

中文摘要 本計畫『99年度雲林縣低碳示範城市競逐遴選計畫』作為雲林縣在面對全球氣候變遷及麥寮六輕汙染等環境議題下-邁向永續低碳城鄉發展一項重要的委託研究,顯然是對於當前全球性氣候變遷、都市發展趨勢以及地方重要課題的回應。 雲林縣低碳城鄉發展,其生態城市的核心內涵必須回歸到都市空間環境品質的表現上。追求減碳的最終目標,並非建築物理環境及建築設備效應的加總,而是生活方式(對於物質應用方式)改變的綜合成果,透過人類生活方式的改變,使人類需求與自然環境維持最佳化的關係。 生態城市空間環境品質的訴求,因此以城市環境不可替代的自明性為綱,以幸福感的追求為領,探討都市居民與自然資源環境之間在空間環境中最適化的表現,營造舒適幸福的低碳生活,由環境最佳化的控制、最小生態足跡的控制、減碳設計的控制、水資源零排放、廢棄物零輸出、再生能源運用以及熱的控制,滿足自然控制的手法。最適化的自然資源(風、水、空氣、能源、…等)利用的地景表現,最有效率資源利用的空間關係及組織,具有歷史與文化承傳之不可替代自明性的空間表現,多元性與多樣性文化與社會生活表現的空間載體,最大化的社會民眾參與等,成為生態城市中都市空間品質追求的主要目標。
中文關鍵字 低碳城市,溫室氣體減量,生態足跡


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 1950 千元
專案開始日期 2010/11/26 專案結束日期 2011/08/31 專案主持人 曾梓峰
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 徐尉晏 執行單位 國立高雄大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA84J1020906.pdf 0MB
英文摘要 This competition project is a critical research for Yunlin County in response to a series of environmental issues including global climate change, urban development and Formosa Plastics' petrochemical complex pollution. This will be an important action of Yunlin County moving towards sustainable and low-carbon urban development. The core content of ecological city Yunlin will be presented by the environmental quality of urban spaces. The ultimate purpose of the pursuit of low-carbon development lies not in the summation of effects from physical buildings and facilities, but in the synergy resulting from changing ways of living and the approach of applying materials. Through such transformation, an optimal balance between demands form human beings and natural environment would be attained. The irreplaceable identity of urban environment and pursuit of happiness are two important aspects of ecological city to interpret the following actions: optimal performance of spatial configuration between urban inhabitants and natural resources, building sense of happiness and low-carbon style of living, optimal control of environment, control of minimum ecological footprint, control of low-carbon design, zero waste water discharge, zero waste output, control of renewable energy and heat...etc. In this sense, the main objectives of ecological city in pursuit of urban qualities are: to create the landscape utilizing natural resources (wind, water, air, energy…etc.) in best suitable way, to organize spatial relations with resources in most efficient approach, to create spaces that represent the cultural identity and historical heritage, to create spaces that serve as carriers of diversity and multi-cultural social living, and finally, to maximize the participation of citizens and the public during the process.
英文關鍵字 Low-Carbon City,Greenhouse Gas Reductions,Ecological footprint,Environmental issues including global climate change