

中文摘要 於99年9月30日辦理室內空氣品質宣導說明會1場次,並印製宣導手冊500份及海報100份,加強公共場所之宣導。100年1月25日針對公共場所辦理室內空氣品質自主管理說明會1場次。 篩選42處公共場所進行CO2直讀式儀器巡檢,以第一類8家超標最多(4家高中職、4家幼稚園);第二類則無場所有超標情形。 進一步篩選5處公共場所進行環保署公告方法檢測調查(除上述8項檢測項目外,另再包括細菌、真菌及濕度,共計11項)。根據檢測數據之結果,5處公共場所台南市私立德光幼稚園超標項目為臭氧及PM10;台南高級海事水產職業學校則為細菌、真菌及臭氧。 為推動室內空氣品質自主管理標章制度,本計畫舉辦1場次室內空品專責人員訓練班;輔導20處公共場所撰寫自主管理計畫書;並安排10處專家學者現場巡檢及修正計畫書。建立10處公共場所IAQ應變及通報計畫書。 公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理分級標章共計106家場所符合資格,分別為一二顆星82家、三顆星18家、四顆星5家及五顆星1家。本計畫於100年7月27日邀請市長授獎予達四顆星以上場所以資表揚,並於100年8月4日舉行教育宣導會。 彙整分析國內各縣市近2年內公共場所IAQ污染案件,依公共場所各類別污染案件統計,其中以學校及教育場所污染案件138件為最多,佔45%;若依室內空氣品質污染案件之測項統計,其中以二氧化碳105件(34%)為最多。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質、室內空氣品質建議值、直讀式儀器、公告方法


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 871 千元
專案開始日期 2010/08/16 專案結束日期 2011/08/15 專案主持人 吳庭年
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃烱棋 執行單位 崑山科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 南市期末報告(公開版).pdf 1MB

2010 Project on Improvement of Indoor Air Quality at Tainan City

英文摘要 The explanatory meeting on the autonomous management and improvement technology of indoor air quality (IAQ) was held on September 30, 2010. In order to enhance advertisement, 500 advertising brochures and 100 posters were prepared. Another explanatory meeting on autonomous IAQ management was held on January 25, 2011. In this project, 42 public locations were selected for CO2 detection as IAQ screening. The results showed that 8 public locations in Category 1 exceeded Taiwan EPA suggested IAQ threshold, and all public locations in Category 2 met the suggested IAQ threshold. Based on IAQ detection of the screened public locations, 5 public locations were chosen for the detailed IAQ measurement by the EPA standard methods. The results showed that Deguang Kindergarten exceeded the suggested IAQ threshold on O3 and PM10, and National Tainan Senior Marine Fishery Vocational School exceeded the suggested IAQ threshold on bacteria, fungi and O3. In order to initiate Tainan City’s five-star label ranking system for autonomous IAQ management, a short course for IAQ specialists was held in Kun Shan University. The project team has tutored 20 IAQ specialists at public locations to complete their autonomous IAQ management proposals, and assigned IAQ experts to on-site review and modify 10 autonomous IAQ management proposals. The project team also established 10 IAQ emergency and response proposals of public locations to reduce health impact by IAQ incidents. There are 106 public locations involved in Tainan City’s five-star label ranking system for autonomous IAQ management. Label ranking showed 82 public locations in one-star or two-star, 18 public locations in three-star, 5 public locations in four-star, and 1 public locations in five-star levels. The five-star and the four-star medals were awarded to the organizations by Mayer Lai of Tainan City in the awarding ceremony on July 27, 2011. The thee-star, the two-star, and the one-star certificate were sent to the organizations during the explanatory meeting on August 4, 2011. The reported IAQ pollution cases at public locations were collected in these two years. Based on statistical data, 45% of IAQ pollution cases occurred at schools and educational locations. According to the classification of measured IAQ items, IAQ pollution cases were often caused by CO2 (34%).
英文關鍵字 indoor air quality, the suggested IAQ threshold, direct detection apparatus, EPA standard method