

中文摘要 鑒於國家環境整潔及視覺觀瞻需進一步全面提升,環保署認為各政府機關應以宏觀視野整體配合,並結合中央與地方群力積極推動,方可有成。而本計畫之主要目的即為協助環保署研訂全國環境衛生及美質綱要計畫,協調並督促各級相關機關加強施政計畫之環境衛生及美質評估及改善,以推展環境整潔及提昇環境美質的相關事宜。本計畫之執行期間自民國99年4月起至99年12月止,主要之工作成果包括:(1)藉由相關文獻之蒐集、彙整與評析,提出我國未來環境衛生及美質促進之可行性策略及相關配套措施之規劃,其資料包括美國、英國、德國、日本及新加坡等國家環境衛生及美質推動、執行與管理維護措施,以及國內近期所推動之相關計畫與執行成果(2)建構可行之環境衛生及美質現況調查作業辦法,並依照此作業辦法進行國內北部及中南部地區之環境衛生及美質現況調查踏勘,彙整提出各地區或各類分區普遍存在的課題,並研擬相關因應策略與配套措施(3)於北中、南、東區辦理共計16場之相關會議,與會對象包括相關政府機關、協會、學術單位及民意團體等,以廣納各方之意見與看法(4)研擬「全國環境衛生及美質綱要計畫」、直轄市、縣市政府層級之「環境衛生及美質經營計畫」以及中央相關部會層級之「環境衛生及美質推行計畫」的計畫內容草案與相關配套措施規劃。
中文關鍵字 環境衛生;環境美質;綱要計畫


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-J101-02-101 經費年度 099 計畫經費 4900 千元
專案開始日期 2010/04/21 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 王秀娟
主辦單位 方案整合辦公室(停用) 承辦人 周金柱 執行單位 中華民國永續發展學會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-99-J101-02-101.pdf 34MB

National Framework Plan on Environmental Sanitation and Aesthetics

英文摘要 Due to the need to improve our national environmental sanitation and visual esthetics, EPA has realized that all related governmental agencies of national level as well as at local level have to work together diligently and adjust their internal operational procedures in order for our society as a whole to meet our common national goals, sparkling clean and visually pleasant environment. The goal of this project is assist EPA to formulate 「National Environmental Sanitation and Esthetic Quality framework program and plan」, and to coordinate related governmental agencies of all levels to enhance environmental sanitation , esthetical and visual quality which are the results of execution their legally authorized duties. The contracted period of this project started in April of 2010, and will be finished before the end of December of the same year. The major accomplishments of this project include as follows: (1)After reviewing and analyzing information related to environmental sanitation and esthetic improvements and related management and maintenance methods from US, England, Germany, Japan and Singapore, feasible strategies and related plan to improve our national sanitation and visual qualities have been proposed. (2)Methodologies related to existing station inventory of environmental sanitation and esthetic quality have been suggested. Sample sites located at the north, central and south part of Taiwan have been used to test our suggested methodologies, issues related to each classification area have been analyzed, and problem solving methods have also been proposed. (3) Related governmental agencies, NGOs, academic units, opinion leaders and related bodies are invited to participate at sixteen related meetings located at north, central, south and east part of Taiwan. All their opinion have been called, analyzed and if possible, included into our report. (4) proposed criteria related to the draft of 「National Environmental Sanitation and Esthetic Quality Framework Plan」(to be carried out by lead agency at national level), 「Environmental Sanitation and Esthetic Quality management Plan」(to be carried out by local government), 「Environmental Sanitation and Esthetic Quality Improvement Plan」(to be carried out by related agencies at national level) have also been submitted.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Sanitation;Environment Aesthetics;Framework