

中文摘要 台南縣環保局「99年度臺南縣海域環境監測及海污緊急應變計畫」針對縣轄海域進行定期監測,提出有效解決台南縣海洋污染防治對策,保護海域生態環境避免破壞及污染,以及在發生船隻漏油事件時,能有效進行海面上油污之清除工作。本計畫調查範圍為曾文溪以北海域沿海海域水質,北從台南縣海岸北端之八掌溪河口北側,南至網子寮沙洲外南側。本年度3次的水質調查結果與環保署甲類海域水質標準做比較,大部份皆符合甲類海域水質標準。總磷不合格為43.3%。另本計畫的海域底質監測結果與國外基準值(NOAA)相比較下,發現銅濃度均小於ERL(影響門檻值),應該不會對生物造成危害。鎳則有40%測站超出ERL (低影響值,20.9mg/kg)的情形出現,本計畫底質鎳濃度平均值約30.3 mg/kg,相較於其他區域如:台南七股沿岸沉積物(45 mg/kg)、淡水河沉積物(55 mg/kg)、高雄港沉積物(59 mg/kg)、嘉義沿海沉積物(32 mg/kg),本區域測值均低於其他區域。而黑面琵鷺重要覓食區與活動區7次的水質調查結果顯示,懸浮固體物與氨氮測值則較前一年度濃度低許多,皆有改善情形。而生化需氧量方面,本區域各測點皆超過甲類海域水質標準,與歷年情形相同。本年度未發生海洋污染事件。另外協助台南縣境內海洋污染防治稽查環保業務,本團隊協助配合港口稽查及船舶稽查兩部份,共計查核725件,大部分為無汙染情形,無污染情形佔66%。另協助辦理其他海洋污染防治宣導,包括辦理宣導活動及印製宣導文宣等,以防止與減少相關海洋污染情形。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 130.93 千元
專案開始日期 2010/05/25 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 董仁
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 連運誠 執行單位 亞太環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 20110421-99台南海域定稿.pdf 13MB

2010 Taina County sea area environmental monitoring and sea dirt urgent contingency plan

英文摘要 The seashore marine water quality of the area northern Zheng-yen River basin was investigated, investigation area ranged from the north side of Ba-Zhang River estuary to the south side of Wang-Zi-Liao Sandbank in Tainan County. In comparison with Environmental Protection Agency’s marine water quality standards (Class A), the 3 monitoring results indicate that the water quality only T-P is out the standards, others is within the standards. The 3 monitoring results show that 43% of the water index concentrations are outstandards. In addition, over the years the concentrations of the total phosphorus are in the decline. In comparison with international water quality standards (NOAA), the results show that the majority of heavy mental concentrations are lower than ERL. All the concentration fluctuations of Copper is lower than ERL. The levels should not cause harm to eco-system. The Nickel level has 40% exceeded ERL standard, but is lower than ERM . Nickel concentration detected here shows 30.6 mg/kg, in comparison with the detected Nickel concentrations from other regions, such as Qi-Gu sediment (45 mg/kg), Dan-shui sediment (55 mg/kg), Koahsiung harbor sediment (59 mg/kg), Jia-yi sediment (32 mg/kg), our results indicated better marine water quality. In comparison with Environmental Protection Agency’s marine water quality standards (Class A), our 9 monitoring results of water quality in the natural habitats of Black-faced Spoonbill indicate that the concentrations of N-NH3, SS have improved. The BOD levels of this region mostly surpass marine water quality standards (Class A), it might be due to the overly populated fishery industries. Marine pollution incidents did not occur this year. For assisting Tainan County marine pollution prevention, our team assisted in the checking of ports and the ships, 725 cases were completed. Only around 34% of the cases turned out to be some pollution events, they are random floating oil and trash problems. In addition, we helped to organize marine pollution prevention info. sessions, which included organizing activities and printing pamphlets.