

中文摘要 為減緩車輛排放對空氣品質的衝擊,本計畫執行使用中機車排氣稽查、通知到檢及相關宣導作業,督促車主確實做好車輛維護保養,以確保機車排氣合乎排放標準;其次,針對本縣已設立之機車定檢站進行查核管理,確保檢測品質,執行內容摘述如下: (1)使用中機車稽查作業:執行機車路邊三合一稽查、車牌辨識稽查未定檢機車作業,對於違規的機車進行告發處分。 (2)郵寄通知作業:依據環保署每月提供的機車車籍資料,寄發明信片通知車主實施機車排氣定期檢測。 (3)機車定檢站管理作業:依據「桃園縣機器腳踏車排放空氣污染物檢驗站管理作業要點」規定加嚴查核,藉由現場查核功能讓機車定檢站都能夠符合法規規定。 (4)宣導相關作業:包含媒體宣導,發送宣導海報、A4宣導單等文宣至本縣各公私場所張貼,督促車主依法實施機車定檢。並辦理戶外定檢宣導活動,提供便民服務。 透過各項工作進行,本縣之機車定檢率至99年8月底已達87.1%,後續仍將持續各項管制工作進行,並加強機車保檢合一政策的推動,有效改善機車廢氣污染的問題,朝向潔淨、健康、舒適環境的目標努力。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源;機車定檢站;空氣污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 15700 千元
專案開始日期 2010/03/26 專案結束日期 2011/03/25 專案主持人 陳重修
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張蕙珍 執行單位 盈鼎環保有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99期末報告本文-定稿本.pdf 49MB
英文摘要 The purpose of plan aims to decline the negative effects of the air quality from mobile pollution source. To ensure the emission of the mobile pollution source could obtain the emission standard, this project used three plans, including mobile emission checking, test notifying, and guidance of mobile maintenances. Besides, this project set up 195 emission testing station in Taoyuan County to keep the checking quality. The followings were the major contents of the project. (1) The roadside trinity inspection This work aims to do the mobile emission checking. And this project would report the motorcycle, which’s emission was over the emission standard. (2) Test notifying According to the EPA’s database, this project chose send postcards to notify the owner to examine the motorcycles’ emission. (3) Emission test station management According to the Taoyuan County’s law, this project set up 195 emission testing station to keep the checking quality. (4) Promotion The promotion guidance included broadcast posters, A4 posters, and advertisements. In addition, this project checked the outdoor emission testing to make convenient to our county people. The percentage of Taoyuan County’s periodic testing is reached 87.1% until 2010 Aug. We will keep all works and advance the policy about the motorcycle of inspection and maintenance. Therefore the project could improve effective in the motorcycle waste emission and move forward to the clean, healthy and comfortable environment.
英文關鍵字 Mobile pollution;air pollution;emissions testing stations