

中文摘要 金門縣面積151平方公里,居民約9萬多人,極適合作為各項低碳措施之示範點,因此行政院選定金門縣作為第一波低碳城市(島)之推動地區。金門縣民國98年溫室氣體排放總量為355,796公噸,人均排放量為3.79公噸,本計畫依據金門溫室氣體排放特性與地方特色推動六大計畫,分別為「金酒低碳園區旗艦計畫」、「資源循環與區域生質能中心旗艦計畫」、「綠能與低碳運輸旗艦計畫」、「社區改造新建與低碳建築旗艦計畫」、「烈嶼零碳島旗艦計畫」、以及「低碳樂活推動計畫」。執行期間為民國101年至110年,預估投入經費約新台幣38.58億元,預計總環境效益為:再生能源發電35.3百萬度,節約電力32.0百萬度,節省瓦斯24.7萬公斤,節省油料2,486公秉,省水42.4萬度以及減廢10,950噸,減碳效益為98,019噸。
中文關鍵字 十四、 金門、低碳島、金酒公司、生質能源中心、減碳效益


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-G2-00-A203 經費年度 099 計畫經費 7800 千元
專案開始日期 2010/12/07 專案結束日期 2011/11/06 專案主持人 呂穎彬
主辦單位 方案整合辦公室(停用) 承辦人 陳曉真 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 上網完整版_期末報告_本文+附件.pdf 12MB

Low-Carbon Kinmen Island Construction & Planning Project

英文摘要 The area of Kinmen County is 151 square kilometers and there are about ninety thousands residents reside in this island. The size of Kinmen Island is suitable for low carbon development. Executive Yuan thus chose Kinmen County as the first of few counties to implement low carbon development plans. The total carbon emission of Kinmen County in 2009 is 355,796 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), which is 3.79 tons of CO2e per capita. Six carbon reduction projects are then proposed based on the sources of carbon emission and also on the local properties. These plans are “Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. Low Carbon Campus Flagship Project,” “Leiyu Zero Carbon Island Flagship Project,” “Green Energy and Low Carbon Transportation Flagship Project,” “Low Carbon Community Construction and Reformation and Low Carbon Building Flagship Project,” “Resource Recycling and Regional Biomass Energy Center Flagship Project,” and “Low Carbon LOHAS Promotion Project.” The implementation period of these projects starts from 2012 to 2021. Total budget of these projects is about 38.58 billion TWD. The expected environmental benefits of these projects include: 35.3 million kWh will be supplied by renewable energy, 32 million kWh will be saved, 247 thousand kg of gas will be reduced, 2,486 kl of oil can be saved, 42.4 m3 of water will be saved, 10,950 tons of waste can be eliminated, and the total amount of the reduced carbon is about 98,019 tons annually after completion of the proposed master plan.
英文關鍵字 Kinmen, Low Carbon Island, Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc., Biomass Energy Center, Benefits of Carbon Reduction