

中文摘要 一、計畫目標 1.針對以往經調查發現有超過土壤或地下水監測基準情形之地區,進行污染來源追蹤分析及管制,並建立當地長期土壤及地下水環境品質資料,作為相關政策推動之參考依據,及適時依法作適當處置。 2.降低民眾健康及居家環境安全遭受不良影響之風險。 3.達到事先防治之功效。 4.支援各種緊急應變之所需。 5.建立資料庫以長期分析環境品質的目標。 二、計畫期程 本計畫期程自簽約日 (99年2月9日) 起至99年12月15日。 三、計畫成果 1. 場置性監測井水質監測作業: 本年度第一季及第三季地下水質分析結果合格率大致與歷年相似,合格率偏低之水質項目仍以氨氮、鐵、錳,這三個水質檢測項目為主;重金屬鐵之部分,本年度有10口監測井檢測結果不合格,與歷年檢測結果並無太大的變化,尚在歷年之變化範圍內;氨氮及錳部分,與歷年合格率比較,則有漸漸上升之趨勢;氨氮部分一般被視為人類活動污染的指標,如工業廢水、生活污水、農業施肥及動物排泄物等都是可能的污染源。 本年度第三季監測工作中,冬山河地區上游監測井F012及下游監測井F013所測得之砷濃度已超過地下水污染管制標準,推論可能受地化反應之影響。且F013該口井於本年度第三季所檢驗項目中有總溶解固體物、總硬度、氯鹽、氨氮、鐵、砷,共六項檢測值超過監測標準,其中總溶解固體物的測值更是高出監測標準。 2. 22口監測井單點流向分析: 本年度單井流向流速分析於99年4月7至4月8日完成,結果顯示F002、F004 、F005、F006、F007、F008、F009、F011、F17、F022屬於地下水補注河川形式;F014、F015、F018、F019屬河川補注地下水形式,F001施作當天附近有抽水機正運作,難以推估是否會影響地下水流向,F010及F023則呈反方向流動,推估應受人為等其他因素干擾所導致,冬山河有2口觀測井,流向卻與冬山河流向相反,推估F012其可能原因為附近農業耕作之抽水行為所影響,F013距離冬山河較遠,亦可能受北方大排所影響,F021岳明國小地下水流向則相差180度,可能為受農業抽水灌溉或為太平洋感潮段所影響。F003因無水及F016斜井嚴重而無法量測到流速流向。 3. 針對宜蘭縣相關行業辦理2場次土壤及地下水污染防治之相關法規說明會 已於99年06月17日舉辦第一場法規說明會,「污染土壤及地下水暨相關法規」,有64家加油站業者參與會議,參加情況相當踴躍。 並於99年11月9日舉辦第二場法規說明會,「土壤及地下水污染整治法第8條及第9條法規說明」,參加情況相當踴躍。 4. 土壤及地下水相關污染案件處理: 本團隊依照環保局要求於蘭陽隧道口旁蘇澳鎮永安段1015、1088、1088-1、1089等地號進行土壤調查,此案件為民眾陳情該地區有遭受不明土石堆置情形,採樣項目為8大重金屬,採樣點位為5點位,皆無超過監測標準。 東澳幸福水泥遭民眾陳情,依環保局要求進行3點位土壤採樣檢測8大重金屬,皆無受到污染。 品青漏油事件依環保局要求採取2點位的農地土壤及1點為灌溉溝渠內之底泥,採樣項目為總石油碳氫化合物,皆低於管制標準。 梅洲新段313地號採樣5點位,其中一點位(IL99-YL-S535)土壤重金屬銅濃度945 mg/kg超過管制標準,有兩點位銅濃度超過農地監測標準(IL99-YL-S52:154 mg/kg;IL99-YL-S54 mg/kg),重金屬鋅濃度有三點位超過農地監測標準(IL99-YL-S51:281 mg/kg;IL99-YL-S53:552 mg/kg;IL99-YL-S54:567 mg/kg),重金屬鉛濃度有一點位超過農地監測標準(IL99-YL-S54:394 mg/kg),重金屬汞濃度有一點位超過農地監測標準(IL99-YL-S53:3.27 mg/kg),故可推測本場址之土壤有受到重金屬污染情形。 利澤工業區八項重金屬檢驗濃度皆未超過監測標準,故可推測本場址之土壤並未受到八項重金屬之污染。 龍德3號出水口有三點位砷濃度(IL99-SA-S65:34.4 mg/kg,IL99-SA-S67:40.3 mg/kg, IL99-SA-S68:41.8 mg/kg)超過監測標準;由於土壤具有不均質及不連續等特性,故推測其污染可能原因為土壤中含重金屬砷,而影響採樣點位之污染物濃度。 永春段155-3地號土壤檢測結果有一點位鋅濃度(IL99-SA-S72:600 mg/kg)超過管制標準,建議未來進行污染範圍調查作業,以確認污染情況。 宜蘭縣公園遊憩用地土壤品質調查工作因經費考量故採樣12座公園,30點次。土壤檢測結果並未有明顯污染之現象,僅有頭城鎮1號公園土壤重金屬濃度超過監測標準。 5. 環保局土壤及地下水污染整治業務網站之更新重點 目前相關網頁更新已依環保局要求如期完成,統計至今已完成99/2~99/12月份。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 4125 千元
專案開始日期 2010/02/09 專案結束日期 2010/12/15 專案主持人 賴以賢
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭培元 執行單位 峰將工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99年度宜蘭縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫.pdf 23MB
英文摘要 ABSTRACT A、Project goal 1. To the areas whose pollutant concentrations above the soil and underground water monitoring standards, the project proceeds the tracing and controlling of pollution sources, and builds up the soil and underground environment quality data, to policy-decision reference and proper management. 2. To reduce the risk of the public health and environment. 3. To achieve the preventing goal. 4. To support the emergency demands. 5. To build up the data base for the long term environmental quality analysis. B、Project Period From 2010, Feb. 9 to 2010, Dec. 15. C、Project Implementing Results 1. Water quality analysis of field monitoring well The first and third seasons of this year, the underground water quality is similar to the last years for the pass rate, the items for these lower pass rate are ammonia-nitrogen, Fe and Mn. As to Fe, there are ten monitoring well to fail, It’s not a big change comparing the last years. As to NH3-N and Mn, the pass rate increase comparing the last years. NH3-N is produced from human activities such as industrial wastewater, sewage, agricultural fertilizer and animal fecal. In the third season monitoring, As concentrations of the upstream monitoring well F012 and the downstream monitoring well F013 are above the controlling standard, It could be owing to the earth chemical reactions. To F013 well, the total dissolved solid , total hardness, chloride, NH3-N, Fe and As are above the monitoring standards, the total dissolved solid is much higher than the monitoring standard. 2. One Point Flow Direction Analysis for 22 Monitoring Wells: The one point flow direction analyses were finished from 2010 Apr. 7 to Apr. 8, results showed F002、F004 、F005、F006、F007、F008、F009、F011、F17、F022 wells were the types groundwater discharge to river, F014、F015、F018、F019wells were the types river discharge to groundwater. Because of a pump operation, it is difficult to analyze the flow direction of F001. The flow directions of F010 and F023 are opposite, the team consider it is because of human interference. Two monitoring wells in Don-sun river had the opposite flow dirction to the Don-sun river, F012 could be affected by the agricultural pumps. F013 away from Don-sun river, could be affected by northern drainage. The flow direction of F021 was opposite to the groundwater, it could be affected by agricultural drainage or the Pacific Ocean. F003 without water and F016 because of tilt, were not analyzed for the flow velocity and direction. 3. To the companies in I-Lan county, there were two regulation claim meetings for Soil and Grounderwater remediation. The first meeting was held on 2010 Jun. 17 for soil and groundwater pollution related regulations, There were 64 gas stations to anticipate. The second meeting was held on 2010 Nov. 9 for code 8 and 9 of soil and groundwater remediation regulation, the meeting was very successive. 4. Management of Soil and Groundwater Pollution cases: According EPA requirement, the team investigate Su-Oh township Yeon-An section 1015, 1088, 1088-1 and 1089 land sites. The case was claimed by the public because of unknown disposal. The team analyzed 8 metals and sampled 5 points, results showed none beyond the monitoring standards. The public claimed Ton-Oh cemetery factory, according to EPA, The team anlysyzed 8 metals and sampled 3 points, results showed no pollution. To Pin-Chin oil leakage case, EPA required to sample two points of agricultural land and one point of drainage bottom soil to analyze total petroleum hydrocarbon which were all lower to the regulated standards. For Mei-Chou-Shin section 313 land site, the team took three samples, Cu concentration at IL99-YL-S535 point is 945 mg/kg beyond the regulated standard. Cu concentrations of two points are beyond the agricultural monitoring standard (IL99-YL-S52:154 mg/kg;IL99-YL-S54 mg/kg). To Zn concentration, there are three points beyond the agricultural monitoring standard (IL99-YL-S51:281 mg/kg;IL99-YL-S53:552 mg/kg;IL99-YL-S54:567 mg/kg). To Pb concentration, there is one point beyond the agricultural monitoring standard (IL99-YL-S54:394 mg/kg). To Hg concentration, there is one point beyond the agricultural monitoring standard (IL99-YL-S53:3.27 mg/kg). The team supposed the land site is polluted by heavy metals. To Lea-Zou industrial park, the concentrations of eight heavy metals are lower than monitoring standards, so the team suppose there are no the eight heavy metal pollutions. There are three As concentrations beyond monitoring standard at Loong-Do 3 discharge point (IL99-SA-S65:34.4 mg/kg,IL99-SA-S67:40.3 mg/kg, IL99-SA-S68:41.8 mg/kg). Owing to the non-homogeneous soil, the team supposes soil have As, then affects the analysis results. To yeong-Chun 155-3 land site, Zn concentration is beyond the regulated standard in one point, the team suggest further investigation to ascertain the pollution. Owing to the budget, the team chose 12 parks and 30 sampling points to investigate. Results show there are no obvious pollution, only Ton-Chen township #1 park has heavy metal concentrations beyond the monitoring standards. 5. Design and Renewal of Soil and Underground Water Website Related websites are finished in accordance with EPA requirements. Statistic data are completed from 2010. Feb to 2010. Dec.