

中文摘要 臺南機場航空噪音防制區依據噪音管制法規定,臺南市政府應劃定公告轄境內各級航空噪音防制區,並應每兩年檢討公告。而有鑑於臺南市於民國100年與臺南縣合併升格為直轄市,且距上次公告至今即屆滿二年。原臺南市及臺南縣轄區內之航空噪音防制區劃定範圍應合併重新檢討,俾利未來全市噪音管制措施之執行。本計畫將檢討修正現行公告的結果,並舉辦公告閱覽說明會與民眾進行劃定依據之說明與溝通,完成臺南市航空噪音防制區檢討、公告作業。 本計畫分析結果決議臺南機場先依原臺南市98年航空噪音防制區公告範圍,併增原臺南縣95年度公告範圍,修正縣市合併行政區域名稱進行公告之;而歸仁基地決議依97年度防制區範圍修正行政區域名稱後公告100年度航空噪音防制區。
中文關鍵字 臺南市、臺南機場、歸仁基地、航空噪音防制區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 620 千元
專案開始日期 2011/01/03 專案結束日期 2011/10/31 專案主持人 黎武東
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭秀雯 執行單位 勤崴國際科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 臺南市航空噪音案-期末報告定稿_1211(合併).pdf 16MB

The Review of The Delimitation of Noise Control Zones under the Tainan Special Municipality Government in Republic Year 99.

英文摘要 The Noise Control Act demands the Tainan Special Municipality Government to delimit the noise control zones for Tainan Airport and to review the delimitation every two years. For the reasons that The Tainan City and Tainan County merge and form the Tainan Special Municipality Government in the Republic Year 100, and the delimitation of the current noise control zones has been implemented for two years; The Tainan Special Municipality Government is asked to review the current delimitation of noise control zones and to make a new one suitable for the special municipality. This plan not only held workshops to communicate with the public regarding the new delimitation of noise control zones, but also help the Tainan Special Municipality Government review and correct the new delimitation of noise control zones for The Noise Control Act compliance. The conclusion of this plan suggests that the announced delimitation of noise control zones under The Tainan Special Municipality Government for the Tainan Airport should include both the delimitation of noise control zones of Tainan City announced in Republic Year 98 and the delimitation of noise control zones of Tainan County announced in Republic Year 95. The conclusion of this plan also suggests that the delimitation of noise control zones for Guiren Airbase under The Tainan Special Municipality Government should be implemented as the delimitation of noise control zones for Guiren Airbase announced in Republic Year 97 by the Tainan County.
英文關鍵字 Tainan City, Tainan Airport, Guiren Airbase, Noise Control Zones.