

中文摘要 瑩諮科技股份有限公司承接臺北市政府環境保護局衛生稽查大 隊「99 年度加強移動性污染源-機車排放空氣污染物稽查管制計畫」, 自99 年4 月22 日執行至100 年4 月21 日止,茲將本計畫目前工作 成果摘要如下: 一、稽查作業 (一)攔檢作業: 截至民國100 年4 月21 日為止,本項工作已完成 7,799 輛次。不定期檢驗機車中,合格輛次為5,961 輛, 合格率為76.4%,不合格輛次為1,838 輛,不合格率為 23.6%。檢驗不合格機車均要求限期改善完成,逾期未回 覆之機車已分批進行告發。 (二)巡查夾單 巡查作業執行地點涵蓋臺北市各重要道路、學校、社 區及商圈、加油站等車輛聚集地,巡查作業共計完成 134,135 輛次,75,324 輛次回檢,回檢率為56.2%。 (三)車牌辨識 本年度車牌自動辨識系統共計拍攝機車134,170 輛 次,篩選設籍臺北市未定檢機車進行雙掛號通知計有 3,281 輛。 (四)移動式定檢車服務 本計畫開始執行即設置移動式機車排氣檢驗站1 站, 以作為服務各大專院校及社區民眾實施機車定檢之用,並 配合定檢站外移,執行宣導服務。99 年度共計服務534 輛未定檢機車。 二、定檢通知行政作業 計畫執行期間,共辦理未定檢二次通知製作及寄發作業 214,038 份,經定檢資料比對結果回檢車輛數為86,318 輛 次,回檢率40.3%。 三、其他行政工作 其他行政工作則包括:99 年7 月1 日於稽查大隊勤教室 辦理稽查人員教育訓練會、100 年3 月4 日於萬華區公所大 禮堂辦理期末研討會,皆邀請環保署長官及環保局同仁共同 參與。 四、削減量 99 年1 至12 月機車定檢調修合格輛數總計65,768 輛機 車,污染物削減量的成效為CO 削減量1,689.3 Ton/Yr,HC 削減量274.3 Ton /Yr。 五、作業成本分析 經統計作業成本最低的為車牌辨識作業為6 元/輛,作 業成本次低的為未定檢催檢通知為7 元/輛,成本分析可以 提供稽查大隊對於下年度相關稽查作業,更有經濟效益的作 業比例分配參考。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 7800 千元
專案開始日期 2010/04/22 專案結束日期 2011/04/21 專案主持人 曹耀文
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王鈞聯 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 epb-EPBA0-0992004912-06-01.pdf 10MB
英文摘要 Achievement abstract The performance period of the project is from 4/22, 2010 to 4/21, 2011. The followings are what have been done: 1. To inspect project (1). Blocks the vehicle inspection The blocks the vehicle inspection has been implemented and 7,799 motorcycles have been checked with the tube insertion. 1,838 of them did not pass the test. (2). Patrolling guidance The location for implementation covers the major roads, schools, communities, shopping districts and gas stations in Taipei City for holidays patrol. there have been 134,135 motorcycles involved in the patrolling guidance, and 75,324 motorcycles have been returned for checking. (3). Automatic Vehicle Identification System At the end of April-2011, total of 134,170 vehicles have been shooting, and for the inspection of vehicles available at Taipei City. It has been planned to send the registered letter with a return receipt requested 3,281 notices to the non-check motorcycles of this city. (4). inspection The location for implementation covers the major roads, schools, communities, shopping districts and gas stations in Taipei City for holidays patrol. The achievement for the guidance and other administration include holding nine checking services in universities and colleges for 534 motorcycles. 2. Sending inspect notices to motorcycle owners It has been planned to send the second 214,038 notices to the non-check motorcycles of this city. After the notices have been sent, 86,318 motorcycles have been returned for checking. After deducting the returned letters, the rate of return for checking is 40.3%. 3. Auditors training A training class, including orientation, working methods and job arrangement was provided to the auditors. The auditors who complete the training are expected to execute their job with a higher standard.