

中文摘要 近年來,溫室效應對全球氣候造成的變化及環境衝擊已日趨明顯,當前國際減緩氣候變遷衝擊的因應方式主要可分別為減緩(mitigation)與調適(adaptation)(IPCC,2007)兩大類別。希望除持續積極致力人為溫室氣體排放減量,也開始思考如何調整現有的生活及社會運作方式,因應未來全球暖化及氣候變遷的影響。因此,如何調適氣候變遷已成為我國著重的目標,這目標之達成需要全民共同來努力改變原有的生活習慣及態度,積極落實各項環保行動及減少溫室氣體排放,進而將台灣建立成為一個健康永續的新寶島。 本計畫重點以如何喚起民眾節能減碳與氣候調適之意識,並將減碳調適工作以更具創意化、生活化的方式傳達給我國民眾為首要目標。因此,本計畫積極透過舉辦一連串的節能減碳創意活動,喚起民眾對減碳調適議題之注意,從中宣導節能減碳及氣候調適的概念及重要性,使民眾於生活中積極來實踐及落實。另並建立與政府部門、國內企業及民間團體落實節能減碳教育與宣導的合作機制,並配合「EcoLife Taiwan 清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網」的分享平台,積極鼓勵各界自願發起各類節能減碳行動,並透過本計畫辦理之節能減碳行動標章活動進行認證,以提升國內企業及民間團體對節能減碳行動之參與及榮譽感,進而帶動社會上節能減碳、氣候調適之風氣。 本年度執行包括地球日、世界環境日等環保大型活動。另亦配合辦理有低碳美食創作、節能減碳創意故事繪本、30秒創意影像動畫及精神標語(slogan)徵選比賽等多樣化的節能減碳創意系列活動,以凝聚國內節能減碳風氣。另外,為鼓勵民間企業或團體力行節能減碳,亦辦理節能減碳行動標章申請活動,今年度共有70家企業、社區等單位自願性來申請節能減碳行動標章之認證,經評審後共44家獲得此標章之核可,顯示出社會大眾對於節能減碳議題之重視性及認同感。
中文關鍵字 節能減碳;減緩及調適;全球暖化


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-FA11-03-A152 經費年度 099 計畫經費 7250 千元
專案開始日期 2010/06/29 專案結束日期 2011/06/28 專案主持人 彭啟明
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 林佑蓉 執行單位 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-99-FA11-03-A152.zip 27MB 行政院環保署「99年度推動全民參與節能減碳行動專案工作計畫」期末報告

The Plan of Protection of Public Action in Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in 2010

英文摘要 In recent years, the greenhouse effect has already had great impact on the climatic change and the environment of the world. Solutions in accordance to such climatic change presented internationally are mainly divided into two ways: mitigation and adaptation (IPCC, 2007). Moreover, in addition to continuing the reduction of the artificial greenhouse gas emission, we start thinking about how to adjust the existing ways of life and social functioning, and facing radical meteorological events due to global warming and the climatic change. Therefore, how to adjust the impact due to climatic change is imperative and should be the first course to deal with. Also, we should put more attention on the adaption to climatic change, which is the top priority for our goal. However, it needs every one of us to work on the issue of adaption concerning reducing the emissions of carbon and greenhouse gas, which in the end would help diminishing the crisis of environmental destruction and creating a healthy and sustainable new Taiwan. This project focuses on how to arouse people’s consciousness of reduction of carbon emissions increase their awareness about climatic adaptation in order to make the job of climatic adaptation and reduction of carbon more creative and related to our lives. This project will be mainly in organizing a series of innovative carbon reduction activities to arouse the attention of the public on this issue, focusing on the public awareness of energy conservation, carbon reduction and climatic adaption in order to implement its universal importance into our daily life with an influence rooted deeply in mind. At the same time, government departments, enterprises and civil society are established to carry out the cooperation mechanism of carbon reduction education and promotion; with "EcoLife Taiwan network" to encourage and offer guidance concerning launch of voluntary carbon reduction action; through the carbon reduction action plan to give out certification mark to domestic enterprises and civil society in order to increase their participation and sense of honor on the issue, taking the lead furthermore in carbon reduction action and climatic adaptation of community, providing EPA and the public reference for carbon reduction action in practice. The implementation activities in this year include Earth Day and World Environment Day, energy-related series of creative activities such as low-carbon food creation, creative comic block contest on energy and carbon reduction and 30-second video and creative slogan competition. Significantly, we have an outstanding result on promoting the idea of carbon reduction. Moreover, a total of about 70 communities and other units applied voluntarily this year for certification marks of carbon emissions reduction, of which 44 got approvals and were given with the certification marks after assessment, which indicates that the public pays more attention on and has more sense of identity on the issue of carbon reduction.
英文關鍵字 Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction;Climate Adaptation;Mitigation and Adaption