

中文摘要 100年度已完成石化業查核22家,半導體業17家、光電業6家、塑膠業(含膠帶業)5家、油漆製造業5家、印刷電路板業7家、煤碳有機物煉製業1家、凹版印刷及凸版印刷業共2家、汽機車表面塗裝2家及乾洗業查核5家,共計查核工廠為72家。皆完成列管行業相關法規規範事項查核,當中發現有違反法令之虞工廠則現場立即要求廠方進行改善,其各列管工廠皆符合相關法規規範。查核定期更換耗材之活性碳部分,均符合操作許可證內容進行定期更換及紀錄。另執行一般巡查路線達150人日,巡查結果發現持續性臭味1級所佔比例最高,約佔總巡查數之74.7%。 計畫期間共執行22廠17,010個元件數檢測,其中有8廠家合格率達100%,然抽測發現87個洩漏元件中,以中油大林廠之17個洩漏元件為最高;中油高煉廠16個次之。目前87個洩漏元件均已修復,預估減量效果為12.64公噸/年。分析22家各工廠之元件排放量計算結果,為平均因子>漏與不漏>層次因子>相關方程式,約有10倍之差異。加油站執行100家油氣回收率(A/L比)及30家加油站油氣管線壓力衰減洩漏(氣漏檢測)之稽查檢測。A/L比檢測作業共抽測2,208支油槍,合格者2,131支,合格率約99.5%,針對檢測結果有缺失之業者進行追蹤改善後,估計可削減VOCs排放量達20.81公噸/年。 進行100年度列管各行業揮發性有機物排放量推估計算,以石化業排放量最大,約佔總排放量之58.9%;油漆製造業次之,佔總排放量約20.8%。 針對本市石化工業區、碼槽區及民眾陳情或關心區位之工廠進行FTIR周界或廠內監測作業3廠次,每廠次至少120小時之OP-FTIR監測作業。監測結果發現:(1)中石化小港廠濃度較高之污染物質包含1,3-丁二烯(120.13ppb)、鄰-二甲苯(289.23ppb)、環己烷(89.71ppb),另以環己烷出現頻率較高,1,3-丁二烯次之。根據污染玫塊圖推測風向判別污染源,其結果顯示多數污染物均指向環己酮工廠及測線周邊二甲苯儲槽和廢氣燃燒塔;(2)中油高煉廠測得高達11種物種,其中出現濃度最高之物質為乙烯(2172.61 ppb)及甲烷(2175.64 ppb)。根據污染玫塊圖推測風向判別污染源,其結果顯示多數污染物來自於廠內異構化製程程序、加氫裂解程序及加氫脫硫程序等,推測來源為異構化工廠及第二烷化工場之製程元件及呼吸閥有洩漏之虞。(3)中油大林廠測得高達13種物種,測得濃度較高之污染物質包含丁烷(744.39 ppb)、甲烷(378.6 ppb)、鄰二甲苯(174.05 ppb)、甲基第三丁基醚(173.27 ppb)、環己烷(144.7 ppb),其結果顯示多數污染物均指向輕油裂解/汽油摻配工場及測線周邊之廢氣燃燒塔。上述監測結果及搭配過去歷史申報資料針對中油大林廠、中油高煉廠及中石化小港廠進行減量輔導,並輔以委員現場查核及與廠方協商討論等程序,提供廠家揮發性有機物之減量對策。根據委員現場給予意見評估減量成效,三廠次共約減量345.27噸/年。計畫執行期間持續追蹤歷年減量輔導之工廠,已執行12家工廠追蹤改善進度,其總削減量約達182.79公噸/年。 計畫共執行6根次排放管道進行苯、甲苯及二甲苯定性定量檢測均符合法規規範;完成22廠30點次之周界官能測定,共2點次超標,佔總檢測比例約6.7%,另進行周界GC/MS成份分析5點次;完成6根次煙道異味檢測作業,共2根次超標,佔總檢測比例約33.3%。完成四座工業區 (臨海工業區、楠梓加工出口區、臨廣工業區及高雄出口區) 293廠家之指紋資料庫建置,其中包含製程使用原物料種類約1,748種;產品量與存放量約293種;執行之 VOCs煙道檢測6支、排放管道CC-FTIR監測20點次,合計約237種污染物。亦針對高風險污染源執行抽氣式FTIR監測作業之排放管道,執行共20點次檢測作業,以建置各工廠污染指紋資料。並篩選工業區下風處1公里以內社區、學校或醫院為敏感受體,並配合氣象條件進行 OP-FTIR於夏、冬二季之背景污染物監測作業以確認敏感受體背景污染物種、濃度範圍及來源風向。 以P-FTIR及CC-FTIR配合追蹤氣體進行Flare效率量測地面燃燒塔(A014)燃燒效率評估,A015高架燃燒塔進流廢氣中之總碳氫化合物的平均燃燒效率為80.8%。統計100年度各項工作管制成果,推估VOCs減量成效,達2047.72公噸/年。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物、臭味、空氣污染排放量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 2704.4 千元
專案開始日期 2010/07/07 專案結束日期 2012/07/06 專案主持人 陳美霞
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 羅憶琇 執行單位 環佑實業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99-100年揮發性有機物及臭味管理計畫 期末報告.pdf 19MB
英文摘要 This project has conducted air pollution source surveillance over 72 factories including 22 plants of petroleum industry, 17 plants of semiconductor industry, 6 plants of photoelectric industry, 5 plants of plastics (including adhesive tape) industry, 5 plants of paint manufacturing industry, 7 plants of printed circuit board industry, 1 plant of coal organic compound refinery industry, 2 plants of surface printing and gravure printing industry, 2 plants of car and motorcycle surface coating industry and 5 plants of dry cleaning industry. By following criteria of relevant regulations regarding to the controlled industries, all plants comply with relevant regulations, certain plants found to potentially breach the regulations were asked to make improvement immediately. In field surveillance, all plants were found to meet permit conditions in replacing activated carbon regularly for air pollution control devices. In 150 days of general odor inspections, 74.7% revealed to be odor degree 1. 17,010 process components from 22 plants have been tested, among which 8 plants’ results showed 100% compliance with standard. 87 tested process components exceeded leaking definition, 17 ones were accounted from CPC Da-Lin plant and 16 ones from CPC Kaohsiung plant. All of the 87 failed process components have been repaired and resulted in an emission reduction of 12.64 ton/year. After analyzing the emission amount of process components from 22 plants, the results revealed that average factor > leaking and tightness > layer factor > relevant formula which came up to 10 times differences. This project team has finished A/L ratio audit test on 100 gas stations, and pipeline pressure drop leak test on 30 ones. 2,208 gas guns have been tested, and the result showed 2,131 ones comply with standard, or 99.5% of compliance rate. The emission reduction resulted from improvements of the gas stations is 20.81 ton/year. This project has compiled emission inventory for VOCs polluters of 2010. The emission rate from petroleum industry is the highest and accounts for 58.9% of total emission in Kaohsiung City, the second is 20% from paint manufacturing industry. The fence-line VOCs monitoring of 3 petrochemical plants were investigated by Open-Path Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (OP-FTIR) at petrochemical industrial parks, port areas and complained areas for minimum 120 hours at each plant. The results from OP-FTIR monitoring are as follows: (1) Compounds such as 1,3-butadiene (120.13ppb), o-xylene (289.23ppb), cyclohexane (89.71ppb) were identified at the China Petrochemical Development Corporation (CPDC) Siaogang plant and the occurrence of propene had the highest frequency, the following was 1,3-butadiene. The pollution sources were presumed to come from the dimethylbenzene storage tank and nearby flares according to the pollution wind-rose diagram. (2) 11 VOC species were observed at CPC Kaohsiung Plant, compounds ethylene (2172.61ppb) and methane (2175.64ppb) were identified most frequently. The emission sources are presumably from the isomerization process, hydrocracking process and Hydrogen desulfurization process. The process components and the breather valves in the isomerization factory and the second alkylation factory were supposed to be the source of leakage. (3) 13 VOC species were observed at CPC Da-Lin Plant, Compounds butane (744.39ppb), methane (378.6ppb), 0-xylene (174.05ppb), tert-Butyl methyl ether (173.27ppb), cyclohexane (144.7ppb) were identified most frequently. The naphtha cracking/gasoline blending factory and the nearby flares were revealed to be the sources of pollutants. Emission reduction counseling was established against CPC Da-Lin plant, CPC Kaohsiung plant and CPDC Siaogang plant based on the inspection results and the previous declaration data, along with committee on-site inspection and consultation. The procedures provided the firms sufficient VOC reduction strategy. From the on-site assessment of the reduction efforts by the committee, the total reduction of VOC emissions reached 182.79 ton/year by tracking up the improvement of 12 plants. Benzene, toluene and xylene qualitative/quantitative analysis were carried out for exhaust ducts of 6 plants, and the results showed compliance with relevant standards. fence-line odor tests exceeded standard out of 30 points in 22 plants, two points were over the standards which accounts for 6.7%. Fence-line GC/MS compound analysis was carried out at 5 points. Odor tests were conducted over the 6 exhaust ducts and 2 of them exceeded the limit which accounted for 33.3% of the overall tests. Pollution fingerprint data bank for 293 plants in 4 industrial parks, including Lin-Hai Industrial Park, Nan-Zi Export Processing Zone, Lin-Guan Industrial Park and Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone, was compiled 1,748 materials and 293 products. 237 species of pollutants were found in 6 exhaust duct VOCs tests and 20 points of CC-FTIR monitoring. Pollution fingerprint data bank of high risk sources was compiled from the data of 20 extractive FTIR tests. OP-FTIR monitoring task verified pollutant species, concentration range and wind direction from pollution sources which located 1 km upwind of sensitive receptors such as communities, schools and hospitals in summer and winter. The average combustion efficiency of the overhead flare (A015) is 80.8% and is evaluated from the ground flare (A014) combustion efficiency which was calculated using P-FTIR optical remote sensing and CC-FTIR with tracer gas release techniques. Summing up the achievements of all tasks, it is estimated the reduction of VOCs emission would reach 2047.72 ton/year.
英文關鍵字 Volatile organic compounds, odor, air pollution emission