

中文摘要 綜觀世界各國推動使用中汽車維修保養制度,不外乎確保車輛引擎、車體安全及污染控制設備正常運作,端視我國現階段汽車定檢制度,係以交通部監理單位為主管機關,管制對象著重於車齡5年以上及車體安全檢驗,惟污染檢驗因監理機關儀器設備檢校品質、人員具備檢驗證照與否等,致使使用中汽車污染管制受限。因此,針對今年度使用中汽油車管制策略,本計畫著重於檢驗前之維修保養制度,規劃我國使用中汽車分權管制策略,逐步建構我國汽車維修保養制度及保養廠管理能力,並輔以汽車資料庫規劃及污染控制元件有效性調查,協助使用中汽車達到實質減量之目的。
中文關鍵字 保檢合一、OBD、觸媒有效運作


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-FA13-03-A033 經費年度 099 計畫經費 7500 千元
專案開始日期 2010/01/29 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 謝明機
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 陳婉菁 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-99-FA13-03-A033(完整版).pdf 18MB

The establishment and promotion of the system for in-use motor vehicle inspection and maintenance pr

英文摘要 Looking around the world to promote in-used of vehicle repair and maintenance program, nothing more than ensure that the vehicle engine, body safety and the effective operation of pollution control equipment, and our country at this stage of the vehicle control strategy focuses on more than 5 years and inspection of the vehicle body safety. Therefore, in order with the international trend, the implementation of vehicle maintenance program, in addition to the construction of the in-use vehicle inspection and maintenance program, this project also conducted an investigation for the effective operation of pollution control equipment and planned the vehicle database system to help in-use vehicles achieve the purpose of substantial reduction of pollution. This year , an automobile manufacturer survey operation to the independent workshop in Taiwan was finished and a maintenance & repair records from one of the service providers was obtained. It was learned that those vehicles going to the manufacturer’s workshop for service have a significant effectiveness in pollution improvement in comparison with those vehicles that are not serviced by the manufacturer’s workshop. Also, the literatures relevant for vehicle inspection and maintenance program were referred, and the consultative conferences regarding the operation of I/M program for in-use vehicles were held, and the studying & drafting a certification program focusing on the law source and service items was completed. Finally, a 3-phase mode of execution, short-medium-long term, for this program was proposed. Those cars that expired the durability-warranty period for their pollution emission control system were rented on lease to perform the FTP driving pattern test for 100 vehicle trips. The test results show that Taiwan should further stress the in-use vehicle emission. According to the test results of effective operation of catalyst, it seems there is rather inconsistent in temperature difference in front and back of the catalyst treatment. Also considered the regular inspection program of supervision office, this project proposed to measure the concentration of CO and HC by idle test procedure, as a catalyst to determine failure summary, and the procedure is most optimal for the regular inspection program. The planning and establishment of a database system for in-use vehicles had completed, and the regular inspection data of this system by supervising institution during 2008 ~ 2009 were analyzed by this project as well; and it shows that the concentration of CO and HC will be on a rising trend along the increase of car age and driving mileage; moreover, by combining the FTP driving pattern test results from 100 vehicle trips to compute the emission factor of in-use vehicle, it shows a significant trend on the low side when compared with the previous data estimated and derived by CTCI corporation.
英文關鍵字 Inspection/maintenance, On-board Diagnostics, Effective operation of the catalyst