

中文摘要 鑑於水中新興污染物的議題逐漸受到重視,本計畫執行目的在於評估飲用水水源與水質中之新興污染物對於人體潛在之健康影響,並評析其於淨水場之處理效能及淨水後水質現況。本計畫蒐集美國環保署第三階段污染物候選清單 (US EPA CCL3)、國外飲用水水質已(待)列管污染物調查、國內外文獻、高科技產業製程常用之製程原料等相關資料,且根據專家學者諮詢會議之建議,初步建立37項高科技產業排放污染物清單並彙整其毒理資料庫,以供主管機關作為是否列入飲用水水質標準之參考依據。 為調查國內飲用水水源與水質中新興污染物之流佈,本計畫第一年水質採樣分析工作針對新竹科學園區及中部科學工業園區鄰近之6座淨水場,分別為新竹湳雅淨水廠、新竹第一淨水廠、新竹新埔淨水廠、新竹芎林淨水廠、新竹寶山淨水廠及台中鯉魚潭給水廠進行原水及清水採樣,以及新竹縣霄裡溪流域、鳳山溪相關淨水場取水口上下游、客雅溪流域上下游之河川水體11處採樣點與供應民眾使用之2處民井水質進行檢測。結果顯示三次採樣分析中於各淨水場原水多未能檢出揮發性有機物質;金屬元素分析部份,6個淨水場原水之一般性溶解性金屬元素分析並未檢出顯著濃度之金屬物種。 計畫執行期間共計召開三專家諮詢會,針對管制清單項目、資料庫建置、淨水場及河川水體採樣等進行討論。計畫團隊對各專家學者所提各項建議亦多加以採納執行。第三次諮詢會並針對環保署歷年計畫所建議應優先列管項目進行探討,並對5種鹵乙酸及揮發性有機物項目建議環保署儘速列入管制項目。
中文關鍵字 飲用水,新興污染物;飲用水水質標準、新興污染物、待列管污染物清單、健康風險評估


專案計畫編號 EPA-U1J1-02-101 經費年度 099 計畫經費 2216 千元
專案開始日期 2010/02/09 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 王根樹
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 施雯玲 執行單位 國立台灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-99-U1J1-02-101 - 期末報告.pdf 2MB

The Survey and Health Risk Assessment of Emerging Contaminants in Water Sources and Drinking Water

英文摘要 Due to the potential health concerns of emerging contaminants in water, the EPA of Taiwan launched a four-year project entitled “Health Risk assessment of emerging contaminants in water sources and treated drinking water” to assess the potential contaminants in drinking water and the potential health effect from the emerging contaminants. This study searched and collected information from Contaminant Candidate List 3 developed by US EPA, the regulated and unregulated contaminants from international societies like WHO, the literatures punlished in academic journals and the recommendations from the Expert Panelists, finally 37 potential candidate contaminants from the high-tech industries were evaluated and recommended to be included in the candidates list. In order to investigate the occurrences of emerging contaminants in drinking water, the raw water and finished water samples were taken from six water treatment plants, which were located near the Hsinchu and Central Taiwan Science Parks. Furthermore, the river and groundwater samples from Xiao-Li River, Fengshan River, and Keya River were also collected and analyzed. The results showed that the concentration of VOCs was insignificant in the water sources of the six water treatment plants. Several metals were also identified in the source water samples of the treatment plants but only appeared at trace concentrations. During the study, three Panelists Meetings were called and several related subjects were discussed. The panelists approved the nominations of the 37 potential contaminants from the high-tech industries and asked for further investigations for those contaminants. In addition, the third panelists meeting urged the Taiwan EPA to regulate the 5 HAAs and several VOCs in the drinking water.
英文關鍵字 Drinking water quality standards、emerging contaminants、contaminant candidates list、health risk assessment