

中文摘要 依據工作契約書內容,本計畫執行期間自99年7月8日起至99年12月31日止。本計畫主要工作內容包括連續24小時之環境噪音監測作業、民眾陳情案件(連續監測24小時)、固定式交通噪音監測站數據收集、噪音管制區劃定相關法規宣導說明會、協助辦理修正本縣依據「噪音管制法」第8條及第9條公告所需召開之相關會議、噪音計至少一組送經認證之量測檢校單位進行校正等。 1.固定式交通噪音監測站數據收集 依本計畫工作目標,固定式交通噪音監測站數據收集為6個月,至99年12月31日止,固定式交通噪音監測站數據已收集6個月(99年第3季及第4季),並已完成上傳環保署網頁,整體目標已完成100.0%。 2.連續24小時之環境噪音監測作業 環境噪音監測作業目標數為36點次,至99年12月31日止,環境噪音監測作業完成36點次,整體目標已完成100.0%。 3.民眾陳情案件(連續監測24小時) 民眾陳情案件以執行民眾噪音陳情點24小時連續監測,計畫目標數為2點次,而統計至99年12月31日止,已完成民眾陳情案件噪音監測作業2點次,整體目標已完成100.0%。 4.噪音管制區劃定相關法規宣導說明會 完成臺南縣各鄉鎮市噪音管制圖後,於99年10月8日召開臺南縣轄境噪音管制區重新劃定說明會,以及99年12月10日召開臺南縣轄境噪音管制區劃分暨陳情案件處理改善方法說明會,本計畫年度目標為召開2場次,已完成2場次,整體目標已完成100.0%。 5.環保新聞見報 於99年10月12日刊登於報紙上,以及99年11月2日刊登於報紙上。本計畫年度目標為新聞見報2則,完成新聞見報2則,整體目標已完成100.0%。 6.協助辦理修正本縣依據「噪音管制法」第8條及第9條公告所需召開之相關會議 於99年8月27日辦理一場次「噪音管制法」第8條及第9條修正公告內容研商會,邀請警察局、消防局、環保局稽查科及本各鄉鎮市公所。討論公告內容相關事宜與修正內容。 7.噪音計至少一組送經認證之量測檢校單位進行校正: 完成環保局一組Bruel &K jaer固定式噪音監測儀組。於99年8月5日送財團法人台灣電子檢驗中心校正完成。 8.計畫完成比率:100.0%
中文關鍵字 環境噪音;噪音防制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 977.7 千元
專案開始日期 2010/07/08 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 劉嘉俊
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 尤建智 執行單位 新研車輛科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99年度臺南縣環境噪音監測及噪音防制區檢討劃定計畫.pdf 14MB
英文摘要 Pursuant to the project contract, this project was implemented from July 8, 2010 to December 31, 2010. The main work items of this project include continuously monitoring the ambient noise for 24 hours, monitoring complaint cases (continuously monitoring for 24 hours), collecting data at a fixed traffic noise monitoring station, holding promotion meetings on law & regulations relating to noise control zone delineation, assisting in organizing meetings required for amending Government Bulletins issued by Tainan County Government pursuant to Articles 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Law, and sending at least one set of sound meter to a certified measurement institute for calibration. 1.Collecting data at a fixed traffic noise monitoring station According to the project target, data collection at a fixed traffic noise monitoring station should be conducted for 6 months. The 6-month data collection process at a fixed traffic noise monitoring station has been completed by December 31, 2010 (in Q3 and Q4 of 2010) with a 100% completion rate. The resulting data have been uploaded to EPA’s website. 2.Continuously monitoring the ambient noise for 24 hours According to the project target, continuous monitoring of the ambient noise (for 24 hours) should be conducted at 36 location-times. The 36 location-time ambient noise monitoring process has been completed by December 31, 2010 with a 100% completion rate. 3.Monitoring complaint cases (continuously monitoring for 24 hours) According to the project target, continuous monitoring of complaint cases (for 24 hours) should be conducted at 2 location-times. The 2 location-time complaint case monitoring process has been completed by December 31, 2010 with a 100% completion rate. 4.Holding promotion meetings on law & regulations relating to noise control zone delineation According to the project target, two promotion meetings on law & regulations relating to noise control zone delineation should be conducted. After completion of the noise control zone atlas for various villages and townships in Tainan County, the Promotion Meeting on Noise Control Rezoning in Tainan County and the Promotion Meeting on Noise Control Zoning and Improvements of Petition Case Handling in Tainan County were held on October 8, 2010 and December 10, 2010 respectively. The completion rate is 100%. 5.Media coverage of environmental issues According to the project target, two articles concerning environmental issues should be published in newspaper. This project had two news articles being published in newspaper on October 12, 2010 and November 2, 2010 respectively. The completion rate is 100%. 6.Assisting in organizing meetings required for amending Government Bulletins issued by Tainan County Government pursuant to Articles 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Law A coordination meeting on amending Government Bulletins issued by Tainan County Government pursuant to Articles 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Law was held on August 27, 2010 and attended by representatives from the Police Department, Fire Bureau, Bureau of Environment Protection (Auditing Section), and various village and township offices, to discuss matters concerning the content and amendment of the Bulletins. 7.Sending at least one set of sound meter to a certified measurement institute for calibration A set of Bruel & Kjaer fixed noise-monitoring equipment was sent to the Electronics Testing Center, Taiwan for calibration on August 5, 2010. 8. Project completion rate:100%