

中文摘要 本計畫主要以固定污染源有機性有害空氣污染物管制推動為出發點,分為六大工作目標包括:1.建立國內有害空氣污染物篩選標準作業準則,並公告優先管制之有害空氣污染物;2.建立全國有害空氣污染物排放調查作業方法,執行實廠排放調查作業;3.進行有機性有害空氣污染物檢測方法之適用性分析與彙整;4.建立國內有害空氣污染物排放量計算方式與排放清單;5.建立本土化整體有害空氣污染物之健康風險評估執行作業準則;6.提出固定污染源有機性有害空氣污染物之短程、中程及長程管制策略與推動規劃。 在國外管制資料彙整與策略規劃部分,規劃以推動技術減量策略及熱點管制策略為主,先以技術標準為管制基準,對排放達一定規模以上污染源採控制技術要求,其目標為「達成有機性HAPs排放減量」,並同時推動熱點管制,要求高危害潛勢污染源加強減量,輔以健康效應,考量有機性HAPs所致危害,降低民眾暴露於有害空氣污染物所致健康危害影響。 在管制推動與配套作業建立部分,提出建議優先公告列管「43種有機性有害空氣污染物」(草案)、提出建議優先列管之3個行業製程別之有害空氣污染物管制對象、檢討現行排放標準納入有害空氣污染物管制之分析,並持續更新排放清單,勾稽毒化物系統資料庫,進一步掌握清查作業名單,以全面掌握污染源,配合兩年度實廠調查結果建立本土化排放係數資訊,提出未來優先建立本土化排放係數名單;此外,彙整國內外監測站設置原則,據以完成相關國內監測站設置評析作業,並邀請具有害空氣污染物管制與監測經驗之專家(PHILIP M. FINE)來台進行3全天之有害空氣污染物管制與監測技術之國際交流會議。 有機性有害空氣污染物實廠流布調查與模擬分析作業部分完成「國內有機性有害空氣污染物排放調查標準作業程序」,完成15場次有機性有害空氣污染物實廠排放調查與模式模擬作業,並依據調查作業經驗持續更新修正五行業製程別排放調查作業手冊之編撰與本土化排放調查作業方式之規劃;並透過3全天有害空氣污染物實廠排放調查作業教育訓練,共訓練96人次學員,以培養未來執行本土調查作業之專業知識人才。 健康風險評估部分,完成建議優先列管有機性有害空氣污染物危害性鑑定與劑量效應資訊蒐集,並完成國內暴露量評估標準作業方法相關評估參數表之建立,且依據今年度實廠調查成果,完成15場次有機性有害空氣污染物實廠健康風險評估作業,並完成23種有害空氣污染物風險特徵化評估評析報告;依據評估結果並考量製程別特性後,提出建議優先納入健康風險管制之行業製程別;亦彙整出丙烯腈、甲醛、四氯乙烯、二甲苯、甲醇、1,2-二氯乙烷、乙苯、苯乙烯、二甲基甲醯胺及苯等十個物種為需納入優先健康風險管制之有害空氣污染物;並訂定適於我國固定污染源有害空氣污染物健康風險評估執行作業規範(草案),並藉由專家學者參與諮詢程序,據以完備「固定污染源有害空氣污染物健康風險評估執行作業規範(草案)」,供後續相關單位執行使用。 本計畫依據今年度執行成果,提出後續作業之建議事項如下:(1) 推動有害空氣污染物管制作業,並非單純由環保署進行管制作業即可,應會同經濟部工業局共同分工,才可有效從源頭至管末整體化進行污染減量的推動工作,亦可落實各項策略之進行,建議下年度應就各期程之工作內容,區分不同政府部門,提出各部分應執行之工作重點,並由環保署於政策推動時,邀集相關單位共同與會,以有效推動管制策略;(2)推建議未來應針對整合有害空氣污染物(包括揮發性有機物、戴奧辛、重金屬及酸性氣體)之管制推動現況,並針對短程管制行動方案提出有害空氣污染物與傳統空氣污染物之接軌推動方案,並應隨時動態修正中程及長程管制方針與推動期程;(3)建議針對今年度提出應增加納管有害物種管制之行業製程別,可優先彙整分析國外有害空氣污染物控制技術管制標準(T-BACT/MACT等),研提國內有害空氣污染物之控制技術管制標準方案;(4)針對有害空氣污染物短程管制作業,建議可優先鎖定已開徵空污費13種有害空氣污染物種為管制重點,並應積極推動下列管制項目包含:整體管制推動作業方式與期程、排放量申報作業、定期檢測作業以及納入許可證管制之配套行政作為,並建立前述13種有害空氣污染物種之相關管理制度配套工具,如:申請原則與作業程序、申請作業指引、審核原則與作業程序以及審核作業指引之修正建議等,以順利推動有害空氣污染物管理制度;(5)應積極完成「固定污染源有害空氣污染物健康風險評估執行作業規範(草案)」之公告作業;且在推動以健康風險為導向之固定污染源執行有害空氣污染物之評估與管理制度,可優先針對國內新設固定污染源,訂定應優先執行健康風險評估之門檻、規模與其應執行內容規劃。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物,健康風險評估,排放係數


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-FA12-03-D153 經費年度 099 計畫經費 17000 千元
專案開始日期 2010/05/25 專案結束日期 2011/05/24 專案主持人 吳俊儀
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 何佳祥 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA99FA1203D153本文.pdf 12MB
英文摘要 The project was launched for the implementation of organic hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) control from stationary air pollution sources. The scope of works include: 1. To establish the SOP for domestic HAPs identification so as to prioritize the HAPs for control; 2. To establish the methodology for nationwide HAPs investigation; 3. To study and collect suitable test methods for HAPs; 4. To establish the calculation methodology and emissions inventory for domestic HAPs; 5. To establish the SOP for domestic HAPs health risk assessment; 6. To propose the short, median and long term stationary sources HAPs control strategy and implementation plan. Information regarding control and strategy planning in foreign countries were collected mainly for the promotion of technical mitigation strategy and hot spots control strategy. Which shows technical standards were applied first for the control of pollution sources with emissions over certain upper limit for the purpose of “achieving organic HAPs emissions reduction”. In the meantime, hot spot control was also promoted to mandate high risk pollution sources to enhance reduction. Health effects were added for the consideration of organic HAPs risk so as to lower public exposure to HAPs. In respect of promoting control and establishing implementation protocol, the project suggested the draft to publicize “43 Organic HAPs” as priority, as well as 3 industrial processes for HAPs control. The current emission standards were reviewed to include HAPs control for analysis, the emissions inventories were updated and cross checked with toxics control databank, the name lists for further survey were built for total control of pollution sources. The two year has established domestic emission factors information from on-site investigation. Besides, the project also put together the rules for setting domestic monitoring stations and completed the evaluation for building domestic monitoring stations. The project invited expert with monitoring experiences (Dr. Philip M Fine) to Taiwan for a three days international workshop regarding HAPs control and monitoring technology. Field investigation of organic HAPs flows for modeling analysis was conducted to establish “The SOP for domestic organic HAPs emissions investigation”. The project achieved 15 times of field investigation for organic HAPs emissions and modeling analysis. Accordingly, manuals for emissions investigation for 5 categories of industrial process were revised as well as a 3 days training workshop was conducted with 96 participants to cultivate talents for domestic investigation operation. In the part of health risk assessment, the project completed the assessment of organic HAPs for priority control and the collection of dose response information, as well as completed the SOP for domestic exposure assessment and the establishment of the parameters for assessment. Accordingly, the project completed 15 times of field HAPs health risk assessment with analysis reports for 23 HAPs. In consideration of the assessment results and process characteristics, the project suggested the industrial processes for priority control as well as 10 HAPs for priority health risks control, which are Acrylonitrile, Formaldehyde, Tetrachloroethylene, Xylene, Methanol, 1,2-Dichloroethane, Ethylbenzene, Styrene, N,N-Dimethyl formamide and Benzene. The project has established the (draft) protocol for domestic stationary source HAPs health risk assessment, and through consultation with experts and scholars to complete the “Stationary Source HAPs Health Risk Assessment Protocol (draft)” for future application by relevant units. According to the results from this year, the project suggests future work items as follows: (1) The promotion for HAPs control can not be implemented only by EPA. It also needs the IDB of MOEA to share the work together so as to promote the overall pollution reduction effectively from the origin of pollution sources. Therefore, it is suggested for the following year project to divide the work among different governmental departments while the EPA will do the integration; (2) It is suggested for future HAPs control to include VOCs, Dioxins, Heavy Metals and Acidic gases, for short term action plan in connection with traditional air pollutants control program, while actively revise the plan for median and long term goals; (3) It is suggested to apply foreign HAPs control technology and standard (T-BACT/MACT) for the control of priority HAPs listed by this project; (4) It is suggested to target the 13 HAPs that are put under the air pollution fee program for short term control operation and aggressively move on to the following control items, including overall control implementation operation and time table, emission reporting operation, periodic inspection operation, and the permitting administration, as well as establishing the management system for the 13 HAPs such as the application rules, application guidelines, review rules and operation procedure, and review guidelines, so as to promote the HAPs management system; (5) It is suggested to complete the “Stationary Source HAPs Health Risk Assessment Operation Regulation (draft)” aggressively so as to promote health risk oriented stationary source HAPs assessment and management system, which can be used to set criteria, scale and implementation contents for health risk assessment for priority stationary sources.
英文關鍵字 hazardous air pollutants, healthy risk assessment, emission factor