

中文摘要 99年度『屏東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫』自99年3月10日簽約後開始執行至99年12月31日執行成果,總計完成未定檢機車稽查回檢25,154輛,完成率100.0%;每月車籍資料篩選未依規定實施排氣定檢機車寄發通知到檢公文5,000份,共寄發53,099份,完成率100.0%;機車攔檢作業1,027輛,完成率100.0%;機車免費排氣檢測作業1,113輛,完成率100.0%;檢驗站定期查核5次,完成率100%,檢驗站不定期查核40站,完成率100.0%,標準氣體查核比對作業122站,完成率100.0%,機車排氣檢驗站教育說明會辦理1場,完成率100.0%,機車排氣檢驗站業務座談會辦理4場,完成率100.0%;印製及寄發明信片定檢通知13個月;本縣主要道路之車流量、平均車速及行車型態調查;協助環保局處理民眾檢舉案件、辦理二行程機車汰舊併新購電動機車審核作業及建置死車資料庫等。 由機車定檢資料分析各鄉鎮市總到檢情形,到檢情形較佳之鄉鎮為萬丹鄉(81.35%)、屏東市(80.09%)及麟洛鄉(75.43%),而已設定檢站到檢率較差鄉鎮有恆春、高樹、枋寮及萬巒等鄉鎮到檢率較為偏低。檢測車輛主要仍以三陽、光陽、山葉三大廠牌機車為主,以山葉廠牌96,949輛次最多,三大廠牌檢測數量共計有246,851輛次,佔所有檢測數量之94.19%之多。各機車廠牌污染物排放濃度不論CO或HC均以偉士牌、永豐廠牌排放污染量較高,三陽及比雅久機車排放污染量較低。CO平均排放濃度方面:二行程的平均排放濃度為3.14%,四行程的平均排放濃度為1.78%。HC平均排放濃度方面:二行程的平均排放濃度為5,798ppm,四行程的平均排放濃度為673ppm。CO及HC的平均排放濃度,皆以二行程較高,尤其是HC的平均排放濃度,高出四行程約8.62倍。 在攔檢作業上總計檢測未定檢機車557輛次,已定檢機車470輛次,兩者合計1,027輛次,攔檢未定檢之二行程機車不合格率26.56%,攔檢未定檢之四行程機車不合格率8.49%,攔檢未定檢之整體平均不合格率為14.72%。攔檢已定檢之二行程機車不合格率10.12%,攔檢已定檢之四行程機車不合格率2.29%,攔檢已定檢之整體平均不合格率為3.41%。另進行機車廠牌、車齡與行程別之機車攔檢排放污染物交叉比對工作得知,CO排放濃度方面,10年以上二、四行程機車以比雅久廠牌的排放濃度較高。車齡2-4年的二、四行程機車以光陽機車表現較佳;HC排放濃度方面,二行程機車之HC平均排放濃度以10年以上山葉機車排放濃度最高;以二行程2-4年光陽機車排放濃度最低,四行程機車之HC平均排放濃度以10年以上比雅久機車排放濃度最高;以四行程2-4年光陽機車排放濃度最低。 122站檢驗站已完成5次定期查核,查核結果其中以動線脫落、檢測區停放機車、耗材未依規定更換及取樣管不潔等情形失較多,再複查缺失都已明顯改善。標準氣體查核比對方面122家檢驗站皆符合規定。 至99年11月底止,屏東縣機車排氣定檢到檢率分別為61.72% (回歸車籍)及54.08% (依檢驗站),總平均則於25縣市排名第20名。與歷年同期比較,無論於回歸車籍或依檢驗站之到檢率皆提昇1%~2%以上。依行政院環保署提供之交通工具污染物排放削減量係數推估,本年度計畫執行至11月底,污染物排放削減量在NMHC部份為256.58噸/年、在CO部份為1,196.05噸/年。 針對提昇明年度計畫之執行成效可分為下列七個方向著手:(1)提昇到檢率作法:a.針對機車到檢率較低之鄉鎮(如恆春、高樹、枋寮等)加強稽查作業,提昇其定檢到檢率。b.持續寄發未定檢機車公文通知工作,並將「取消機車排氣檢測通知申請單」隨文寄發車主,有效剔除無效車籍,正確掌握應到檢車輛數。c.執行偏遠未設定檢站鄉鎮檢驗站認養方案,以方便未設定檢站鄉鎮約6萬輛機車車主進行定檢,有效提昇未設檢驗站鄉鎮之到檢率。d.利用各類媒體持續宣導民眾機車定檢觀念及重要性,增加民眾對機車排氣定檢制度之了解,進而樂於主動配合定檢,有效削減機車排放污染物。e.加強未定檢機車告發處分作業,藉由公權力執行,督促車主作好機車定檢工作。(2)大專院校巡迴機車定檢服務方案:a.彙整屏東縣大專院校名單。b.寄發宣導公文至學校管理單位。c.安排檢驗站認養大專院校進行機車未定檢服務。d.安排每2個月稽巡查工作。藉以提高學生族群到檢率。(3)高污染車輛管制方案:每個月定期彙整定檢不合格未完成複驗合格名單進行限期改善通知,有效提高複驗合格率及污染物削減量,此可有效掌握高污染車輛改善情形,如車輛已無法改善則進一步宣導車主汰舊,加速高污染車輛汰換。(4)低污染車輛與潔淨燃料推廣使用工作:配合屏東縣政府建設處交通科針對本縣觀光重鎮琉球鄉辦理「琉球鄉生態交通系統規劃」,著手建設琉球鄉朝「低碳之島」的理想邁進,推廣低耗能輕污染私人運具,宣導一般社會大眾以電動機車、電動自行車環島整個琉球鄉,並研究使用清潔燃料或電動巴士等低汚染交通工具之可行性,以及淘汰現有燃油機車、柴油大客車等有害健康之運具。(5)鼓勵高污染老舊車輛及二行程機車汰舊換新併新購電動機車:依據「屏東縣辦理淘汰老舊二行程機車申請補助原則」及「屏東縣高污染老舊二行程機車汰舊換新購買電動機車補助原則」,針對二行程機車汰舊車主提供補助獎勵金,每輛補助新台幣1,500元,汰舊二行程機車換購電動機車,每輛補助新台幣3,000元,以加速本縣老舊二行程機車淘汰速率,達到HC與CO減量之目標。(6)增進檢驗站檢測品質:a.加強「機車排氣檢驗站管理系統」功能,有效且可立即檢示檢驗站檢測結果。b.加強檢驗站標準氣體查核比對工作及檢驗站定期查核作業,以確保檢驗站之檢測品質及數據合理性。c.針對檢測不合格率偏高(不合格率大於30%)或不合格率偏低(不合格率小於3%)之檢驗站,採不定期查核方式查核,並實施實車查核,以提昇檢驗站品質。d.修正並落實「屏東縣機車排氣檢驗站認可及管理要點」規定,淘汰素質不佳之定檢站,提昇定檢站整體服務品質。(7)發揮本縣定檢站聯誼會及各廠牌服務站功效:為提昇本縣機車定檢到檢率,有效管理並提昇機車排氣檢驗站素質,除每季應辦理一次「機車排氣檢驗站輔導廠商(4大機車廠牌服務站及定檢站聯誼會)」座談會外,並藉由定檢站力量加強定檢觀念之宣導。 由於本縣停車熄火措施以宣導與業者自我管理為主,但因無強制力,雖然本團隊仍持續於宣導停車熄火觀念,期望停車熄火措施建立在業者與民眾的日常生活習慣。未來本縣應擬訂地方自治條例,以建立執法之依據與工具,並協調縣府以相關租賃管理契約以約束業者行為。 加強老舊機車汰舊作業,烏賊車在蒐證過程中,常遇到民眾抱怨,機車已通過排氣檢驗,但還是會排放出黑煙或是白煙,調修後情況還是一樣未改善;另外,在未定檢查核作業亦發現老舊機車是定檢率無法大幅提升的原因之一,因此建議未來應加強對老舊機車之管制及汰舊補助宣導作業,並積極研擬經濟誘因以加速老舊車輛汰換速率。 由攔檢作業執行成果發現,攔檢已定檢不合格率明顯低於攔檢未定檢不合格率,尤其二行程機車之不合格率減少約16%,而攔檢未定檢之二行程機車每攔檢4輛機車就有1台不合格,相較於四行程而言,二行程機車的污染問題相當嚴重。本縣目前二行程機車與四行程機車比例約為1:3,因此建議明年度計畫應提高二行程機車攔檢作業比例,攔檢二行程機車與四行程機車比例以2:3為原則,並針對攔檢不合格之二行程機車,全數寄發限期改善通知,若車主仍未完成定檢者,立即予以告發處分,迫使其淘汰二行程機車。 由未定檢機車車牌辨識系統稽查作業執行成果得知,回檢率較低之鄉鎮(回檢率低於80%)如恆春鎮及萬巒鄉等,及未定檢機車巡查作業執行成果得知,回檢率較低之鄉鎮(回檢率低於70%)如恆春鎮、高樹鄉、枋寮鄉及里港鄉等,明年度計畫應針對上述回檢率較低之鄉鎮加強稽查頻率及未定檢機車告發處分作業,藉以提升整體執行成效。並建議明年度計畫應分析未定檢機車稽查執行成果,於巡查作業執行上將分析「路邊拍照未定檢機車執行成果」與「路邊未定檢機車抄牌(巡查掛單)執行成果」,以比較兩者執行成果之到檢率,作為未來執行稽查作業上參考依據。 明年度計畫應持續針對本縣8所大專院校及觀光地區之免費宣導檢測各項宣導措施,主動提供機車定檢服務,以增加民眾對機車排氣定檢制度之了解,進而樂於主動配合定檢。 電動機車在小琉球之試運行經驗,試乘過之民眾對於電動機車之環保性與方便性皆持肯定。但是現有電動機車之補助經費尚偏低,民眾目前購車替換意願尚不高,應提供更有利之誘因。而為使電動機車在小琉球之熱潮得以延續,擴大民眾之接受度,並驗證各類型電動機車之性能與穩定性。未來應再持續辦理試運行,並對電動機車示範運行後之車況、電池狀況等進行分析,評估其是否適應小琉球地形氣候。此外,針對小琉球推動電動機車需克服之法令障礙及技術瓶頸,建議邀集電動機車業者、租車業者及公所人員辦理座談會,討論市場誘因機制與相關配合方案,以評估電動機車之經濟效益和環境效益,並作為研訂小琉球長期推動電動機車之推動策略依據。未來於琉球鄉推動電動車與電動機車示範運行計畫,可將琉球鄉劃為企業實境試驗區,並爭取廠商進駐琉球鄉設置販售點與維修站。由於機車電池規格未統一,各廠牌電池無法彼此交換使用,建議由機車廠商在島上設置電池拆換站或抽換站,結合維修保養站,提供島上維修、保養、電池拆換或抽換服務。為提高廠商進駐意願,公部門可提供進駐廠商土地與水電補助,廠商則提供人力、器具等基礎服務站的硬軟體設備,降低廠商進駐成本。 從明(100)年1月1日起,將現行機車出廠滿三年以上每年須定檢一次規定,調整為新車出廠5年內免檢,滿5年機車每年須定檢一次,且環保署目前已將不合格機車複驗補助取消,鑑於此,明年度將宣導車主先進行機車保養維護再實施排氣定期檢驗,即所謂保養與檢驗合一制度,以達到污染減量目的。另針對定檢站將加強查核有無落實機車調修作業,促使檢驗站落實維修工作,以進一步提升機車排氣定期檢驗成效。 目前監理單位仍無法正確掌握目前實際使用車輛數,造成環保單位列管污染車輛困難度增加,在監理單位尚未清查全國汽機車數量排除無法定檢之車籍數前,應加強「取消機車排氣檢測通知申請單」隨文寄發車主,以有效剔除無效車籍,如此才能正確掌握應到檢車輛數及寄達定檢通知單,減少實際列管的機車數量。
中文關鍵字 屏東縣政府環境保護局;裕山環境工程股份有限公司;Environment Protection Bureau, Pintung County;Yuh-Shan Environment Engineering Co., Ltd.


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 7660 千元
專案開始日期 2010/03/10 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 陳滄欣
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇莉雯 執行單位 裕山環境工程股份有限公司


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期末報告 全文.pdf 98MB

Project of inspecting and regulating moving pollutants---activity blueprint for checking, propagating and exhorting not to discharge too much exhaust of motorcycles

英文摘要 Pingtung County, 99 year inspection and control mobile sources of pollution program - motorcycle exhaust cum propaganda activities detected from the Program to 99 years after signing the contract on March 10 to 99 years begin on December 31 the implementation of results, pending completion of a total of locomotive inspection inspectors back to check 25,154 vehicles, the completion rate of 100.0%; monthly vehicle data screening Failing to check the implementation of motorcycle exhaust be notified to review documents sent 5,000 copies, 53,099 copies were sent to complete the rate of 100.0%; motorcycle intercept operations 1,027 vehicles, the completion rate of 100.0%; motorcycle emissions testing job for free 1,113 units, 100.0% completion rate; inspection stations on a regular basis to check 5 times, the completion rate of 100%, from time to time to check inspection stations 40 stations, the completion rate of 100.0%, standard gas check more than 122 points on the job, the completion rate of 100.0%, motorcycle exhaust inspection stations that will go through a field of education, completion rate of 100.0%, motorcycle emission test station business forum for 4 games, the completion rate of 100.0%; printed and sent postcards given 13 months notice inspection; the main roads of the county traffic flow, average speed and traffic patterns survey; to assist the EPA reported cases dealing with the public, for eliminating the old two-stroke motorcycles and motor vehicles newly acquired operations and build the death audit vehicle database. Locomotive periodic inspection by the data analysis to review the overall situation townships, villages and towns to review the situation better for the Banten village (81.35%), Pingtung City (80.09%) and Linluo Township (75.43%), only to set the inspection station Hengchun township has poor detection rate, high trees, Fangliao and other towns to check Wanluan relatively low rate. Test vehicles are mainly still Sanyang, Gwangyang, three Yamaha brand motorcycles mainly to Yamaha brand motorcycles were up 96,949, a total of three brands of the number of 246,851 motorcycles were detected, accounting for 94.19% of the test quantity more. The concentration of pollutant emissions motorcycle brands CO or HC are both Vespa, Yongfeng label the amount of pollution emissions higher than the Ya-long motorcycle Sanyang and the amount of pollution emissions low. The average concentration of CO emission: the two-stroke, the average emission concentration of 3.14%, four stroke, the average emission concentration of 1.78%. HC average emission concentration: the average emission concentration of two-stroke 5,798 ppm, four stroke, the average emission concentration of 673ppm. The average emissions of CO and HC concentration, begin with two-stroke high, especially the emission of HC, the average concentration of about 8.62 times higher than the four stroke. Total operating on the intercept test motorcycles seized 557 motorcycles were undecided, is scheduled to 470 motorcycles were seized motorcycles, 1,027 motorcycles were both together, and intercepted uncertain inspection failure rate of 26.56% two-stroke motorcycles, and intercepted pending review of the four-stroke 8.49% failure rate of motorcycle, and intercepted pending review of the overall average failure rate of 14.72%. Intercept is scheduled to review the failure rate of 10.12% two-stroke motorcycles, and intercepted the scheduled four-stroke motorcycles inspection failure rate of 2.29%, and intercepted the overall average has been scheduled inspection failure rate of 3.41%. Another brand of the motorcycle, vehicle age and stroke motorcycles intercept other pollutants emitted from the work that cross-comparison, CO emission concentration, the more than 10 years two, four stroke motorcycles to emissions Briar higher concentration of long-standing brands. Vehicle age 2-4 years two, four stroke motorcycles to better performance Gwangyang locomotive; HC emission levels, the average HC emissions of two stroke motorcycles over 10 years of concentration to discharge the highest concentration of Yamaha motorcycles; to two-stroke 2-4 years the lowest concentration of Gwangyang locomotive emissions, four-stroke motorcycles HC average emission concentration of more than 10 years old locomotive emissions than the highest concentration of Fortune; to four-stroke motorcycle emission concentration 2-4 Nianguang Yang minimum. 122 Point Inspection Station, regular checks have been completed five times, checking the result of which the circulation off, testing motorcycle parking area, supplies replacement and sampling tubes Failing to situations such as loss of more dirty, and then review the missing have been significantly improved. The aspect ratio of the standard gas check inspection stations are in compliance with 122 requirements. To 99 years by the end of November only, Pingtung County motorcycle exhaust regular inspection to check rates were 61.72% (regression vehicle registration) and 54.08% (according to inspection stations), the overall average of 25 counties are ranked 20. With the calendar year, regardless of nationality or by car in regression testing stations to enhance the detection rate were 1% to 2% or more. Provided by EPA emission reductions of pollutants transport coefficient estimates of the project execution to the end of November this year, pollutant emission reductions in NMHC part is 256.58 tons / year, in part to 1,196.05 tons CO / yr . Plan for implementation next year to enhance the effectiveness of the direction can be divided into the following seven tasks: (1) enhance the rate of approach to the examination: a. a lower detection rate for the locomotives to the town (such as the Hengchun, high trees, Fangliao, etc.) to strengthen inspection operations, enhance its regular inspection to the detection rate. b. continue to send documents pending notification locomotive inspection, and will "cancel notify the applicant in a single vehicle emission testing" with the text sent to the owner, effectively removing the invalid vehicle registration, should be to correctly grasp the number of vehicles seized. c. the implementation of inspection stations in remote townships is not set adoption program inspection stations to facilitate the inspection station is not set town of about 60,000 motorcycle owners for inspection, testing stations effectively enhance the township is not set to check rates. d. use of various types of media continue to educate the public and the importance of the concept of regular inspections motorcycle, motorcycle exhaust to increase the public on the understanding of scheduled inspection system, and then be happy to take the initiative to meet the inspection, the effective reduction of motorcycle emissions. e. Strengthening denounced sanctions pending review locomotive operations, the implementation by public authority and urge owners to make regular inspections of work locomotive. (2) motorcycle touring colleges programs scheduled inspection services: a. compiling the list of colleges and universities in Pingtung County. b. advocacy document sent to the school management units. c. arrangements for motorcycle inspection stations pending adoption inspection services institutions. d. arrangements for every 2 months to inspect each. To enhance the student group to the detection rate. (3) high-polluting vehicle control programs: regular monthly check exchange tuning failed retest not completed the list of qualified improvements notice period, effectively improve the re-inspection pass rate and pollutant reductions, this can effectively control the situation to improve high-polluting vehicles , if the vehicle has been unable to improve further, eliminating the old propaganda vehicle owners to accelerate the replacement of polluting vehicles. (4) less polluting vehicles and promote the use of clean fuels work: with the Pingtung County government building at the Traffic Division for the city of Okinawa Prefecture Tourist village for "eco-town transportation system planning Okinawa," Okinawa town proceed to build towards the "low-carbon of the island" ideal forward, to promote low energy light pollution of private vehicles, public awareness to the general public motor vehicles, electric bicycles around the island throughout the Ryukyu village, and the use of clean fuel or electric buses, the feasibility of low-pollution vehicles, and out of the existing locomotive fuel, diesel buses and other harmful health modes. (5) to encourage high-polluting older vehicles and replace older two-stroke motorcycles and the newly purchased motor vehicles: According to the "Pingtung County to apply for grants out of the old principle of two stroke motorcycles" and "pollution of the old two-stroke, Pingtung County replace older locomotives to purchase motor vehicle subsidy principle ", for eliminating the old two-stroke motorcycle owners to provide incentive grants, each of NT 1,500 million, eliminating the redemption of the old two-stroke motorcycle motor vehicles, each of NT 3,000 million, to accelerate the rate of the county out of the old two-stroke motorcycles to reach the goal of HC and CO reduction. (6) improve the quality of inspection and testing stations: a. strengthening the "motorcycle exhaust inspection station management system" function, effective, and immediately seized the test results show inspection stations. b. enhance the standard gas check inspection stations and inspection stations than on regular checks of work operations to ensure quality testing stations and data reasonableness test. c. the high failure rate for the test (failure rate greater than 30%) or low failure rate (failure rate of less than 3%) of the inspection stations, mining methods from time to time check verification, and implementation of real vehicle inspection, to improve the quality of inspection stations. d. revise and implement the "Pingtung County motorcycle exhaust and the Management of inspection stations approved" provisions and eliminate poor quality of the inspection station, inspection station to enhance the overall service quality. (7) The potential of the county inspection station Service Station Association and the brand effect: To enhance the inspection of the county determined to check rate of motorcycle, motorcycle exhaust effectively manage and improve the quality of inspection stations, except on a quarterly basis should apply for a "locomotive emission gas inspection stations encouraging firms (4 big brand motorcycle inspection station service station and Association) "outside the forum, and through the inspection station on strengthening the concept of regular inspections of the promotion. As the county parking stall measures to promotions and industry-based self-management, but not enforceable, although the team continued to stall on the concept of propaganda parking, parking stall measures to establish expectations in the industry and the people's daily habits. The future, the county should develop local self-government regulations to establish a basis for law enforcement with the tools and coordination of the relevant lease management contract with the county government to restrict the industry behavior. Strengthen the old locomotives replace our old jobs, squid car in the process of gathering evidence, and often encounter people complained, the locomotive has passed the emission test, but still emit black smoke or white smoke, the situation is the same tune after repair is not improved; In addition, pending inspection of nuclear operations in the old locomotive was also found not significantly enhance the detection rate given one of the reasons, therefore recommend the development of the control of old locomotives and replace old subsidy propaganda operations, and actively develop economic incentives to accelerate the rate of replacement of old vehicles. Operating results of the implementation by the intercept found and intercepted the failure rate is significantly lower than the regular inspection pending inspection failure rate of intercept, in particular, the failure rate of two-stroke motorcycles by about 16%, while the intercept of the stroke motorcycles seized every undecided and intercepted four locomotive units have a failure, compared with four-stroke, the stroke motorcycles of the pollution problem is very serious. The county is currently stroke motorcycles and four-stroke motorcycles ratio is about 1:3, it is proposed to be increased next year plan operations intercept the proportion of stroke motorcycles, and intercepted two-stroke motorcycles and four-stroke motorcycles in proportion to the 2:3 principle and failure for the intercept of two stroke motorcycles, all notifications sent to the deadline for improvements, if the owners who have not completed the regular inspection, immediately denounced sanctions, to force them out of stroke motorcycles. Pending review by the motorcycle license plate recognition system that inspection results of the implementation work, back to the township lower detection rate (detection rate of return below 80%) as town and Wanluan Hengchun Township, and seized motorcycle patrol operations pending results of the implementation was know, back to the township lower detection rate (detection rate of return less than 70%) as the town of Hengchun, high trees Township, Ligang Township Fangliao Township and, next year plans to be back for the lower rate by strengthening the inspection of township locomotive inspection frequency and denounced sanctions pending operations in order to enhance the effectiveness of the overall implementation. And suggested that plans should be analyzed next year pending review the implementation of locomotive inspection results will be analyzed in the implementation of inspection operations, "Roadside camera review pending the implementation of results locomotive" and "copy-street motorcycle license pending inspection (inspection of pending order) the implementation of results" to compare the results of the implementation of the detection rate, as the future implementation of the inspection operation on the reference. Project should be continued for the next year eight tertiary institutions and the county tourism promotion test free area of the promotion measures, given the initiative to provide locomotive inspection services to increase the public on motorcycle exhaust the understanding of scheduled inspection system, and then happy take the initiative in setting inspection. Motor vehicle in the small Ryukyu experience running the test, test car had the people of environmental protection for the motor and the convenience of holding both positive. However, funding for the existing motor vehicle subsidy is still low, people will replace the current car is still not buy high, should provide incentives for more favorable. And for the motor vehicle of the fever in a small continuation of the Ryukyu, expanding level of public acceptance and validation of various types of motor vehicle performance and stability. The future should continue to process and then try running, and running the motor vehicle after vehicle model status, battery status, etc. to conduct analysis, to assess whether small Ryukyu topography, climate adaptation. In addition, for small Ryukyu drive motor vehicles to overcome the Act obstacles and technical bottlenecks, proposals invited the motor car industry, car rental industry and the hall staff to process the forum to discuss the market incentives and related with the program, to assess the motor vehicles of the economic benefits and environmental benefits, and as research provides little to promote the motor vehicle Ryukyu the promotion of long-term strategic basis. Ryukyu village in the future to promote electric vehicles and motor vehicle running demonstration projects can be classified as a rural enterprise Ryukyu reality test area, and stationed in the Ryukyu for vendors selling point of rural settings and maintenance station. Because no uniform standard motorcycle battery, the battery can not be exchanged using the brand recommended by the motorcycle manufacturer in the island setting Removable battery swap station or stations, with station maintenance, providing the island repair, maintenance, batteries, replace them or swap service . Stationed in order to improve the company will provide more companies enter the public sector land and water and electricity subsidies, manufacturers will provide manpower, equipment and other basic services, hardware and software equipment, station, stationed in reducing the cost of manufacturers. From the Ming (100) on January 1, the locomotive factory for over three years will present periodic inspection once a year to be provided, adjust the exemption for the new car factory 5 years, 5 years Locomotive periodic inspection once annually, and the EPD subsidies have failed to cancel the reinspection locomotive, in view of this, owners of the next year will be carried out propaganda and then implementation of the motorcycle exhaust periodic maintenance inspection, maintenance and testing so-called one system to achieve the pollution reduction goal. The other will strengthen the inspection station for checking whether the implementation of the locomotive of the adjusting operation, maintenance work to promote the implementation of inspection stations to further enhance the effectiveness of motorcycle exhaust regular inspection. Supervision unit still does not present the correct understanding of the current number of vehicles actually used, resulting in polluting vehicles regulated by environmental agencies to increase the difficulty, the national inventory in the supervision unit has not yet ruled out the number of cars and motorcycles can not be fixed before the inspection of the vehicle registration number, should strengthen the "Cancel Motorcycle Exhaust testing notification application form "with the text sent to the owner in order to effectively remove invalid vehicle registration, so that it can correctly grasp the number of vehicles should be seized and delivery to the regular inspection notice, reduce the number of actual tube of the motorcycle.
英文關鍵字 Environment Protection Bureau, Pintung County;Yuh-Shan Environment Engineering Co., Ltd.