辦理未定檢車輛拍照工作121場次,總辨識數為111,707張車牌影像,有效辨識數為88,768件,有效辨識率為79.5%;經人工修正錯誤後,機車未定檢車輛數為15,091輛,其中設籍於原臺中縣之未定檢車輛數有10,623輛,占未定檢車輛的70.4%,經通知後回檢率78.0%。配合戶外定檢作業執行路邊巡查,總計掛單970輛次,其中又以學校巡查掛單車輛數(468 輛)為最多,而工業區(249 輛)及量販賣場(144 輛)次之,3者合計占總巡查掛單件數之88.8%,其他(109輛)占11.2%,其平均回檢率達85.2%(826輛)。另針對通知未回檢及檢驗不合格之車輛逕行告發處分882件,烏賊車未複驗及複驗不合格告發173件。 並發布新聞稿24篇;媒體曝光28則。99年5月份辦理LPG油氣雙燃料車設站及改裝補助推動說明會1場次;99年5月份至10月份於石岡區-石岡水壩、潭子區-經濟部加工出口區臺中分處、清水區-港區藝術中心、后里區-月眉觀光糖廠、潭子區-潭秀國中、東勢區-東勢客家文化園區、大甲區-鐵砧山風景區、太平區-921震災紀念公園、梧棲區-臺中縣港區綜合體育館、豐原區-慈濟公園、沙鹿區-沙鹿區公所辦理11場次低污染車輛試乘、宣導推廣展示活動,共計有1,450人參與宣導活動。並建置1輛彩繪定檢巡迴車,製作提交動畫宣導短片2式,於彩繪定檢巡迴車上使用LED進行每次2小時以上之跑馬燈播放場次,並以彩繪定檢巡迴車辦理戶外定檢服務57場,服務1,563輛次之未定檢機車。提交定檢宣導品-『環保洗手乳』10,000份;烏賊車獎勵品2,000份;印製移動污染源法規彙編800本,並利用定檢站教育訓練及一般查核時機進行發送。執行停車熄火宣導查核1,020件次,並於99年9月6日進行路邊稽查時,針對1輛勸導後未熄火之車輛進行蒐證後提交環保局進行後續裁處作業。 定檢站檢測人員教育訓練2場次;辦理各大機車經銷商座談會2場次;定檢站之定期查核890站次;定檢站之標準氣體查核354站次;定檢站之不定期匿名查核186站次;定檢站查核方面,其查核結果以「車號誤植或無車牌影像紀錄」42家次及「未依規定汰換耗材」33家次為最多,統計至100年2月28日止,總計91項查核缺失。提交定檢站查核報告彙整11式,並將優良定檢站於每月之定檢站查核報告彙整中提報環保局,共計51站次。汽車代驗廠座談會1場次;汽車代檢驗機構查核46站次,並於第2次查核時,對23家汽車代驗機構,執行儀器標準氣體比對作業。 其他工作項目包括每季彙整臺中縣未使用機車4式、提交每月自動統計分析報告12式、每季提交定檢站服務品質問卷調查4式、每季提交定檢站網頁使用調查4式、提交充電站清查報告1式、推動於綠色共乘網上建置臺中縣專屬社群47處、辦理機車定檢獎勵方案『參加定檢送大獎』活動,並提交規劃書1式,另亦主動發布24新聞稿,並於各媒體亦有28則次之曝光率,並於100年2月份提交移動性污染源排放資料及排放清單及校園定檢率統計資料,校園定檢率亦達合約要求之84.1%,且推動6所大專院校及員工人數500人以上之廠商簽署「有定期檢驗機車始核發通行證或停車證」13家。
中文關鍵字 LPG油氣雙燃料車、彩繪定檢巡迴車、移動污染源法規彙編、充電站、綠色共乘網


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 13888.888 千元
專案開始日期 2010/03/01 專案結束日期 2011/02/28 專案主持人 江嘉凌
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 余純旻 執行單位 思維環境科技有限公司


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期末報告 99年中縣移動期末報告.pdf 33MB 99年度台中縣汽機車污染管制及定檢站管理計畫定稿本

「The Management Plan for the Motorcycle Pollution and Inspection Station managed in Taichung City 2010」

英文摘要 「The Management Plan for the Motorcycle Pollution and Inspection Station managed in Taichung City 2010」was executed on a one-year contract from March 1,2010 to February 28, 2011. According to a contract in 2010, our group used the image recognition system to executed 121 works which for vehicles do not inspect regularly. After this works, there are 111,707 license plate had been recognized. Among those license plate the numbers of vehicles was 88,768 could be identified effectively and the recognition rate was 79.5%. After our group corrected the mistakes by manual correction, about 15,091 vehicles which did not regularly inspection their vehicle among the numbers of vehicle was 10,623 which is belong to the Taichung County than rate was 70.4%. The inspection of return rate was 78.0%. Our group executed the vehicles inspect regularly in outdoor to operate in coordination with a roadside tour of inspection. The totals numbers of 970 vehicles had made a list during the inspection on roadside tour by our group. Among this, the school was the maximum of the inspection on roadside tour, and the next is the industrial zones were 249 vehicles and the hyper-markets were 144 vehicles, then the total rate was 88.8% which was merged those three places. Furthermore, the rest rate of the total rate was 11.2% about 109 vehicles. The rate of the inspection of return was 85.2% which was the average of the total rate. Furthermore, the paper of warning for the owner of vehicles who did not regularly inspection was 882 vehicles and the owner of the car exhaust had cautioned for people who did not retest or unqualified of retest was 173 vehicles. In addition to 24 news has published, our group has to issued 28 news on medias. On the May, 2010, our group held conference which was the station of LPG car where could be setting and the subsidy for refit the LPG car. Besides, we also held 11 activities about 1,450 people in Taichung County which tested ride and the task with respect to the low emission vehicles. In order to convey that regularly inspect their vehicles is important so our group painted a car and also designed two animations which could play on this car. In this car which had been painted by our group not only had messages shown on the LED marquees above two hours, but also to held 57 sessions periodic inspections in outdoor .And we served 1,563 people which was not regularly inspect their vehicles. Our group submitted 100,000 bottles hand sanitizer with environmental and 2,000 rewards for people who provide the information with regard to car exhaust for Environment Bureau. Furthermore, we printed 800 books which regards to the law of mobile source emission. At the same time, we gave those law books for free by the train for the station of regularly inspection or routine check. Our group checked 1,020 vehicles which did not turn off their engine of vehicles during they were suspended on the roadside. On September, 9, 2010, our group found and reported to the Environment Protect Bureau a violation which was during the roadside checked for the vehicle which did not turns off the engine when it’s stopped on the roadside. During the year of this plan, our group held two training for the inspection of inspector and three symposium of motorcycle dealer. On the station of inspection, we regularly checked 890 stations and examined the 354 stations for standard of gasses. At the same time, our group used anonymous to irregularly checked 186 stations. As the result, on the end of February, 28, 2011, there were 91 mistakes when we were checked the inspection stations. The wrong license plated or unrecorded images of license plated and the stations did not follow the rule replaced the materials; two of the reasons was the most serious mistakes among the 91 mistakes. On the other hand, our group also has to collect four vehicles which did not use before in every season and submitted 12 reports to analyze by automatic. In the mean time, we have to submit four questionnaires which were investigated the serve of the station of regularly in every season, and a report for the charge station. The most special thing is that we promoted the 47 web sites with reference to the green car pool and also held an activity to encouraged people who could regularly inspect their vehicles. On the February, our group submitted and analyzed data which was about mobile source of air pollution、the list of emission and the rate of the people who regularly inspect their vehicles in every schools. According to the contract, the rate of the people who regularly inspect their vehicle in school was 84.1%. Simultaneously, our group also promoted six collages and the companies which have more than 500 employees to sign that was the people who did not regularly inspect their vehicle could not have the permit parking.